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El ensayo es el género que mejor se ajusta a este libro, tanto por su carácter exploratorio como por la dimensión de su empresa: cuestionar las bases mismas sobre las que hemos construido un mundo que cada día nos resulta más ajeno.... more
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      Democracia ParticipativaDoctrina Social de la iglesia y Ciencias HumanasCapitalismoIdeología, Discursos Y Dominación
Es gibt bislang schon mehrere Vorschläge zur Etymologisierung des hebräischen Lexems „Tophet“, üblicherweise verstanden als die vor- exilische Kinderopferstätte außerhalb Jerusalems, wenngleich bis dato keiner überzeugen konnte. Hier wird... more
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      Hebrew LanguageComparative Semitic LinguisticsArabicHebrew Bible
pp. 59-80 of R. M. Kerr, R. Millier ii, Ph. C. Schmitz (edd.), “His Word Soars Above Him” Biblical and North-West Semitic Studies Presented  to
Professor Charles R. Krahmalkov (Ann Arbor, 2018).
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      Semitic languagesHistory of ReligionPhoeniciansComparative Semitic Linguistics
Re-reading Allen Ginsberg’s seminal poem ‘Howl’ (1956) through the lens of Oswald Spengler, the article aims to identify a set of converging lines in the works of the poet and of the historian respectively. It traces the influence of... more
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      ModernityBeat StudiesRationalismNature
Dall’angelologia giudaico-cristiana alle metafore delle disgrazie moderne, nascita e sviluppo di un feticcio che sembra non avere mai fine
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      BioarchaeologyHistory of ReligionsRabbinic LiteratureJohn Milton
In the summer of 1948 Allen Ginsberg experienced a series of auditory hallucinations of the voice of William Blake that subsequently led to the creation of his most seminal pieces of poetry. The effects of William Blake’s poetry have been... more
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      RomanticismPoetryBeat GenerationVisions And Dreams
Sergio Ribichini, «Curriculum vitae et studiorum, 2022: (1) Personal Information – (2) Work Experience – (3) Education and Training – (4) Organizational Skills and Competences – (5) Participation in Promotional Literature and... more
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      World Cultural HeritageHistory of Religions (History)Phoenician and Punic StudiesPunic Child Sacrifice
Introduction One of the topics mentioned in classical texts is the narration of a decree that Darius I sent to Carthage and asked the Carthaginians to give up some of their traditions and rituals (Justinus, Epitome of the Philippic... more
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      ClassicsHuman sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)Carthage (Archaeology)Achaemenid History
Close reading of a scene from 'Paradise Lost'.
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      Early Modern LiteratureJohn MiltonParadise LostMoloch
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      CinemaKarl MarxMax WeberUtopia
"Ancient Carthage: Models of Cultural Contact St John’s College, Durham University August 5th-6th, 2011 Cartheginian Child Sacrifice: an Overview Keynote address, Friday August 5th 8-9:00pm R Kerr, Waterloo The Tophets of... more
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      PhoeniciansPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyPhoenician and Punic StudiesPunic Child Sacrifice
The exchange between Martin Buber and Franz Rosenzweig on the status of halakha is a well known, but also frustrating fixture in scholarship. For rather than responding to Rosenzweig's critique, Buber seems to retreat in silence, claiming... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish MysticismHermeneuticsDialogue
Explores Ginsberg's treatment of materialism, mechanization, sexuality, and self in "Howl" and other poems.
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      BuddhismQueer StudiesQueer TheoryPoetry
In Western tradition, St. George is known as the dragon slayer. In the Middle East, he is called Khidr (“Green One”), and in addition to being a dragon slayer, he is also somehow the prophet Elijah. In this book, Robert D. Miller II... more
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      KhidrBaalAl-KhidrSaint George
Allen Ginsberg, prophetic, wildly exuberant, the gay bard who saw himself an heir to Whitman, seemingly occupies a literary tradition far distant from that of the knotted, formal approach of Elizabeth Bishop. This paper presents a lens... more
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      Queer TheoryHomosexuality and LiteratureSpirituality & MysticismBeat Generation
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesBook of GenesisLeviticus
…the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn like fabulous yellow... more
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      GovernmentalityPoetryMichel FoucaultBeat Generation
Dans cet article, nous examinons la phrase finale trouvée dans des dédicaces puniques k šmc qlɔ brkɔ, habituellement traduite « parce qu’il a entendu sa voix, il l’a béni » selon que les verbes expriment l’aspect ou qu’ils expriment la... more
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      PhilologyReligionSemitic languagesHebrew Language
Today, this day that I write, the president of the Nordic country, Sauli Niinisto, has informed President Putin of his entry into NATO "in the next few days", perhaps following that old advice of "silver bridge to the enemy". A... more
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      NATOCritical ThinkingPress FreedomFinland
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      History of ArtKitschHermann BrochRussian Cinema
Dans Les Naufragés et les Rescapés, Primo Levi développe pour la première fois le concept de « zone grise », c’est-à-dire l’espace de privilèges et de luttes de pouvoir à travers les rapports ambigus de complicité et de responsabilité... more
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      Hannah ArendtPrimo LeviUlyssesVercors
A look at god's morals: god is thought to be the force, personification and origin of morals-but what are god's? A review through theology, Kant, Kierkegaard, and others.
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      ReligionAncient Egyptian ReligionHebrew LiteraturePhilosophy Of Religion
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      ArchaeologyEgyptologyPhonologySemitic languages
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      Comics StudiesCarthage (History)Punic WarsMoloch
Response to the blog published today, Feast of St. Dominic
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      MolochDouglas K Murray
Resumen: El dios Moloch, presente en diversos panteones de origen semita, a pesar de contar con un culto largo tiempo extinguido, ha dejado una importante impronta en el imaginario cultural mundial hasta nuestros días. Su entidad... more
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      Art HistoryAncient ReligionPhoenician Punic ArchaeologyCinema and History
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      Human sacrifice (Anthropology Of Religion)archaeology of Sardinia in phoenician ageSardonic SmileMoloch