Recent papers in Mesoscale
The Mid-Mediterranean Jet has been considered to be, since the 1990s, a more or less continuous surface current meandering across most of the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea, generating a series of eddies. This relatively recent... more
Evolution of sea fog has been investigated using three-dimensional Mesoscale Model 5 (MM5) simulations. The study focused on widespread fog-cloud layers advected along the California coastal waters during 14-16 April 1999. According to... more
This work describes the results of research into a source-oriented pollen concentration forecasting technique. Tests were conducted using the National Center for Atmospheric Research/ Penn State Fifth Generation Mesoscale Model (MM5), the... more
In this study, the fifth-generation Pennsylvania State University–National Center for Atmospheric Research Mesoscale Model (MM5) with three-dimensional variational data assimilation (3DVAR) is utilized to investigate influences of GPS... more
Concrete is considered as a 3-phase composite material; mortar matrix, aggregates, and interfacial transmission zone (ITZ). In order to investigate the contribution of each phase to the strength and damage response of concrete, 2-D and... more
A synthesis of Doppler lidar measurements with conventional meteorological data, including automatic weather stations and radiosondes, leads to the conclusion that the cold front in the Wipp Valley was an atmospheric density current... more
Dynamical aspects of the life cycle of the winter storm 'Lothar' (24-26 December 1999) are investigated with the aid of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts analysis data and mesoscale model simulations. Neither of these... more
This paper presents a range of applications of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), a comprehensive mesoscale meteorological modeling system. Applications discussed in this paper include large eddy simulations (LES) and... more
Fire Island, New York, is a 50-kilometer-long barrier island that has remained positionally stable without any formation of breach inlets for nearly 200 years. Some researchers have attributed its stability to a major supply of sand... more
The field of interactive music systems (IMSs), beginning in the 1980s, is still relatively young and fast moving. The field of music theory-analysis, during the same period (since 1980), has undergone a major transformation in terms of... more
The mitigation of the heat island effect can be achieved by the use of cool materials that are characterized by high solar reflectance and infrared emittance values. Several types of cool materials have been tested and their optical and... more
Given the significant rise of the utilization of wind energy the accurate assessment of the wind potential is becoming increasingly important. Direct applications of wind assessment techniques include the creation of wind maps on a local... more
The intraseasonal variability associated with mesoscale eddies in the Sulawesi Sea simulated in a high resolution ocean general circulation model is described in detail. The cyclonic eddies, with a diameter of about 400 kin, are generated... more
Large scale heterogeneity is a major problem when shock properties of concrete materials shall be derived efficiently. A mesomechanical method proposed earlier [Riedel W. Beton unter dynamischen Lasten: Meso-und makromechanische Modelle... more
and 50 m depth) located on 21 inshoreeoffshore transects between the FrencheSpanish border and the mouth of the Rhône River were sampled during the 1998 Fall. Their polychaete fauna was analyzed to: (1) describe the distribution pattern... more
Twenty-eight predecessor rain events (PREs) that occurred over the United States east of the Rockies during 1995–2008 are examined from a synoptic climatology and case study perspective. PREs are coherent mesoscale regions of heavy... more
This paper presents a range of applications of the Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (RAMS), a comprehensive mesoscale meteorological modeling system. Applications discussed in this paper include large eddy simulations (LES) and... more
The microscopic spatial kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) method has been employed extensively in materials modeling. In this review paper, we focus on different traditional and multiscale KMC algorithms, challenges associated with their... more
The present study investigates the initiation of precipitating deep convection in an ensemble of convection-resolving mesoscale models. Results of eight different model runs from five non-hydrostatic models are compared for a case of the... more
1] Aspects of the circulation of the Sicily channel region are studied with a highresolution, primitive equation, sigma coordinate model. This work is an attempt to study the process governing the purely baroclinic dynamics and its... more
