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Keywords: advising, written feedback, self-directed learning Advising in language learning is being recognized as a growing field within second and foreign language teaching and applied linguistics, with two books devoted to its theory... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEducational TechnologyLearner AutonomyLanguage Advising
Although learning advisors are often qualified teachers, the skills they apply, such as those discussed by Kelly (1996), require a significant shift in approach regarding interaction with students. As teachers reorient themselves to... more
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      Reflective PracticeLearner AutonomyProfessional DevelopmentTeachers' professional development
Learning a second language can be a frustrating process if a learner does not develop effective learning strategies to take control of his/her learning process. Taking control of one’s learning involves developing metacognitive strategies... more
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      Self-AccessLanguage AdvisingGoal Setting
学習者の自律性を育成するアドバイジングについて知りたい教師やチューターの方、研究者の方へ 「アドバイジングで、“アドバイス”をしてしまっていませんか?」 (https://www.osaka-up.or.jp/books/ISBN978-4-87259-762-2.html)... more
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      Language AdvisingLearner autonomy in language learningAdvising In Language Learning
Learners at the author’s university in Japan have the opportunity to take optional, self-study modules through the self-access centre. Participating students are assigned a learning advisor who works closely with them both in person and... more
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      Learner AutonomyMetacognitionGrounded TheorySelf-directed learning
Language advising has successfully carved out its niche over the past two decades, and is now a more recognized profession within the field of EFL. This is probably due to the increased interest in the fostering of learner autonomy and... more
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      Self-AccessLanguage AdvisingLearning Advisor
This thesis falls within the research that examines mediation schemes (Peraya 2003, 2005, 2009) and more specifically on foreign language learning systems and their uses (Rabardel, 1995), in the context of diversification of practices and... more
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      Learner AutonomyLanguage AdvisingLanguage LearningTransactional distance
This study takes place at a university of international studies in Japan. Incoming freshman students' previous experiences with learning leaves them largely unprepared to direct their own language studies in an autonomous way. The... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf-directed learningSelf-AccessLanguage Advising
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      Languages and LinguisticsLearner AutonomyAcademic AdvisingLanguage Advising
This paper examines 12 factors that can develop learner motivation in a self-access learning environment.
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      Motivation (Psychology)Self-AccessLanguage AdvisingLanguage Learning
The purpose of this paper is to explore healthy conditions for language learning to occur from theoretical, practical, and neuroscientific perspectives. The paper begins with an overview of the interrelated fields of metacognition, human... more
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      PsychologyMetacognitionLanguage AdvisingLanguage Learning
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      Self-AccessLanguage AdvisingSelf Access Language LearningLearner autonomy in language learning
The purpose of this paper is to explore healthy conditions for language learning to occur from theoretical, practical, and neuroscientific perspectives. The paper begins with an overview of the interrelated fields of metacognition, human... more
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      Self-Determination TheoryMetacognitionLanguage AdvisingLanguage Learning
The analysis of advising sessions have identified common standards of the profession in areas such as advising skills employed, communicative practices and procedures such as gestures, note taking and body language. There are however... more
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      Cognitive LinguisticsSelf-AccessLanguage Advising
PowerPoint Pdf , this text presents a view of learning in which MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) can be utilised for learning English. After establishing theoretical grounds for MOOCs to be used, in different kinds of... more
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      Learning and TeachingOnline LearningBlended LearningLanguage Advising
https://www.routledge.com/products/9781138825925 Reflective Dialogue presents professional educators with the necessary background and skills to engage in reflective dialogue with language learners effectively. It draws on work in the... more
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      Learner AutonomyAcademic AdvisingSelf-AccessLanguage Advising
Advising in language learning is defined as the process of assisting students in directing their own paths in order to become better, more autonomous language learners (Carson & Mynard, forthcoming). Depending on the context, the process... more
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      Learner AutonomyLanguage Advising
