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      GeologyMeteoriticsMeteorite Impacts
El presente trabajo analiza los tres sitios de probables estructuras de impacto en Bolivia que son: Iturralde, Llica y Colluma, a partir de información recopilada y utilizando modelización geofísica mediante datos geofísicos, consistentes... more
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      Bolivian studiesMeteorite ImpactsProspección geofísica
Descriptions of natural events, such as fireballs, and meteorite impacts, are found within Indigenous Australian oral traditions. Studies of oral traditions demonstrate that they extend beyond the realm of myth and legend; they contain... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyCultural History
The Carswell structure in the western Athabasca Basin, northern Saskatchewan (Canada), has previously been interpreted as an eroded impact structure with a minimum diameter of ~36 km, the outer margin of which is broadly defined by an... more
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      GeologyMeteoriticsArchean geologySedimentary geology and stratigraphy
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      Planktonic ForaminiferaMass extinctionsCretaceous-Tertiary boundaryMeteorite Impacts
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      Impact cratersMeteorite ImpactsBenford's Law
The last three decades have seen a growing awareness that the planet Earth and human civilizations might be much more threatened by extraterrestrial objects than previously thought. It has been suggested on many occasions that the course... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyIconographyHermeneutics (Research Methodology)
L.A.I.S Luminescence Dating in Archaeology published as peer reviewed selective articles MAA 2010 Vol.10.4 (2010) Free Downloaded from www.maajournal.com Cite excellent articles in luminescence dating!!! CONTENTS LUMINESCENCE DATING... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeoarchaeologyCultural Heritage
The motif in the centre of the Egyptian Middle Kingdom Tale of the Shipwrecked Sailor (ca. 2000-1900 BCE) concerns a star that fell to earth and caused the extinction of a population of giant serpents on an enchanted island, whose... more
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      ArchaeoastronomyGeomythologyMiddle KingdomArchaeoastronomy, Cultural Astronomy
In this paper we explore Aboriginal oral traditions that relate to Australian meteorite craters. Using the literature, first-hand ethnographic records and fieldtrip data, we identify oral traditions and artworks associated with four... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryHistory of Science and TechnologyCultural History
The well-known classical myth of Phaethon must be the earliest recorded cautionary tale about teenage driving: taking control of the chariot of his father, the Sun-god, Phaethon set the world ablaze and endangered the cosmic order, until... more
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      Ancient Mesopotamian ReligionsGreek mythologyAncient Greek MythologyMeteorite Impacts
El cráter de Monturaqui se ubica a 200 Km al ESE de la ciudad de Antofagasta (II Región) en la Precordillera cerca del borde Sur del Salar de Atacama a una altura aproximada de 3500 m.s.n.m. Sus coordenadas geográficas son 23º57' latitud... more
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      MeteoritesMeteorite Impacts
Myths and legends are taught as an important component of cultural history and heritage, but are viewed by many as little more than fairy tales. Rife with supernatural deities, unphysical acts of strength and prowess, and fictional... more
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      Cultural HistoryEthnohistoryCultural StudiesGeography
The Lairg Gravity Low may represent a buried impact crater ~40 km across that was the source of the 1.2 Ga Stac Fada Member ejecta deposit but the gravity anomaly is too large to represent a simple crater and there is no evidence of a... more
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      Impact StructureMeteorite ImpactsImpact Structures SpainMeteorite Craters
We explore the origin of a ~280 m wide, heavily eroded circular depression in Palm Valley, Northern Territory, Australia using gravity, morphological, and mineralogical data collected from a field survey in September 2009. From the... more
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      GeologyGeophysicsAustralian StudiesPlanetary Science
Terrestrial impact structures provide field evidence for cratering processes on planetary bodies that have an atmosphere and volatiles in the target rocks. Here we discuss two examples that may yield implications for Martian craters: 1.... more
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      MarsMartian SurfaceImpact cratersK-Pg boundary
The Pelarda Formation (Fm.), located in the Iberian System in northeast Spain, is a sedimentary deposit with an extension of roughly 12 km x 2.5 km and an estimated thickness of no more than 400 m. The formation was first recognized as a... more
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      Meteorite ImpactsMeteorite impact and shock metamorphismImpact structuresChiemgau Impact
–A Paleoarchean impact spherule-bearing interval of the 763 m long International Continental Scientific Drilling Program (ICDP) drill core BARB5 from the lower Mapepe Formation of the Fig Tree Group, Barberton Mountain Land (South Africa)... more
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      Petrology and GeochemistryArchean geologyNear Infrared SpectroscopyMeteorite Impacts
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In the recent update (2022-08-31) of our article “Tree growth downturns in the Iron Age” we postulate that - due to a dendrochronological error of 218 years - an extreme narrow ring event in Scandinavian pine tree-ring chronologies at... more
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      DendrochronologyCatastrophesMeteorite Impacts
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      Planktonic ForaminiferaMass extinctionsCretaceous-Tertiary boundaryMeteorite Impacts
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      SpainK-T Boundary GeologyK-Pg boundaryMeteorite Impacts
