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PhD thesis investigating implicit and explicit attitudes towards non-native (Asian) speakers of English in China, Japan and South Korea using a cross-cultural research instrument for direct comparison. The study also investigates factors... more
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      Social PsychologyLanguages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsEnglish as a Lingua Franca
The theme of this paper, which is divided into three sections, is deixis in the corpus of the Atlante Linguistico della Sicilia (ALS). In the first section, after a brief account of previous ALS studies on deixis, the network of survey... more
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      DialectologyPerceptual DialectologyLinguisticsSpatial deixis
Perceptual dialectology studies have shown that people have strong opinions about the number and placement of dialect regions. This study uses the ‘draw-a-map’ task to examine perceptions of language variation in South Korea, where... more
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      South KoreaLanguage, Space and PlaceLanguage and IdeologyPerceptual Dialectology
Here is the first chapter of my most recent book (thanks to Benjamins for permission to post and it share it here). TOC and abstract of the entire book can be accessed here:... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologyDialects of EnglishSociolinguistics
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologyDialects of EnglishSociolinguistics
This paper presents the results of a sociolinguistic research on perceptual dialectology of Mexican Spanish. The investigation is based on 60 maps drawn by people working in a public institution in Mexico City. From the proposals of folk... more
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      Perceptual DialectologyMexican SpanishSpanish Sociolinguistics
German dialectology has had a central role in the conceptualization of political borders in language continua at least since Kremer's pioneering work (1979). In the early 1980s, Michael Clyne (1984, 1992, 1995) developed the concept of... more
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      Historical LinguisticsDialectologySociolinguisticsBorder Studies
This is the narrator of our jungle story that is designed to survey the language attitudes of Canadian elementary school children pertaining to World Englishes.
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      EducationSocial SciencesAnimationResearch Methodology
This study investigates the way in which speech varieties are employed in animated films in the Netherlands. In part, it is a response to the work of Rosina Lippi-Green (1997; 2012) who has examined in detail the language practices of... more
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      Media StudiesSociolinguisticsLanguage IdeologyPerceptual Dialectology
Esta investigación tiene como objetivo entender la manera como los hablantes mexicanos perciben las diferencias dialectales al interior del país a partir de una encuesta elaborada ex-profeso. En particular, en el instrumento se pregunta... more
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      DialectologyPerceptual DialectologyHispanic LinguisticsSociolingüística
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      PerceptionDialectologySociolinguisticsSpeech perception
Es ist Ende Jänner 2020, also schon ein Zeiterl her. Der ORF-Korrespondent in China berichtet gerade über einen neuartigen Virus, der in Wuhan die Runde macht. Er sagt dabei: “das Virus”. Dieser Gebrauch, Artikel das, war für mich... more
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      German StudiesGerman LanguageApplied LinguisticsPerceptual Dialectology
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      Perceptual DialectologyFinnish Language
La diversidad del español y su enseñanza es la primera publicación concebida para reflexionar sobre la diversidad de la lengua desde un punto de vista crítico, interdisciplinario, institucional, aplicado e internacional. El análisis de... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologySociolinguisticsTeaching of Foreign Languages
Cette thèse se propose d’étudier de quelle façon la misogynie peut prendre pour cible des pratiques linguistiques pouvant être perçues comme féminines et prend l’exemple du stéréotype sexiste de la « Valley Girl. » Ce terme, popularisé... more
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      StigmatizationPerceptual DialectologyMedia representation of womenValley Girl
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      Social Research Methods and MethodologyDialectologySociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and Change
Methods of linguistic data collection are among the most central aspects in empirical linguistics. While written questionnaires have only played a minor role in the field of social dialectology, the study of regional and social variation,... more
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      Historical LinguisticsResearch MethodologyDialectologyMultilingualism
This study analyzes the origins and development of the phonology of Cavite Chabacano, focusing particularly on the role of superstrate and substrate influence on the history of the vowel system. This endangered language, spoken in Cavite... more
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      Endangered LanguagesSociophoneticsPidgins & CreolesPerceptual Dialectology
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      Sociology of LanguagePerceptual Dialectology
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      Dialects of EnglishSociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangeLanguage and Ideology
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsPerceptual DialectologyFolk Linguistics
Perceptual dialectology is the study of how ‘normal people’ – i.e. non-linguists – perceive language variation. The work of Preston in North America, and the continuing adaptation of his methods, has established a baseline methodological... more
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      Perceptual DialectologyScotsLanguage AttitudesNorth-East Scotland