1] We model the atmospheric response to a chaos-forming event at Juventae Chasma, north of Valles Marineris, Mars, using the Mars Regional Atmospheric Modeling System (MRAMS). Interactions between lake-driven convergence, topography, and... more
Following the meteorological evaluation in Part I, this Part II paper presents the statistical evaluation of air quality predictions by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (U.S. EPA)'s Community Multi-Scale Air Quality... more
A high-resolution ocean general circulation model is developed to simulate connections between the Kuroshio path variations and mesoscale eddy activities as realistically as possible. The climatological mean of the modeled Kuroshio takes... more
The synoptic and mesoscale conditions associated with waterspout occurrence in the Adriatic, Ionian and Aegean Sea are examined in an attempt to quantitatively assess the meteorological environment favourable to the development of... more
1] The offshore propagation of mesoscale eddies contributes significantly to expanding the area of high chlorophyll concentration beyond the coastal upwelling center as shown by satellite data of chlorophyll, wind stress, sea level... more
This study provides a contribution to the research field of 3D-printed earthen buildings, focusing, for the first time, on the load-bearing capacity of these structures. The study involves the entire production and testing process of the... more
This study aimed to set out a new methodology for habitat modeling in highgradient streams. The methodology is based on the mesoscale approach of the MesoHABSIM simulation system and can support the definition and assessment of... more
Many phenomena in the Earth's magnetotail have characteristic temporal scales of several minutes and spatial scales of a few Earth radii (R E ). Examples of such transient and localized mesoscale phenomena are bursty bulk flows, beamlets,... more
The Madden–Julian oscillation (MJO) produced by a mesoscale model is investigated using standardized statistical diagnostics. Results show that upper- and lower-level zonal winds display the correct MJO structure, phase speed (8 m s−1)... more
Heatbursts are characterized by a sudden and highly localized increase in air temperature, a simultaneous decrease in relative humidity and dewpoint temperature, and strong gusty winds, typically associated with decaying thunderstorms.... more
Advances in observations, theory, and modeling have revealed that inner-core asymmetries are a common feature of tropical cyclones (TCs). In this study, the inner-core asymmetries of a severe Southern Hemisphere tropical cyclone, TC Larry... more
This study examines the dependence of the surface drag coefficient on stability, wind speed, mesoscale modulation of the turbulent flux and method of calculation of the drag coefficient. Data sets over grassland, sparse grass, heather and... more
The current study describes a technique for downscaling climatological data in areas with limited or no grid data. In cases where grid data are unavailable and the researcher is called to operate on a regional or in the mesoscale and... more
In this paper, a previously developed meso-scale model for concrete, called the Confinement Shear Lattice (CSL) model, is extended in order to include the effect of loading rate on concrete strength and fracturing behavior. The rate... more
A Phenomenological Mesoscopic Field Dislocation Mechanics (PMFDM) model is developed, extending continuum plasticity theory for studying initial-boundary value problems of small-scale plasticity. PMFDM results from an elementary... more
Space geodetic applications require to model troposphere delays as good as possible in order to achieve highly accurate positioning estimates. However, these models are not capable to consider complex refractivity fields which are likely... more
During the Eddy Experiment, two synchronous GPS receivers were flown at 1 km altitude to collect L1 signals and their reflections from the sea surface for assessment of altimetric precision and accuracy. Wind speed (U10) was around 10... more
A theoretical formalism for nongeostrophic eddy transport in zonal-mean flows, using a transformed Eulerian-mean (TEM) approach in z coordinates, is discussed. By using Andrews and McIntyre's coordinate-independent definition of the... more
1] Since February 2002, the SABER (sounding of the atmosphere using broadband emission radiometry) satellite instrument has measured temperatures throughout the entire middle atmosphere. Employing the same techniques as previously used... more
Transient mesoscale and submesoscale processes, such as small eddies and filaments, could play a fundamental role in the marine ecosystem, especially in oligotrophic seas like the Mediterranean. However, very little is known about the... more