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L'article traite de littérature de voyage et plus particulièrement de récits de missionnaires italiens de l'ordre des Capucins, ayant œuvré à l'évangélisation du Royaume du Congo vers la fin du XVII e... more
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      ReligionAfricaBrazilPunishment and Prisons
The laity are tasked with both engaging and improving the temporal sphere as well as evangelizing it. In complex matters, especially political ones, how is this task to be undertaken without compromising either the rightful autonomy of... more
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      Religion and PoliticsThe Role of the Church in the Philippine SocietyMission and EvangelizationLay vocation
The 19th century is the heroic age of Christian missions. More than any other period in history, Christians devoted their time and efforts for the accomplishment of Christ’s Great Commission. It is striking that this worldwide campaign of... more
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      Student EngagementHistory of MissionsReligious RevivalsMission and Evangelization
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      Evangelical TheologyMission and EvangelizationNew EvangelizationPapa Francisco
Abstract: Christianity is a religion of witness, and in our contemporary world Christian witness is faced with secularist and postmodernist societies that do not accept religious claims as valid and normative. Hence, the purpose of this... more
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    • Mission and Evangelization
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      American HistoryAmerican StudiesLatin American and Caribbean HistoryMissionary History
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    • Mission and Evangelization
Should we abandon "mission", both the term and the activity? Various German churches have in recent decades publicly declared that for theological reasons the will desist from mission / evangelism among Jews. More recently a discussion... more
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyIslamInterreligious DialogueChristian-Muslim Dialogue
in "Representations of the Other and intercultural experiences in a global perspective (XVIth-XXth centuries)", ed. by N. GUASTI, Milano, Mimesis, 2017, pp. 35-64.
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      Native American StudiesLatin American StudiesIndigenous StudiesCatholic Missionary History
A preliminary report on fresco painting of Cuernavaca Franciscan cathedral. A short mention on 26 martyrs of Nagasaki which occurred in 1597.
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      ChristianityAsian HistoryMission and Evangelization
In the history of sainthood, cult and devotion, images play a role just as important as that played by relics. Being a representation of the saint that is portrayed, the holy image is an active presence, and the cult of the saint feeds on... more
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      SlaveryChristian IconographyMission and Evangelization
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      Art HistoryReligious ConversionIconologyJesuits
La cosecha es abundante, nos dice el Evangelio. Los tiempos están maduros para la cosecha. Por oposición al sentimiento de impotencia que existe, tal vez necesitemos cambiar de mirada y adoptar una pastoral que yo llamaría " de la cosecha... more
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      Pastoral TheologyMission and Evangelization
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      Pacific Island StudiesProtestantismHistoire moderneMission and Evangelization
Con este trabajo pretendo demostrar que la arquitectura desarrollada por los ignacianos en las estancias de la Provincia Jesuítica del Paraguay, fue una labor combinada entre arquitectos jesuitas y constructores africanos y... more
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      HistoriaJesuitasMission and EvangelizationMisiones Jesuíticas
Abstract This study will try to show that the apostolic zeal of Cardinal Leo Joseph Suenens for the vision of the Church in a state of mission was anchored in the spirituality of the Legion of Mary before the Second Vatican Council.... more
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      Mission and EvangelizationNew EvangelizationCatholic ActionApostolate
Volume 2 : Après avoir réalisé dans le volume 1, l’édition critique de la Breve e Succinta Relatione del Viaggio nel Regno di Congo […], ce volume 2 est l’occasion de contextualiser les éléments disparates et flous du récit afin de les... more
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      African StudiesTravel LiteratureEvangelical TheologyXVII century
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      Pacific Island StudiesAnglo-Saxon StudiesProtestantismMission and Evangelization
O presente artigo faz uma reflexão acerca dos principais episódios que embasaram a conformação de um conflito entre Portugal e a Santa Sé em torno da atividade missionária nos anos seguintes à Restauração. Tal cenário está intimamente... more
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      Catholic Missionary HistorySeventeenth CenturyHistory of Roman CatholicismHistory of the Portuguese Empire
As a concept, the 'Modern Areopagi' describes how the world's of science, culture, and media form a contemporary elite. St. John Paul II's proclamation of the New Evangelization is underpinned by the need to repair fractured... more
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      John Paul II/Karol WojtylaMission and EvangelizationNew EvangelizationCatholic Philosophy
This thesis-project aims to address the ministerial concern of how the integration of digital technology shapes Christian religious education and its ability to promote evangelization at St. Thomas Aquinas High School (STA) in Ft.... more
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      Educational TechnologyTeacher EducationDigital TechnologiesUsing digital technology in higher education
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyEvangelizationMission and Evangelization
"Abstract The article discusses about one of the edges on the subject of the representations of alterity in the early Carolingian Frankish world. It’s considered that this otherness was identified with «the pagans» of northern Germania.... more
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      Cultural StudiesHistory of ChristianityEarly Medieval HistoryRepresentations
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      AnthropologyHistorical AnthropologyMission and Evangelization
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      Cross-Cultural CommunicationCounselingFinancesDesign of Orphanages
This chapter explores the widely-perceived tension between faithfulness to Christian identity and engagement in interfaith dialogue. It suggests the possibility of reconciling identity and dialogue by basing dialogue in identity:... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyInterfaith DialogueEcumenical and Interfaith Dialogue
This work analizes the meaning of epikeia in the handbook Itinerario para parrocos de indios written by the bishop of Quito Alonso de la Peña Montenegro. In the opinion of the bishop marriage laws, established by Trento’s Council to... more
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      South American IndiansCouncil of TrentMission and EvangelizationMatrimony
Nel suo studio di Segretario di Propaganda Fide, affacciato su Piazza di Spagna, Francesco Ingoli riceveva da ogni parte del mondo le relazioni dei missionari, incontrava viaggiatori di ritorno dall'Oriente, monaci ortodossi di passaggio... more
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      African StudiesInternational RelationsHistory of ReligionHistory of Christianity
Se analizan dos confesionarios del siglo XVIII; se trata de saber si en el siglo XVIII, todavía se están librando batallas de la guerra espiritual ejercida en contra de la población indígena del noreste, en el caso del confesionario en... more
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      Indigenous LanguagesMission and Evangelization
Uma breve reflexão sobre o papel do jesuíta belga Pierre-Jean De Smett nas negociações de paz entre o governo dos Estados Unidos da América e os nativos americanos na segunda metade do século XIX. O artigo toma como fontes documentais as... more
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      American HistoryNative American StudiesAmerican StudiesMissionary History
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      PhilosophyHumanitiesMission and EvangelizationNew Evangelization
Comunicacion presentada al Tercer Encontre de Ciencies Humanes i Socials dels Paisos Catalans, desarrollado en la Facultad de Filosofia y Letras de la Universidad de las Islas Baleares, entre diciembre de 1978 y enero de 1979. Se trata... more
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      ArtMission and Evangelization
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      Missiology and Mission TheologyCatholic ChurchMission and Evangelization