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      Chicano StudiesEthnolinguisticsPerceptionMulticulturalism
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      Languages and LinguisticsDialectologySociolinguisticsUrban Anthropology
This study discusses perceptions of variation across dialects of Arabic in the Arab world as revealed through a perceptual dialectology map task. On a map of the Arab world, female undergraduate students at Qatar University provided... more
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      ArabicPerceptual Dialectology
Undertaking a broadscale experiment in theory and praxis, this book demonstrates grounds for insisting on a more integrational approach to dialectology while simultaneously demonstrating grounds for defining the hidden Phula languages of... more
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      PhilologyLanguagesAnthropological LinguisticsIndigenous Studies
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsPerceptual DialectologyRomance Linguistics
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      Languages and LinguisticsSociolinguisticsFrench languageFrench linguistics
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage and IdentityPerceptual DialectologyGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
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      SociolinguisticsLanguage and IdentityPerceptual Dialectology
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      Sociology of LanguageSociolinguisticsLanguage Planning and PolicyPerceptual Dialectology
Miami-Dade County differs from other major metropolitan areas in the U.S., mostly because of the immense Latinx national origin diversity and its characterization as the most dialectally diverse Spanish speaking city in the world (Carter... more
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      SociolinguisticsSocial MediaPerceptual DialectologyHispanic Linguistics
This study discusses perceptions of variation across dialects of Arabic in the Arab world as revealed through a perceptual dialectology map task. On a map of the Arab world, female undergraduate students at Qatar University provided... more
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsArabic SociolinguisticsPerceptual Dialectology
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    • Perceptual Dialectology
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      SociolinguisticsPerceptual Dialectology
This paper (excerpt only at this stage) explores two innovations from DCHP-2, The Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles. Second Edition, that are deemed relevant to address the lexicographical & dialectological problem of... more
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      PhilologyDigital HumanitiesLanguages and LinguisticsLexicology
Analisamos os componentes cognitivo e ideológico das atitudes linguís-ticas ante o português falado no Brasil, considerando a dimensão da área diale-tal (Nordeste/Sul) e da formação (estudantes universitários em geral/estudan-tes de... more
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      PerceptionSociolinguisticsPerceptual DialectologyBrazilian Portuguese
This study examines the ways in which Cuban, Colombian, and Peninsular Spanish in Miami-Dade County (MDC) are conceptualized by Latinx participants in terms of implicit perceptions. We examine how Latinx college students-all residents of... more
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      SociologyCognitive ScienceSocial PsychologyLanguages and Linguistics
The analysis of the perception of Spanish varieties requires a theoretical or metatheoretical assembly of several models. This is a complex reality where psycholinguistic and sociolinguistic processes are as important as linguistic units... more
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      Cognitive SciencePerceptionSocial Research Methods and MethodologyGlobalization
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    • Perceptual Dialectology
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsLanguage Variation and ChangePerceptual Dialectology
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      Language Variation and ChangePerceptual DialectologyLanguage AttitudesIndexicality
The article is concerned with the geolinguistic comparative analysis that is attributed to Antanas Baranauskas’ descriptions of the dialects (based on the pub­lished Russian and Lithuanian sources, as well as Lithuanian manuscript). The... more
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      DialectologyPerceptual DialectologyGeolinguisticsAreal linguistics
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    • Perceptual Dialectology
L’objectif de cette étude est d’examiner la perception, par des auditeurs locaux, des différents accents suisses romands, comparée à celle de la variété parisienne, reconnue comme « standard » par les auditeurs français (Detey & Le Gac,... more
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      PerceptionLanguages and LinguisticsPhoneticsDialectology
The paper presents the results of a questionnaire in perceptual dialectology conducted in 2017 among the students of the University of Szczecin. To the best of my knowledge, it is one of the very few works discussing the laymen’s... more
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      DialectologySociolinguisticsExperimental LinguisticsPerceptual Dialectology
Se discute la existencia o no de la región noroeste de México como una zona dialectal a partir de datos perceptuales. A partir del análisis de más de una centena de mapas recogidos siguiendo la metodología de D. Preston, se llega a la... more
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      SociolinguisticsPerceptual DialectologyHispanic LinguisticsSociolingüística
This essay proposes an analysis of contemporary Mexican Linguistics as a discipline. Specific topics treated on this disussion are: Mexican Linguistics and Sociolinguistics, Indigenous Education, the use of perceptual diaelectology data... more
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      History of LinguisticsSociolinguisticsPerceptual DialectologyMexico (Anthropology)
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      Historical LinguisticsDialectologyPerceptual Dialectology