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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesWomen's StudiesFeminist Theory
Amy Lowell was long ago thrown into the heap of amusing literary footnotes. Critical perception of a writer is one with the critical construction of that writer. No matter how obvious the point is to a post-structuralist crowd, it is in... more
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      Art HistoryPoetryGay And Lesbian StudiesLesbian Studies
The media play has a leading role in the construction of public opinion, especially in relation to sensitive issues like Domestic Violence (DV). The aim of study is to point out how the DV is represented in 2 Italian-newspapers in the... more
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      Women's StudiesDomestic ViolenceIntimate Partner ViolenceMedia representation of women
"Women, Media and Resistance in Contemporary Indian Cinema" -- Essay in The London Film and Media Reader 3, 2015. An essay that examines the representation of women in performance in Mumbai and Bengali Cinema... The essay discusses in... more
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      Media representation of womenWomen and Contemporary Indian CinemaWomen and media in BollywoodWomen in contemporary bengali cinema
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      Kurdish StudiesMedia representation of women
This contribution focuses on the double process of youthification and feminization of traditionally male-dominated genres found in a wide range of popular media forms over the last ten years. The specific object of this investigation is... more
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      FeminismCritical Television StudiesMedia representation of womenHunger Games
This presentation analyses the 2012 action video game Sleeping Dogs by United Front Games from a cultural perspective. The Grand Theft Auto-style game is set in Hong Kong and follows a Chinese-American cop infiltrating the Hong Kong... more
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      Media StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesPopular CultureLiterary Criticism
Este texto pretende explorar cómo las imágenes fijas y en movimiento fueron, en manos de mujeres determinadas, una herramienta para realizar otra tarea más a sumar al esfuerzo bélico femenino: la propaganda bélica, en este caso en... more
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      HispanismEarly CinemaFilm HistoryHistory of Spanish Cinema
Shirley Temple is a child star legend in the United States. What is less known about this household name is that her mother, Gertrude Temple, was one of the most famous and widely covered mothers in the Great Depression era, who groomed... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesMedia HistoryPublic Relations
New feminism is a continuation of earlier feminisms but differs slightly as it emphasizes on the idea that woman is an individual with an equal worth as man while accepting the natural sexual differences. Indian Films have always... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist TheoryFilm TheoryVisual Culture
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      Media StudiesFeminist TheoryTelevision StudiesFeminist Media Studies
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      Media StudiesArab Women's StudiesOrientalismImage of the Arab men and women in the World
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualitySexualization of Young Girls and WomenMedia representation of women
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesWomen's StudiesTelevision Studies
La representación de las mujeres, detrás y delante de las cámaras de cine como protagonistas, es escasa en el cine boliviano. Generalmente, ellas tienen un papel secundario y, a veces, poco perceptible. Son personajes de relleno en las... more
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      CinemaMedia representation of womenbolivian movies
There is a lack of comparative research on nudity in television advertising. Building on cross-cultural theory, we examined countries' gender indices and preclearance policies as predictors of nudity. We also tested the influence of a... more
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      AdvertisingGenderNudityMedia representation of women
The 2015 Hindi drama film Angry Indian Goddesses has been upheld as an example of India's first female "buddy film", promising to treat its subject-female homosocial friendships-with care and nuance. While the film fails to live up to its... more
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      Feminist TheoryFilm StudiesSouth Asian LiteratureFeminist Film Studies
"The rise of Intersectionality and use of social media are the defining elements of fourth wave feminism." Chapter 1: Feminism Today: Context and Rise of Fourth Wave Feminism. Chapter 2: How Feminists use Social Media (Potential and... more
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      SociologySocial MovementsMedia StudiesSex and Gender
هدفت الدراسة التي يحويها هذا الكتاب إلى رصد الصور التي قدمتها الصحافة الغربية ممثلة في عينة من الصحافة الأمريكية والبريطانية اليومية والأسبوعية لجماهير قرائها عن المرأة العربية خلال ثلاث سنوات هى 2011 و2012 و2013، والكشف عن عناصر هذه... more
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      Culture StudiesMedia and representationMedia representation of womenWestern Media
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier de quelle façon la misogynie peut prendre pour cible des pratiques linguistiques pouvant être perçues comme féminines et prend l’exemple du stéréotype sexiste de la « Valley Girl. » Ce terme, popularisé... more
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      StigmatizationPerceptual DialectologyMedia representation of womenValley Girl
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      Gender StudiesFeminismTelevisionWomen and Gender Studies
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      Hindi CinemaBollywood cinemaFemale representationMedia representation of women
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      Tourism StudiesSex and GenderThailandNation Branding
This dissertation explores the regulation of sex-related popular media text in contemporary China, across the expected lifespan of procreative heterosexual marriage. The three case studies encompass regulation of television programming,... more
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      CensorshipGender and Sexuality StudiesFilm CensorshipChinese Media Studies
Las investigaciones sobre la representación de las mujeres en los medios de comunicación, desarrollados a partir de la denominada como Segunda Ola del Feminismo, han demostrado la reproducción de estereotipos y roles sexistas que terminan... more
