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World-Making Stories is a collection of Maidu creation stories that will help readers appreciate California’s rich cultural tapestry. At the beginning of the twentieth century, renowned storyteller Hanc’ibyjim (Tom Young) performed Maidu... more
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      History of LinguisticsNative American StudiesFolkloreIndigenous Studies
Academic Reference: Zuckermann, Ghil'ad & Monaghan, Paul (2012). "Revival linguistics and the new media: Talknology in the service of the Barngarla language reclamation", pp. 119-126 of Foundation for Endangered Languages XVI Conference:... more
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      History of LinguisticsLanguagesSociologyCultural Studies
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      Missionary LinguisticsColonial Linguistics
Este livro integra a Coleção Linguística da editora Insular. Trata-se de uma obra que explora, do decorrer de seis capítulos, os conceitos de língua que permeiam as políticas e planejamentos linguísticos no contexto colonial do Brasil,... more
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      Historia colonialPolitica LinguisticaColonial LinguisticsHistória Do Brasil Colonial
In: Modern Africa: Politics, History and Society 7,1: 11-40 (2019) https://edu.uhk.cz/africa/index.php/ModAfr The development of the Bantu languages Kinyarwanda and Kirundi is entangled within the colonial histories of Rwanda and... more
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      SociolinguisticsPostcolonial StudiesColonial Linguistics
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      Postcolonial StudiesLanguage Planning and PolicyColonialismArab world
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      ColonialismColonial Linguistics
European colonialism and missionization in Africa initiated a massive orthographic shift across the continent, as local languages that had been written for centuries in Arabic letters were forcibly re-written in Roman orthography through... more
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      Arabic Language and LinguisticsColonialismIndian Ocean HistoryEast Africa
Dentro de la historiografía lingüística, se ha forjado una rama centrada en lo que se ha dado en llamar Lingüística Misionera: a partir de la labor de evangelizadores europeos en las antiguas colonias se nos ha legado un número... more
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      History of LinguisticsColonialismMissionary LinguisticsColonial Linguistics
Hollington, Andrea, Nico Nassenstein & Anne Storch. 2021. Linguistic trash. Postcolonial Text 16,2.

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      Critical sociolinguisticsColonial LinguisticsPostcolonial Linguistics
La obra de teatro de Philip. J. Fisher The Island Heritage. Episodes from the Missionary History of Fernando Poo, West Africa. A Play for Young People (1926) ha permanecido incógnita en los estudios sobre Guinea Ecuatorial. Su importancia... more
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      Missionary HistoryColonizationColonial Linguistics
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      History of LinguisticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)Cultural StudiesLanguages and Linguistics
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeSlavic LanguagesBelarusian Studies
Review Errington
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    • Colonial Linguistics
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      AfricaColonial Linguistics
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      ColonialismSound studiesHistory of ArchivesSound Recording
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      Indigenous LanguagesColonial AmericaSpanish in contact with other languagesHistory of the spanish language
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      Languages and LinguisticsColonial Linguistics
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      Soviet HistoryDeaf studiesDisability StudiesPopular Culture
[=Brill's Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture, v. 22.]. E-book: ISBN: 978-90-04-42700-6. Hardback: ISBN: 978-90-04-42460-9. (319 pp.). Missionary Linguistic Studies from Mesoamerica to Patagonia presents the results of in-depth... more
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      History of LinguisticsDocumentary LinguisticsColonial Latin American HistoryDescriptive Linguistics, Language Documentation, Indigenous Languages, Sociolinguistics, Field Linguistics
Los avances en el estudio de la escritura jeroglífica maya constituyen un componente dinámico del movimiento maya en Guatemala y ofrecen una gran oportunidad de observar la recuperación de una escritura dormida. Este estudio analiza el... more
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      EthnohistoryAnthropologyLiteracyLanguage revitalization
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      History of LinguisticsMissionary LinguisticsColonial Linguistics
The research on the Cantares of Dzitbalché from a linguistic-poetic perspective enables mayanist to consider these texts as a register of a language with special formal characteristics. Based on the Roman Jakobson proposal, it is possible... more
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      Mayan LinguisticsMayan StudiesYucatec MayaLiteratura Colonial Indígena de Tradición Prehispánica (Maya)
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      Linguistic AnthropologySouth Asian StudiesBritish EmpireRacialization
http://dx.doi.org/10.5007/1984-8420.2015v16n2p35Trata-se de rastrear o percurso histórico-político de construção de uma dada noção de língua portuguesa atrelada aos conceitos de brasilidade e de africanidade. Para tanto, o artigo enfoca... more
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      Historical LinguisticsArtHistoria colonialLingüística Histórica
Missionary Translation and Transpacific Literary Circulation: An Unknown Sermon of Fray Francisco Blancas de San José at the Inquisition of New Spain
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      Southeast Asian StudiesTranslation StudiesCatholic Missionary HistoryInquisition
La negazione di pari opportunità e pari diritti linguistici tra gli eurocittadini si traduce, dal punto di vista economico, in enormi vantaggi e passaggi di risorse solo ai Paesi madrelingua inglese. Eppure la perdita di sovranità... more
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      Genocide StudiesItalian (Languages And Linguistics)Colonial LinguisticsLinguicide
