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Επεξεργασία της εργασίας μου του Μ.Τ.Σ. στο Αριστοτέλειο Πανεπιστήμιο, με τίτλο "ΤΑ ΚΕΡΑΜΙΚΑ ΕΡΓΑΣΤΗΡΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΝΗΣΟΥ ΛΕΣΒΟΥ" (υπό τον κ. Παπανικολάου). Επιμέλεια έκδοσης: Ηλίας Μέλιος ΣΗΜΕΙΩΣΗ ΣΥΓΓΡΑΦΕΑ: Από τον κ. Ηλία Κουρτζή, δια της... more
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      Art HistoryGreek PotteryHistory of Early Modern TechnologyEarly Modern Pottery
"La produzione ceramica post-medievale a Pisa è analizzata in questa sede attraverso i materiali provenienti da due scavi stratigrafici effettuati in anni diversi nel centro storico a nord del fiume Arno: Villa Quercioli e via della... more
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      Medieval PotteryEarly Modern PotteryPottery consumptionPost-Medieval Archaeology
RESUMEN: a partir de piezas y fragmentos cerámicos en- contrados en labores de carácter arqueológico realizadas en el entorno de la muralla occi- dental de Almazán (Soria), se dan a conocer por primera vez elementos de la producción... more
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      Modern archaeologyModern PotteryCerámica de talaveraArqueologia de la Edad Moderna
From the Modern Age until the mid-twentieth century, in Spain and other European countries, a funerary ritual was practiced halfway between the religious and the pagan. In the Iberian Peninsula, his memory is still traced in the oral... more
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologyFunerary ArchaeologyMagic and the Occult (Anthropology Of Religion)Anthropology of Death
This chapter presents a general description of the pottery found in the course of archaeological research on the historic battlefield for the Bolimów bridgehead during the First World War. In total, 177 fragments were recovered. The... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramics (Archaeology)Modern Pottery
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      DodecaneseModern Pottery
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Post medieval potteryPottery technology and functionAlfarería
Recent archaeological and archaeomeric studies have led to the identification in Barcelona à Taches Noires pottery from different origins. This type of pottery, traditionally referred as ‘plats de dol’ (mourning dishes), is very abundant... more
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      ArchaeometryCeramic Analysis (Archaeology)Post medieval potteryPost-Medieval Archaeology
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      Medieval PotteryByzantine PotteryEarly Modern PotteryPost medieval pottery
L’affinarsi delle tecniche di analisi nel corso degli anni ha permesso di specificare sempre di più i caratteri esclusivi dei prodotti pisani rispetto a quelli regionali ed extra-regionali: in breve si ripercorrono le varie tappe e si... more
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      Medieval PotteryUrban archaeologyCraft production (Archaeology)Early Modern Pottery
Apresentam-se os primeiros resultados da escavação arqueológica da área de Arqueologia da Universidade de Cadiz, em operação desde 2010, no Teatro Romano de Cádiz. O presente texto centra-se na ocupação moderna e contemporânea, um... more
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    • Modern Pottery
Dins de l'àmbit dels estudis previs que l'empresa propietària de l'edifici, ORDISA, encarregà a diversos professionals, es va considerar la necessitat d'incloure els d'àmbit arqueològic. Aquests estudis, sobre els quals no s'ha de perdre... more
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    • Modern Pottery
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      Aegean Archaeology, Mediterranean Archeology, the island of CreteMaterial Culture of the Early Modern Domestic InteriorModern PotteryGreek Ceramics
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      ArchaeologyGarden HistoryEarly Modern PotteryModern archaeology
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      Historical ArchaeologyIslamic ArchaeologyIslamic potteryPostmedieval Archaeology
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramica postmedievalePottery technology and functionPottery studies
The island of Lesvos in the Eastern Aegean has been prominent on our TV screens during the human migration towards Europe. It is not the first such mass movement that this area has suffered, which may account for the extraordinary way in... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Ceramic TechnologyRefugee StudiesAuthenticity
Il caso studio presentato in questa sede esporrà le problematicità riscontrate nella ricostruzione della produzione ceramica a Pisa tra XV e XVI secolo laddove l’evoluzione degli studi e l’apertura di nuovi scavi stratigrafici nel centro... more
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      Medieval PotteryEarly Modern PotteryPost medieval potteryMetodologia Della Ricerca Archeologia; Study of Ceramic Assemblage; Ancient Architecture
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Φωτογραφικό άλμπουμ, των διαφανειών που χρησιμοποιήθηκαν στην παρουσίοασή μου του Α' κύκλου διαλέξεων του περιοδικού "ΠΕΡΙΑΠΤΟ" (Φεβ./Απρ. 1999), με τίτλο "ΤΑ ΛΑΪΚΑ ΚΕΡΑΜΕΙΑ ΤΗΣ ΜΥΤΙΛΗΝΗΣ". Ο ίδιος τίτλος χρησιμοποιήθηκε για την έκδοσή... more
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      Modern Greek HistoryGreek PotteryEarly Modern PotteryPost medieval pottery
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      Medieval PotteryPost medieval potteryModern Pottery
Dins de l'àmbit dels estudis previs que l'empresa propietària de l'edifici, ORDISA, encarregà a diversos professionals, es va considerar la necessitat d'incloure els d'àmbit arqueològic. Aquests... more
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    • Modern Pottery
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      FaiencePostmedieval PotteryExhibition CatalogueBook Rewiev
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      EthnoarchaeologyHistory of saltArchaeology of saltPrehistoric salt production
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      Historical ArchaeologyPottery (Archaeology)Post medieval potteryPortuguese faience
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      ArchaeologyRome, City ofUrban archaeologyArchaeological Excavation
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      Pottery (Archaeology)FaienceEuropean porcelainModern Pottery
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L'intervention préventive réalisée au printemps 2012 dans la cour intérieure des immeubles 12 et 14 de la rue Etienne-Dumont permet de compléter, bien que modestement, la connaissance des vestiges antiques de ce secteur de la... more
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      Modern PotteryMedieval and Modern Geneva
El XIII Congreso sobre Cerámica Mediterránea Medieval y Moderna del AIECM3 organizado por la Universidad de Granada, Servicio de investigación de la Alhambra, Unidad de Excelencia de la Alhambra y Fundación Fajalauza; tendrá lugar... more
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      Medieval PotteryIslamic potteryCerámica medievalCéramique médiévale