This paper gives an overview of some perspectives on self-access learning in Japan. Although there seems to be a sudden interest in self-access learning in this part of the world, the author explores some of the reasons that Japan has... more
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      Social learningSelf-AccessLanguage AdvisingSelf Access Language Learning
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      Language AdvisingLanguage TeachingTeacher Autonomy
Japanese education policy ensures that upon graduating from high school, 18-year-olds will have studied English for six years. If they have done well, they will have learned the vocabulary and grammar taught to them in class and this... more
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      Coaching (Education)Learner AutonomyTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageSelf-directed learning
The purpose of advising in language learning is to help learners to think more deeply about the language learning process in order to become more autonomous language learners (Carson & Mynard, 2012). The advising process is negotiated... more
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      Educational TechnologyLearner AutonomySelf-directed learningSelf-Access
Self-access centres provide opportunities for individualised learning and can assist with the promotion of learner autonomy. The success of these goals depends on a number of factors including the quality of social interaction available.... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf-AccessLanguage Advisingラーナーオートノミ
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      Learner AutonomyLanguage AdvisingLanguage LearningTransactional distance
The purpose of this short article is to give a brief overview of some of the themes that I will explore in my talk at The Independent Learning Association conference in Kobe in September. I will briefly explain what I mean by advising,... more
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      Reflective PracticeDialogueLearner AutonomyLanguage Advising
The inseparable relationship between affect and cognition has led us to view learners’ affect as something that learners need to be able to ‘manage’ and ‘control’. Positive affect is known to enhance learning, while negative affect can... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionStudent Motivation And EngagementDialogueTESOL
Reflective Dialogue presents professional educators with the necessary background and skills to engage in reflective dialogue with language learners effectively. It draws on work in the fields of advising in language learning, reflective... more
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      DialogueReflectionLanguage Advising
Plenary talk at EICA, Mexico City, August 2016. The field of self-access language learning has come a long way since SACs first started to appear in the 1970s. Supporting language learners via self-access centres now spans five decades,... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf-directed learningAffect/EmotionSelf-Access
In light of the 'complexity turn' in applied linguistics, language learning is understood as a complex system formed from other subsystems such as motivation and language advising. From this perspective, the language adviser acts as... more
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      Complexity TheoryTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageLanguage AdvisingMotivation
Learning foreign languages (FL) implies the interconnection of several factors that contribute directly or indirectly in the process. However, studies on learning resent the lack of a holistic view, which can provide a more complete... more
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      Chaos/Complexity TheoryLanguage Advising
In: Berndt, Annette; Deutschmann, Ruth-Ulrike. (Org.). Sprachlernberatung - Sprachlerncoaching. 1ed.Frankfurt a.M.: Peter Lang Verlag, 2014, v. , p.235-247. In diesem Beitrag geht es um die Erfahrungen mit Sprachlernberatung in... more
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      Language AdvisingAdvising In Language Learning
Although the literature on foreign language learning and second language acquisition (SLA) recognizes the importance of the affective dimension in learning processes, little is known about how to support it throughout the autonomous... more
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      Learner AutonomyLanguage AdvisingAdvising In Language Learning
Out-of-classroom, beyond-the-classroom language learning (Benson 2009; Benson/Reinders 2011; Pitkänen et al. 2011) is getting increasingly in the focus of research and practice in second language acquisition. The mediatic “information... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf-directed learningLanguage AdvisingLearner and teacher autonomy
Segundo Mercer , a teoria da complexidade representa um importante marco na linguística aplicada por considerar os atributos pessoais e contextuais do aprendente como partes de um mesmo sistema dinâmico complexo (doravante SDC). Nessa... more
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      Language AdvisingMotivationEnsino E Aprendizagem De Língua InglesaMotivação
For every learning advisor and language teacher, a fundamental goal is to foster learners’ motivation and self-regulation for successful L2 learning. This paper presents a visual tool that can be used in advising and teaching to realize... more
