Mechanical Loading
Recent papers in Mechanical Loading
The sensory innervation of the papilla incisiva in the hard palate of the domestic goat was studied with light and electron microscopy, supplemented by electro- physiological studies of free nerve endings. The goat lacks incisor teeth.... more
Decreased bone mineral density (BMD) in astronauts returning from long-duration spaceflight missions has been well documented, but the altered mechanical loading environment experienced by the musculoskeletal system, which may contribute... more
In this work, an approach for numerical modeling of the fracture process of complex materials microstructures is presented. It is well known that the relation between a material microstructure and the resulting macroscopic properties is a... more
Electronic systems are often stored for long periods prior to deployment in the intended environment. Aging has been previously shown to effect the reliability and constitutive behavior of second-level leadfree interconnects. Deployed... more
In order to design structural components using composite materials a deep understanding of the material behaviour and its failure mechanisms is necessary. To create a better understanding of the initiation, growth and interaction of the... more
The paper considers elastic and plastic deformation of metal, oxide and semiconductor films during their growth, thermal annealing and mechanical loading. It is shown that in a compressed thin filmcompliant substrate system, wrinkling of... more
Introduction: Physical activity is known to enhance the mechanical competence of bone. However, information about the optimal type of exercise is limited. The aim of this study was to evaluate the contribution of jumping exercise to... more
Mechanical loading has been shown to modulate longitudinal bone growth and cellular activity of the growth plate. Nevertheless, limited and controversial results exist regarding the effect of exercise on a physiological level on the... more
In this paper, conceptual models are presented to identify the effects of solid deformation on the changes in rock permeabilities for (a) fractured media, (b) intact media, and (c) fractured porous media subjected to external loads, all... more
The primary objective of the present study was to quantify the relative effect of the magnitude and direction of the exerted push force and of trunk inclination on the mechanical load at the low back using a regression analysis for... more
Rotating disks have many applications in the aerospace industry such as gas turbines and gears. These disks normally work under thermo mechanical loads. Minimizing the weight of such components can help reduce the overall payload in... more
It is assumed that strain in a nerve segment at the end of a neurodynamic test will be greatest if the joint nearest that nerve segment is moved first in the neurodynamic test sequence. To test this assumption, the main movements of the... more
Objective. Compare the mechanical load on the low back and shoulders during pushing and pulling a two-wheeled container with the load during lifting and carrying the same amount of waste.
Two modeling approaches, analytical and numerical ones were carried out to simulate the mechanical behaviour of a coated metal steel sheet under thermo-mechanical loads. As the metallic film and the polymer layer have different dilatation... more
Due to the large power supply in the energy market since 1960s, the nuclear power planets have been consistently constructed throughout the world in order to maintain and supply sufficient fundamental power generation. Up to now, most of... more
The goal of this study was to compare selected parameters of vertical ground reaction forces (GRF) of good outcome patients with different prosthesis designs with a matched control group during level walking, stair ascent and descent.... more
There is an association between low BMI and increased pressure ulcer risk. The relation between overweight and PU development is uncertain.
Two synchrotron diffraction techniques, three-dimensional X-ray diffraction and Laue microdiffraction, are applied to studying the deformation behaviour of individual grains embedded in a Cu 74 Al 23 Be 3 superelastic shape memory alloy.... more
Of the many problems associated with low back pain, those which are most amenable to biomechanical investigation are identified. Recent advances in lumbar spinal mechanics are then reviewed in five sections dealing with mechanical... more
Nano-filled fissure sealant Conversion degree Microhardness Microleakage Fluoride release A B S T R A C T The purpose of this study was to determine the degree of conversion (DC), microhardness, microleakage and fluoride release of a... more
During the last decade, a growing interest in recycling of domestic waste has emerged, and action plans to increase the recycling of domestic waste have been agreed by many governments. A common feature of these plans is the... more
This paper presents the findings of an experimental investigation into the operation of a compression ignition (CI) engine in homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) mode using hydrogen fuel. Factors that were investigated include... more
The challenges for the tissue engineering of connective tissue lie in creating off-the-shelf tissue constructs which are capable of providing organs for transplantation. These strategies aim to grow a complex tissue with the appropriate... more
An evenly and smoothly distributed abrasion wear, observed along the entire cutting edge of an uncoated carbide drill bit in drilling CFRPs, is due to the highly abrasive nature of the carbon fibres. A very few researchers have only... more
Abstract Rutting is one of the main failure modes in pavement structures subjected to mechanical loading. Wheel Tracking Testers (WTT) devices used to evaluate the rutting performance of bituminous mixtures were investigated by Working... more
Recently, the appropriate, durable bond of adhesive systems and composite resin cements to retain endodontic posts was challenged. The question arises whether it would be possible to place glass fiber posts in a less technique sensitive... more
Entheses (insertion sites, osteotendinous junctions, osteoligamentous junctions) are sites of stress concentration at the region where tendons and ligaments attach to bone. Consequently, they are commonly subject to overuse injuries... more
A new concept for efficient solar energy concentration and power delivery is proposed -one that offers substantial advantages in efficiency, compactness, reduced mechanical loads, and ease of fabrication and installation relative to... more
Key Words bone, hominid, developmental fields, mechanical loading, limb patterning s Abstract Our understanding of developmental biology burgeoned during the last decade. This review summarizes recent advances, provides definitions and... more
The premise that bones grow and remodel throughout life to adapt to their mechanical enironment is often called Wolff's law. Wolff's law, however, is not always true, and in fact comprises a variety of different processes that are best... more
The paper deals with experimental investigations on reinforcing the adhesive in single lap joints subjected to mechanical loads such as tensile, bending, impact and fatigue. The adhesive used for bonding was an epoxy reinforced with... more
Applying a mechanical load to a composite material can result in many types of damage: debonding between the reinforcement and the matrix material, matrix cracking, failure of the reinforcement and delamination in the case of layered... more
Reliability of lead-free solder joints has been a hot topic widely debated in the electronic industry. Most published data indicate that a change to lead-free soldering has the potential benefit of more reliable solder joints than the... more
On the idea that fatigue damage is localized at the microscopic scale, a scale smaller than the mesoscopic one of the Representative Volume Element (RVE), a three-dimensional two scale damage model has been proposed for High Cycle Fatigue... more
Requirements for system availability for ultra-high reliability electronic systems such as airborne and space electronic systems are driving the need for advanced heath monitoring techniques for early detection of the onset of damage.... more
A new experimentally testable hypothesis is advanced for the mechanosensory transduction mechanism by which communicating osteocytes sense the very small in uiuo strains in the calcified matrix components of bone. We propose that the... more
A new higher-order spectral element (SE) is developed for wave propagation analysis of a functionally graded material (FGM) beam in the presence of thermal and mechanical loading. The element is based on first order shear deformation... more
The present thesis is dedicated to the behaviour of austenitic stainless steels at cryogenic temperatures. The plastic strain induced martensitic transformation and ductile damage are taken into account in an elastic-plastic material... more