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A good command of idiomatic or formulaic language is one of the hallmarks of L2 proficiency (e.g., Boers et al. 2006; Bestgen 2017), which is in fact not surprising given the well-documented prevalence of idiomaticity in natural discourse... more
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      Spanish as a Foreign LanguageVocabulary AcquisitionPhraseologyVocabulary Learning Strategies
Uruguay is quickly emerging as one of the most innovative countries in the field of English Language Teaching (ELT) by delivering thousands of lessons weekly in public schools via interactive videoconference in a project called Ceibal en... more
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      English as a Lingua FrancaTeaching English As A Foreign LanguageSouthern Cone (Area Studies)Uruguay
The current report is a summary of a presentation on “Teaching Grammar in the Post-Method Era”. It deals with how grammar is taught in the post-method era. Thus, the history of teaching grammar is traced from the Grammar Translation... more
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      English GrammarEnglish language teachingEnglish EducationEnglish as a Foreign Language (EFL)
Pronunciation is a highly abandoned foreign language aspect, which might be put down to teachers’ anxiety and lack of knowledge. The purpose of this BA paper was to present the use of pronunciation learning strategies in the case of... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionPhoneticsLanguage Learning Strategies
A worldwide search for alternative strategies in teaching assessment has given rise to the socalled “authentic assessment”. The portfolio -an example of authentic assessment- is a didactic strategy that promotes thinking during the... more
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      Teaching and LearningIntegrated Learning PortfoliosLanguage learning and techingLearning Portfolio
عشر سنوات مضت - أو تزيد - منذ بزغ نجم الهواتف الذكية (الجوالات)، فأحدث تلك النقلةَ النوعية في حياة الناس. ولم يكن التعليم اللغوي بمعزل من ذلك التأثير فقد استثمر المتخصصون مفهوم التعليم المتنقل (الجوال) لتصميم تطبيقات تعليم اللغات الأجنبية... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionLanguages and LinguisticsArabic Language and LinguisticsMobile Technology
የዚህ ጥናት ዓላማ የአማራጭ ምዘናዎች የተማሪዎችን ድርሰት የመጻፍ ችሎታ የማሻሻል ሚና መመርመር ነበር፡፡ ዓላማውን ከግብ ለማድረስም፣ በ2009 ዓ.ም ከአርባ ምንጭ ዩኒቨርሲቲ የኢትዮጵያ ቋንቋ(ዎች) እና ስነጽሑፍ-ዐማርኛ ትምህርት ክፍል አንደኛ ዓመት ተማሪዎች በቅድመትምህርትና በድኅረትምህርት ድርሰት የመጻፍ ችሎታ ፈተናዎችና በድርሰት የመጻፍ ችሎታ ሂደታዊ ዕድገት... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsLanguage Testing and AssessmentCooperative LearningAlternative Assessment
In this article we explore the role of linguistic landscapes, which refers to language on display in public spaces, in the teaching of languages and enhancing language awareness. Signage can be useful for language learners as a... more
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      MultilingualismEnglish languageLinguistic landscapesSpanish as a Foreign Language
English language learning and teaching, as any educational process, is penetrated by several dynamic concepts which are in a state of constant flux, dialogue, tension, and complementarity. One of such concepts is that of authenticity, the... more
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      LiteracyEnglish LiteratureTeaching and LearningEnglish for Specific Purposes
Técnicas de escritura en español y géneros textuales / Developing Writing Skills in Spanish es la primera publicación concebida para desarrollar y perfeccionar la expresión escrita en español a partir de una metodología basada en géneros... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionAcademic WritingGenre-based pedagogySpanish as a Foreign Language
This paper presents a methodological proposal designed by the TRADILEX project, which stands for Audiovisual Translation as a Didactic Resource in Foreign Language Education. The main goal of TRADILEX is to determine the degree of... more
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      Audiovisual TranslationICT in teaching and learning English languageMediation skillsLanguage learning and teching
The Task-Based Approach has obtained popularity in the part of language teaching since the last decade of the 20th Century and significant scholars have joined the discussion and increased the amount of analytical studies on the issue.... more
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    • Language learning and teching
Spanish Vocabulary Learning in Meaning-Oriented Instruction is the first comprehensive overview of current research and instructional practices into Spanish vocabulary acquisition through the lens of Meaning-Oriented Instruction (MOI).... more
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      Language EducationVocabularySpanish as a Foreign LanguageSpanish language varieties
This paper reports on the experience of teaching Russian to Arab high school students to provide students with opportunities to integrate more efficiently in their first year of university in Russia. The paper suggests recommendations for... more
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      Discursive practicesLanguage learning and teching
Since the 1990s, many researchers in the field of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) have become focused on second/foreign language learners' motivation to learn a language, and the role in motivation in determining future success.... more
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      Japanese StudiesStudent MotivationTeaching Japanese as a Foreign LanguageLanguage learning and teching
In a language teaching operation, once the political and economic decision have been made those concerned with whether to teach languages, which languages to teach them there remain two general questions. What to teach and how to teach... more
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      Human Resource ManagementLanguage learning and teching
Learning a new language is a challenging task. In many countries, students are encouraged to learn an international language at school level. In particular, English is the most widely used international language and is being taught at the... more
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      Language EducationSerious GamesMobile Game-based LearningEnglish Language Learning
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      Languages and LinguisticsCritical applied linguisticsAnti Bias EducationLanguage learning and teching
Διδάσκοντας λογοτεχνία στην τριτοβάθμια εκπαίδευση: Ο σερβικός ρεαλισμός Εισαγωγικές παρατηρήσεις Η σερβική λογοτεχνία προσφέρεται ως μάθημα υποχρεωτικό κατ' επιλογήν στους φοιτητές του Ζ΄ και Η΄ εξαμήνου του τμήματος Βαλκανικών σπουδών... more
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    • Language learning and teching
In this paper we set out the case for how smart-glasses can be used to augment and improve live Simultaneous Interpreting (SI) of spoken languages. We do this through reviewing the relevant literature and identifying the current... more
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      Cognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceHuman Computer InteractionEducational Technology
