Recent papers in Linguicide
This dissertation discusses French language policy from an ‘ecology of language’ perspective. By adopting a broad definition of language policy and applying Spolsky’s (2004, 2005) forces of language policy, consisting of (1)... more
La negazione di pari opportunità e pari diritti linguistici tra gli eurocittadini si traduce, dal punto di vista economico, in enormi vantaggi e passaggi di risorse solo ai Paesi madrelingua inglese. Eppure la perdita di sovranità... more
Linguicide: How dying languages kill multiculturalism 19 MAR 2013, 4:32 PM - SOURCE: ANDY PARK, SBS Half of the world’s 7000 languages will disappear in the next 100 years. But one professor of endangered languages says it’s a... more
QS Ahmadi is honored to be referenced in the Finnish scholar and activist's Dr. Tove Skutnabb-Kangas' (coiner of 'linguicism') extensive bibliography on "multilingualism, multilingual and Indigenous/ tribal/minority/minoritised (ITM)... more
Scholarly literature highlights the systematic actions taken in the modern Middle East to destroy the Kurdish language. With a primary focus on Turkey, scholars have described this process as a policy of linguicide, or language genocide,... more
De Lingua Othomitorum Dissertatio by Manuel de San Juan Crisóstomo Nájera was the first linguistic study of modern Mexico and it paved the way for the study of original languages both within the academy and within other state... more
KHAS ERC Performance & Politics Webinars
Pirsgirêka ziman, ji çavkaniyên olî (Birca Babîlê) bigirin heta tekstên fel- sefeyê yên îro jî berdewam e. Bes a herî girîng desthilata ziman an jî zimanê desthilatê bûye. Bi cureyekî ziman pêk hatine, lê ya balkêştir bikarinana wan e.... more
The Pijao language was lost sometime during the last half of the 20 th century and exactly how the language was lost has yet to be discerned. Using data from an investigation that examined perceptions of the causes and effects of the... more