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      Cultural StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsMiguel de CervantesCervantes
With close to 200 speakers, the Indo-Portuguese Creole of Diu is currently spoken by a fraction of the island's population and, despite a centuries-old history, has been largely unacknowledged. In the last decade, it was the object of... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPortuguese
En el siglo XVI, en la provincia de Huexutla, en el actual estado de Hidalgo, Fray Juan de la Cruz de la orden de los agustinos, elaboró un documento que tituló “Doctrina christiana en la lengua guasteca”. Éste se publicó en la imprenta... more
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      Mayan LinguisticsMissionary LinguisticsMesoamerican linguisticsMayan Studies
This is the first of two articles in which the Marianan tale of the Chaifi is re-edited as it was published by Georg Fritz, the German district captain on Saipan, in 1906. I will be concerned here with the intercultural and intertextual... more
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      Chamorro languageColonial LinguisticsHistoric Micronesian/MarianasChamorro History
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      Asian StudiesLatin American StudiesMissionary LinguisticsColonial Linguistics
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      Bible TranslationLoanwords, Language contact & changeCushitic LinguisticsComparative Semitics
On several sociolinguistic mechanisms of lexical transfer in Baltic-Balkan area (based on Turkish-Bulgarian, German-Polish, and Russian-Latvian language contact) The paper deals with three examples of the so called unbalanced... more
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      Contact LinguisticsSociolinguisticsBalkan StudiesComparative Linguistics
Savatovsky, D.; Spaëth, V.; Albano, M. & Pham, T.K.L. (2023). The History of Language Learning and Teaching: Between the Eurocentric Model, Missionary Linguistics and Colonial Linguistics; L’histoire de l’apprentissage et de... more
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      ColonialismPost-ColonialismMissionary LinguisticsMethodology and Didactics of Foreign Language Teaching
This article is the second part of the re-edition of the Marianan tale of the Chaifi as published by Georg Fritz, the German district administrator in Saipan, in 1906. The first article (Pagel, this volume) re-edited and translated Fritz'... more
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      Chamorro languageColonial LinguisticsHistoric Micronesian/MarianasChamorro History
After the Islamic conquests in the 7th century, Islam was transformed from a localized religion to a universal one. Something similar happened to the Arabic language: what had been the language of the Arab tribes, became the language of... more
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      GlobalizationArabic Language and LinguisticsArabicModernity
Belarusian “Trasyanka” or, better, Belarusian-Russian-Mixed-Speech (BRMS) is a relatively stable substandard variety in Belarus, which is practised by a large part of the inhabitants of the country. Its existence is of course a result of... more
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      Russian StudiesContact LinguisticsSlavic LanguagesBelarusian Studies
■ ABSTRACT: We aim at critically discussing the colonial process of language discursivization in America. Such discursivization integrated the Iberian colonial mechanism, centered in Spain and Portugal, from the sixteenth century on. The... more
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      Colonial AmericaHistory of Latin LanguageColonial Linguistics
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      ConstructivismFrench languageSouth American indigenous languagesPortuguese Language
This article gives an overview of the work of Austrian creolist Adolphe Dietrich, his academic background and the epistemological foundations of his research. Dietrich’s comparative analysis of Indian Ocean Creoles differs from the work... more
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      History of LinguisticsColonialismPidgins & CreolesPidgin and Creole Languages
Trata-se de rastrear o percurso histórico-político de construção de uma dada noção de língua portuguesa atrelada aos conceitos de brasilidade e de africanidade. Para tanto, o artigo enfoca dois momentos diferentes: (i) o período... more
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      Historical LinguisticsHistoria colonialLingüística HistóricaColonial Linguistics
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    • Colonial Linguistics
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      Historical LinguisticsHistorical SyntaxMesoamericaK'iche'an Mayan Languages and Cultures
Before the French colonial conquest of West Africa, Bamanan, a Western African language known in the French corpus as bambara, was used as a vehicular language by local trader and travelers from the Manding area. And very early on,... more
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      History of LinguisticsAfrican StudiesColonialismMissionary Linguistics
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      ColonialismColonial Linguistics
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophySociology of LanguageSociolinguistics
El Tesoro de la lengua guaraní y el Arte de la lengua guaraní, publicados en Madrid en 1639 y 1640 por el padre jesuita Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, constituyen uno de los primeros intentos de gramatización y objetivación de la lengua guaraní... more
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      EpistemologyHistorical LinguisticsGrammaticalizationLinguistics
Free access through the attached link. ABSTRACT: Since at least the rise of nineteenth-century European nationalism, Westerners have in large part judged languages by whether they are written and standardized (Anderson 2006; Bauman... more
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      Linguistic AnthropologyOrthographyColonial LinguisticsManding
For centuries, the Dutch-based Creole language of the Danish Virgin Islands was documented not by the Dutch but mainly by German missionaries and Danish colonialists. This article sheds light on the role of the Dutch language in this... more
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      ColonialismCreolizationPidgin and Creole LanguagesMissionary Linguistics