Arguing from a critical reading of the text, and scientific evidence on the ground, the authors show that the myth of Phaethon – the delinquent celestial charioteer – remembers the impact of a massive meteorite that hit the Chiemgau... more
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      ArchaeologyClassical ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
The Usselo horizon is a late glacial marker horizon in the coversands of The Netherlands and Belgium. It is typically charcoal-rich and underlain by bleached-looking sand. In 2011, samples were collected from three geographic locations:... more
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      CometsFire EcologyPaleoecologyAlgae
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      ThailandPalaeomagnetismMeteorite ImpactsTektites
Visit the full web article via http://www.impact-structures.com/impact-educational/meteorite-impact-spallation-from-mega-to-micro-scale/ ******* Abstract.- Spallation, a well-known process in fracture mechanics, plays a major role in... more
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      Meteorite ImpactsMeteorite impact and shock metamorphismImpact Cratering, Explosion Cratering, Ries Impact CraterAzuara Impact Structure Spain
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Shock-induced fragmentation structures of basement rocks and their limestone cover in and around the Ries impact crater (Germany) were recorded on outcrop, sample and thin section scale and quantified mainly by fractal-geometry methods.... more
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      Structural GeologyTectonicsMeteoritesMeteorite Impacts
Scientists have observed that the Himalayan range, which includes some of the highest mountains in the world, is covered in fossilised seashells, sea lilies, fish and other marine fossils. There can therefore be no doubt that it once... more
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      MeteoriticsArchaeology of saltPlate TectonicsHimalayas
Was the Ocmulgee earth lodge an astronomical observatory and sophisticated scientific apparatus designed to forewarn its designers of impending catastrophe coming from the heavens?
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      ArchaeoastronomyGeomythologyTsunamiTsunami impact
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      Mass extinctionsMeteorite ImpactsDivulgacion CIentificaExtinciones En Masa
An original Plasma Concept of the origin of simplest forms of living matter during the expansion of the plasma forming in the process of a hypervelocity meteorite impact onto the Earth surface is proposed. The concept uses the fact that... more
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      Origins of LifeMeteorite ImpactsLife Origin
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      SedimentologyMicropaleontologyBenthic foraminiferaCretaceous-Tertiary boundary
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      EoceneChronostratigraphyMeteorite ImpactsImpact evidence
In the last three decades cosmic events such as supernovae and the impact of large meteorites have undergone a remarkable renaissance in being considered as a trigger of radical change, not only in geological timescales but also among... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMythologyDisaster StudiesComets
Our planet experiences falls of meteorites with different airburst and ground impact risk. Some of these meteors can survive after the atmospheric passage and fall into the ground. Although there are claims that people were hit and killed... more
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      Ottoman HistoryMeteoriticsAsteroidsIraqi History
The paper concerning Tunguska meteorite (1908). This paper describes results of 30 years of author's research concerning Tunguska impact (1908). The mechanism of Tunguska blast is determined as quick destruction of four main fragments of... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyBenthic foraminifera
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      Meteorite ImpactsTitanium CarbideChiemgau ImpactShock Metamorphism
"Coalification defines the process in which vegetable matter like wood and peat becomes con- verted into coal of increasingly higher rank with anthra- cite, and in some cases graphite, as the final product, and that in geology leads... more
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      Meteorite ImpactsMeteorite impact and shock metamorphismChiemgau ImpactCarbynes
Spallation is a well-known process in technical fracture mechanics. It describes strong tensile pulses, reflected from incident compression pulses at free surfaces, which can lead to decisive material damage due to the usually... more
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      Meteorite ImpactsMeteorite impact and shock metamorphismImpact structuresShock Metamorphism
The size or energy of diverse structures or phenomena in geoscience appears to follow power law distributions. A rigorous statistical analysis of such observations is tricky, though. Observables can span several orders of magnitude, but... more
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      Applied StatisticsHurricanesGeostatisticsSeismology
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      PalaeogeographyLimnologyDisaster StudiesPaleolimnology
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    • Meteorite Impacts
ABSTRACT In the El Mulato section (NE Mexico), the Upper Cretaceous marly Méndez and the Lower Palaeogene marly Velasco Formations are separated by a clastic unit. Benthic foraminifera from both marly formations indicate lower bathyal... more
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      Earth SciencesSedimentologyMicropaleontologyBenthic foraminifera
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      JordanImpact cratersMeteorite ImpactsImpact Cratering
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      CometsPlanktonic ForaminiferaEoceneChronostratigraphy
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      Planktonic ForaminiferaMass extinctionsChronostratigraphyEocene-Oligocene transition
In this article the idea of superconductivity in meteorites is declared for the first time. A new electro-magnetic mechanism of destruction of the most dangerous metal asteroidal bodies is described. It is shown that the nucleus of a... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeologyEcologyBenthic foraminifera