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      CommunicationGenderDecolonial TurnDecolonial Thought
Slash fiction is loosely defined by Kelly Boyd as, "sexually explicit, amateur, gay male and lesbian tales produced predominantly by heterosexual women for heterosexual women, about characters in mainstream television series and feature... more
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      Media StudiesGender and SexualityFan StudiesSurvey Research
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      NeuroscienceCultural StudiesMedia SociologyPsychology
Kantai Collection is a media-mix phenomenon that has taken Japan by storm since the online videogame was released by DMM.com in 2013. Encompassing manga, anime, game spin-offs, figurines and a wide array of related merchandise, Kantai... more
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      Gender StudiesGame studiesJapanese AnimeHistory and Memory
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      GlobalizationSocial MediaGender IssuesGirl-Child Education and development
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      IslamophobiaMuslim WomenSexismMedia representation of women
Rezime: Medijska reprezentacija grupnih identiteta je i teorijski i društveno aktu-elno pitanje od kraja šezdesetih godina prošlog veka. Tada je u društvenoj teoriji došlo do velike promene, naime 'kulturni obrt' izdvojio je 'značenje'... more
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      Identity (Culture)Media RepresentationMedia representation of womenRepresentations of Race and Ethnicity In the Media
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      Women's StudiesAgingMedia representation of womenBody Image and Aging
L’articolo indaga le modalità verbali e iconografiche usate dai giornali sportivi dell’epoca per raccontare la vicenda del Gruppo Femminile Calcistico (GFC), un gruppo di coraggiose ragazze che nella Milano fascista del 1933 tentò di... more
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      Gender StudiesMedia StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's History
Studies examining media coverage of politics have found female politicians to be disadvantaged as compared with their male counterparts, as women tend to attract lower overall attention and to receive less substantive coverage than men.... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's political representationMedia representation of women
少女マンガのスタイルは多様性に富んでいるが、花、リボン、ひらひらしたドレス、そしてきらきら光る星のようなハイライトの入った大きな瞳を持つ純真無垢な少女 といった、少女マンガ特有とされる視覚的表現が存在する。しかし、それによる少女マンガ観を具現化した作品群は、ほとんど研究対象とされてこなかった。少女マンガ研究はむしろ、既存のジェンダー概念から逸脱する「オルタナティブ」な作品に注目してきたのである。... more
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      Japanese StudiesManga and Anime StudiesJapanese Popular CultureFemininity
The media are at the forefront of admonishing societal ills, including discrimination against women. However, turning the spotlight on their operations and environment, do the media live up to the ideals they preach on the cause for the... more
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      Gender StudiesCommunicationMedia StudiesMedia and Cultural Studies
The module helps in understanding the way media represents the female gender and the impact it casts on societal thought about and attitude towards women. The module further helps readers in understanding how media has traditionally... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and MediaGender Portrayal in MediaMedia Representations of Race, Class, & Gender
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      Social PsychologyGlobalizationAdvertisingSocial Media
Desde la perspectiva del análisis crítico del discurso, el capítulo se concentra en la narrativa profunda de los contenidos virales sobre Yalitza Aparicio que circularon en México desde que fue nominada a los premios Oscar 2019 como mejor... more
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      Latin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesMexican StudiesPopular Culture
There has been a lot of rhetoric in the Southern African countries on the need to politically empower women although this has not really translated into substantial action. The current constitutions in Zimbabwe and South Africa do not... more
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      Media StudiesWomen's StudiesSocial SciencesPolitical Science
During the onslaught of the Islamic caliphate on Kobanî, Syria, media outlets across the globe broadcast pictures of brave and often unveiled Kurdish women fighting the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), a quintessentially male... more
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesAnthropologyVisual propaganda
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      GlobalizationQueer TheoryVisual CultureAdvertising
პოპულარული კულტურის მიერ გაგზავნილი მესიჯები, ქალების გარეგნული და პიროვნული თვისებების შესახებ, მეტ-ნაკლებად აყალიბებს საზოგადოებრივ შეხედულებებს მათ მიმართ. სწორედ ამიტომ, კვლევის მიზანს წარმოადგენდა ახალგაზრდა ქალების რეპრეზენტაციის... more
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      SociologyGender StudiesResearchSociology of Gender
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      Gender StudiesFilm HistoryHistory of photographyGender and Media
Resumen: Las series de televisión estadounidenses constituyen un objeto de estudio privilegiado para reflexionar sobre la construcción, la representación y la proyección de los sujetos sociales. Utilizando los planteamientos del... more
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      Series TVPost-feminismMedia representation of womenTV Series
Los modelos culturales de feminidad que se transmiten a través de las películas de Disney se han forjado a lo largo de los años. Aunque la visión que se da de ellos ha sufrido una clara evolución hacia la representación de una mujer más... more
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      Film StudiesDisney StudiesMedia representation of womenGender Studies in Disney Movie
On an academic level, this study aims to contribute to a theory already raised about non-Western women; the critique to the frame of the mainstream western dominant representation on third-world women as well as to analyze the impact... more
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      Women's StudiesWomen's RightsViolence Against WomenSyria
At the London 2012 Games Muslim women from twenty-eight countries competed in over twenty different Olympic sporting events. In this paper, we critique online and print news articles, op-ed pieces and radio and television reports... more
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      Women and SportWomen and gender in Muslim societiesMuslim WomenMedia representation of women
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      GlobalizationSocial MediaGender IssuesFemale sex offenders