Lectionary Studies
Recent papers in Lectionary Studies
A review of A Women’s Lectionary for the Whole Church. Year W: A Multi-Gospel Single-Year Lectionary. By Wilda C. Gafney. New York: Church Publishing, 2021.
What do Jews think scripture is? How do Jews view the anthology they variously call Tanakh, Miqra or “the Bible? Until now, no book has surveyed the answers Jews through the ages have given to these questions. This is the more surprising,... more
This public lecture was the first occasion of introducing byzantine lectionary in Hong Kong. It briefly depicted the origins and evolution of byzantine lectionaries up till 10th century. The contents and terminologies of the liturgical... more
The last General Convention of the Episcopal Church of the United States of America, of July 2018, has approved the measure A068 Plan for the Revision of the Book of Common Prayer. The General Convention has given green light to a... more
Many factors have contributed to the precipitous decline of Catholics' knowledge of and adherence to the Church's Magisterium on marriage and the family—including powerful forces of liberalism, secularism, hedonistic materialism, and... more
L'éminent chercheur Charles-Athanase Renoux travaille depuis de longues années à mettre au jour des documents dont la valeur est inestimable pour la connaissance des usages liturgiques anciens de Jérusalem. Sa générosité et son... more
This is the Foreword I contributed to Matthew Hazell's magnificent book "Index Lectionum: A Comparative Table of Readings for the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms of the Roman Rite." If you are going to do any serious study of the use of... more
This paper takes the relation of the Ember Days of September (Quattuor tempora) to Yom Kippur as a test for the question as to how useful is the tree/model of the ‘parting of the ways’ of Judaism and Christianity. Passages in Leo the... more
The object of this study is to investigate how and why the collects in Swedish lectionaries between 1562 and 2003 (lectionaries used in the Church of Sweden include both lessons and collects) have been changed. It focuses on the twentieth... more
The version of the Bible known as Christian Palestinian Aramaic (CPA) and also designated Palestinian Syriac is the Palestinian Aramaic dialect of Judea and Sinai. This dialect was most prevalent between the fifth and eighth centuries,... more
The Revised Common Lectionary follows Acts throughout the Easter season spending four of those week paired with selections from 1 John.
In 1967, as part of their work on the post-Vatican II reform of the lectionary, Coetus XI of the Consilium published a draft lectionary, covering Sundays, weekdays and certain feasts. This volume was sent out to all Bishops’ conferences... more
Despite faults, the lectionary has been a great success story of liturgical renewal in the Catholic Church, and has had ecumenical consequences that its creators could not have imagined. But it needs study and critical reflection.
A description and index of an uncial lectionary (l 1599) at the Goodspeed Manuscript Collection of the University of Chicago. The index includes some references to interesting features of the format and text of this lectionary.
The Italianinfluence on the Cilician religious manuscripts and miniature painting.
Considering the history & reasoning behind the Daily Lectionary in the 1979 Book of Common Prayer, with specific focus on certain groups of non-sequential lessons
This paper explores the connections between artistic expressions and liturgical action in a newly published Armenian lectionary of KingHetoum dating the 13th century. As the extensive research on the subject is only to launch, the present... more
This blogpost focuses on the reading from Acts on the Ethiopian eunuch matched with a section of Psalm 22.
The revised Common Lectionary readings for the fifth Sunday in Lent are from Jeremiah 32, Psalm 51, Hebrews 5 and John 12.
The so-called Caucasian Albanian Palimpsest kept in St. Catherine's Monastery on Mt. Sinai for the first time allows to draw a comprehensive picture of one of the languages (probably the state language) of the third medieval Christian... more
Both the voices of women - and references to women - when they do occur in the scriptures are invisible in the 1969 lectionary.
Reflections on
Isaiah 64
Psalm 80
1 Corinthians 1
Mark 13
Isaiah 64
Psalm 80
1 Corinthians 1
Mark 13
LEXEGETE™ was the first lectionary software for both Apple Macintosh and PC-compatible computers. It was introduced in Atlanta, GA, in April of 1987 at the CAMCON (Computer-assisted Ministry Conference), where it was awarded The CAMCON... more