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      Student Motivation And EngagementLanguage Learning StrategiesLanguage AdvisingSelf-regulation
In the 8 years since it was established, the Self-Access Learning Centre (SALC) at Kanda University of International Studies in Chiba, Japan, has gone from strength to strength. The SALC offers a range of optional self-directed study... more
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      Learner AutonomyReflectionSelf-AccessLanguage Advising
Paper-based tools such as self-evaluation activities, learning plans, reflective journals and learning logs are commonplace for managing Self-Directed Language Learning (SDLL). Such tools not only promote ownership over learning and... more
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      Action ResearchLearner AutonomyMobile application developmentSelf-Access
Researchers have increasingly been interested in the complex and dynamic character of motivation. Recent studies point out the complex fluctuation of motivation in a situated perspective, as in a language classroom. However, little is... more
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      Case Study ResearchLearner AutonomyPhenomenology (Research Methodology)Student Motivation
To cite this article Kato, S. (2017). Effects of drawing and sharing a 'picture of life' in the first session of a mentoring program for experienced learning advisors. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 8(3), 274-290. To link to... more
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      Professional DevelopmentLanguage Advising
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      Learner AutonomyLanguage AdvisingSelf Access Language Learning
Paper-based tools such as self-evaluation activities, learning plans, reflective journals and learning logs are commonplace for managing self-directed language learning (SDLL). Such tools not only promote ownership over learning and... more
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      Action ResearchLearner AutonomyMobile application developmentSelf-Access
This paper contains the reflections of a novice advisor who had the opportunity to attend a thoroughly comprehensive four phase-training program, the first of which had the purpose of teaching the basics of advising (philosophy,... more
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      Language AdvisingAdvisor Education
During this session, the presenters will share a range of tools that can be used to facilitate dialogue and promote reflection on learning. These tools take the form of worksheets and activities which can be used in class or outside class... more
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      Learner AutonomyLanguage Advising
Advising in language learning is a relatively new field in applied linguistics that has attracted a great deal of attention recently as a result of its focus on individual language learning trajectories. It is an effective way of... more
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      Language AdvisingSelf Access Language LearningLearning Advisor
This small-scale study explores language teacher development through the lens of English language teachers as the researcher reflects on their roles and experiences as language advisors at the tertiary level. In this paper, two different... more
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      Academic AdvisingLanguage Advising
Welcome to the special issue on dialogue and advising in self-access learning. Both of us have been involved in promoting reflective dialogue through advising for some time, yet we know that there is so much more to explore in this field.... more
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      DialogueLearner AutonomySelf-directed learningReflection
学習者の自律性を育成するアドバイジングについて知りたい教師やチューターの方、研究者の方へ 「アドバイジングで、“アドバイス”をしてしまっていませんか?」... more
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      Language AdvisingLearner autonomy in language learningAdvisingAdvising In Language Learning
Cet article vise à établir des rapports entre une théorie issue de la FAD, la distance transactionnelle et ses variables de structure, dialogue et autonomie, avec la conception d'un type de dispositif propre à la formation en langue : le... more
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      Learner AutonomySelf-AccessLanguage AdvisingTransactional distance
Das internationale Kooperationsprojekt Teletandem Brasil – Línguas Estrangeiras para todos basiert auf mehreren Universitätspartnerschaften, deren Fremdsprachenlerner über Vi-deokonferenzen mit Skype im Tandem gegenseitig die Fremdsprache... more
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      Language AdvisingLearner SupportTelecollaboration
The purpose of advising in language learning is to help learners to think more deeply about the language learning process in order to become more autonomous language learners (Carson & Mynard, 2012). The advising process is negotiated... more
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      Self-AccessLanguage Advising
To cite this article Kato, S. (2017). Effects of drawing and sharing a 'picture of life' in the first session of a mentoring program for experienced learning advisors. Studies in Self-Access Learning Journal, 8(3), 274-290. To... more
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      Professional DevelopmentLanguage Advising