Tra i temi trattati in questo numero segnaliamo: - il contributo della linguistica acquisizionale alla didattica dell’italiano L2; - la didattica dell’italiano a stranieri immigrati; - l’insegnamento della lingua e della cultura italiana... more
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      Second Language AcquisitionApplied LinguisticsEducational LinguisticsItalian (Languages And Linguistics)
This paper investigates the morphosyntactic features of some indigenous weed names identified among the Asante people of Ghana. Asante is a dialect of Akan and belongs to the Kwa (Congo-Niger) language family spoken mainly in Southern... more
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      SociolinguisticsMorphology and SyntaxPhonetics and PhonologyLanguage learning and teching
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    • Language learning and teching
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      InclusionSocial ExclusionSocial InclusionEnglish language teaching
As a personality trait, second language (L2) grit-a combination of perseverance and passion for L2 learning-has recently been proposed as a meaningful predictor of learners' motivational behavior and L2 achievement. The results of a... more
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      Theories Of PersonalityIntrinsic motivationDomain SpecificityLanguage learning and teching
Student engagement in academic and campus life and the integration of home and international students are strategic priorities for the University of Leeds (University of Leeds, 2017). Our self-access centre, the Language Zone (LZ) is a... more
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      Online CommunitiesStudent EngagementESL-EFL- EAP-Teachers' educationLanguage learning and teching
Independent lexical development initiatives empower and equip language learners with skills to boost their lexical repertoires. Language instructors can train learners to be autonomous word learners. A sample activity, namely word of the... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionEnglish languageTESOL
El innegable impacto de las nuevas tecnologías de la información y la comunicación (TICs) que han traído al ámbito académico nuevas formas de leer, nuevas formas de escribir, nuevas formas de pensar y la aparición o modificación de... more
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      Literacy21st Century LiteraciesTeaching and LearningEnglish for Academic Purposes
Mexican institutions promoted e-learning to conclude the school year 2019- 2020. In the higher education institution where this study was conducted, teachers were not familiar with online teaching. In Spring 2020, teachers prepared... more
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    • Language learning and teching
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      Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)Language learning and teching
Digital learning environments are increasingly becoming popular in recent years. Particularly, the rising usage of mobile phones has invited researchers to design and develop learning applications and games for mobile phones.... more
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      Language EducationThinking-aloud ProtocolTHINKING ALOUD METHODGamification of elearning
Dengan pesatnya perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi, penggunaan instrumen pembelajaran saat ini tidak hanya terbatas pada penggunaan komputer saja, tapi juga sudah menjangkau piranti yang lebih kecil, seperti handphone dan... more
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      Blended LearningTechnology-enhanced LearningLanguage learning and techingElearning
Digital learning environments are increasingly becoming popular in recent years. Particularly, the rising usage of mobile phones has invited researchers to design and develop learning applications and games for mobile phones.... more
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      Language EducationThinking-aloud ProtocolTHINKING ALOUD METHODGamification of elearning
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      TypographyHistory of Books, Printing, and PublishingLanguage learning and techingHistory of French Language Teaching and Learning
Од 2016 година започнува објавувањето на списанието „Палимпсест“, меѓународно списание за лингвистички, книжевни и културолошки истражувања во издание на Филолошкиот факултет при Универзитетот „Гоце Делчев“ во Штип. Меѓународното списание... more
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      Sociology of CultureComparative LiteratureTeaching and LearningLanguages and Linguistics
En la presente comunicación aspiramos a compartir algunos aspectos de nuestra experiencia en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera en el Centro de Idiomas del Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de Pernambuco, en... more
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      SociologyEducationArtLearning and Teaching
In this article we explore the role of linguistic landscapes, which refers to language on display in public spaces, in the teaching of languages and enhancing language awareness. Signage can be useful for language learners as a... more
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      MultilingualismEnglish languageLinguistic landscapesSpanish as a Foreign Language
Traditional approaches to language teaching are giving way to an approach that seeks to involve learners in the decision-making process associated with their learning. One key means of engaging learners in decision-making and of promoting... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageLanguage AssessmentSelf Assessment in Language TeachingLanguage learning and teching
Research in L2 acquisition has demonstrated the importance of input and output to improve oral communication skills. For a less commonly taught and distant language as Portuguese for Thai students, telecollaboration offers new... more
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      Didactic of portuguese as foreign languageTelecollaboration , Intercultural Internet CommunicationLanguage learning and teching
Nigeria, a West African nation with over 150 million people, over 250 ethnic groups and over 500 languages, is obviously linguistically and culturally heterogeneous. Many ethnic groups co-exist with the strong language and culture... more
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      Language EducationMultilingualismSociolinguisticsLinguistic Relativity
Being an English teacher of 21st century, you need to introduce different activities in class and make it more active as compared to how it was supposed to be in past. Here's a very interesting activity that you can apply. In this... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageEnglish languageEnglish language teachingENGLISH TEACHER
En la presente comunicación aspiramos a compartir algunos aspectos de nuestra experiencia en la enseñanza de español como lengua extranjera en el Centro de Idiomas del Instituto Federal de Educación, Ciencia y Tecnología de Pernambuco, en... more
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      EducationLearning and TeachingArgentinaTeaching English As A Foreign Language