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      RoboticsMultiagent RoboticsBiomimeticsPattern Formation
In this study, a path smoothing strategy is proposed for sensor-based coverage problems. Smooth paths are generated for the coverage problems considering mobile robot kinematics constraints. An open agent architecture-based control... more
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      Mobile RoboticsMultiagent RoboticsAutonomous RoboticsPath planning
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      RoboticsMultiagent RoboticsAutonomous RoboticsAgent Based Simulation
In October 2016, the White House, the European Parliament, and the UK House of Commons each issued a report outlining their visions on how to prepare society for the widespread use of AI. In this article, we provide a comparative... more
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      EngineeringRoboticsAlgorithmsParallel Algorithms
There is an increasing number of situations where a group of unmanned vehicles, instead of only one, would optimize efficiency in several military and civilian applications. One of the main limitations with current technology is the fact... more
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      EngineeringCommunicationMultiagent RoboticsElectronics
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      Multiagent RoboticsSpace Robotics
Wachter, S., Mittelstadt, B., & Floridi, L. (2017). Transparent, explainable, and accountable AI for
robotics. Science Robotics, 2(6), eaan6080.
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceAlgorithmsArtificial Intelligence
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      RoboticsMultiagent RoboticsMultiagent SystemsMultiAgent Systems (Computer Science)
Multi robot motion planning problems can be solved very efficiently when the Configuration Space is mapped onto a Graph. Before planning, however, it must be assured that the constructed graph is reachable (solvable) for the given number... more
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      Multiagent RoboticsMotion Planning
Resource Person: Dimitrios A.Karras Dimitrios A. Karras received his Diploma and M.Sc. Degree in Electrical and Electronic Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece in 1985 and the Ph. Degree in... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Multiagent RoboticsHumanoid Robotics
Open multi-agent systems are populated by self-interested agents, developed by different people using different languages and architectures. One way of making these agents conform to some intended collective purpose is to use norms to... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceMultiagent RoboticsMultiagent SystemsSocial Norms
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      Business EthicsRoboticsSystematics (Taxonomy)Computer Science
— In this paper a scalable and flexible Architecture for real-time mission planning and dynamic agent-to-task assignment for a swarm of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) is presented. The proposed mission planning architecture consists of a... more
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      Multiagent RoboticsAutonomous RoboticsAerial RoboticsAutomated reasoning
Sensor-based coverage problems have many applications such as patrolling, search-rescue, and surveillance. Using multi-robot team increases efficiency by reducing completion time of a sensor-based coverage task. Robustness to robot... more
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      RoboticsFault Tolerant ComputingRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile Robotics
In this essay the logical and conceptual foundations of distributed artificial intelligence and multi-agent systems are explored. An attempt is made to provide an introduction to some of the key concepts of the area. These include the... more
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      Information Theory (Mathematics)CommunicationLogicMultiagent Robotics
In this paper, we describe a new application domain for intelligent autonomous systems – Intelligent Buildings (IB). In doing so we present a novel approach to the implementation of IB based on a hierarchical fuzzy genetic multi... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceMultiagent RoboticsMultiagent Systems
Abstract in Turkish: Bu çalışmada, holonomik olmayan bir grup otonom robotun bir nesneyi işbirlikli olarak taşıyabilmesi için hareket planlama ve kontrol yaklaşımı önerilmektedir. İşbirlikli taşıma sistemi için sanal lider-takipçi... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile Robotics
In this study, a fire-fighting scenario in an office environment wherein three different nonholonomic differential-drive mobile robots are used is considered as a case study. The 2D configuration space of the office environment is divided... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Decision MakingMobile Robotics
We propose a distributed algorithm enabling a large team of robots to detect all intruders within a large planar environment. Each robot can only detect intruders and communicate with other robots within a limited range. No map of the... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceRobotics (Computer Science)Multiagent Robotics
In this study, motion planning and control scheme for a cooperative transportation system, which consists of a single object and multiple autonomous non-holonomic mobile robots, is proposed. Virtual leader-follower formation control... more
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      Transportation EngineeringRoboticsControl Systems EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)
La robótica de enjambre trata de desarrollar sistemas multirrobot con algunas características de los enjambres de insectos. La principal ventaja de este enfoque es que permite la autoorganización de los robots a pesar de que cada uno de... more
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      Multiagent RoboticsMultiagent SystemsSelf-OrganizationNeuroevolution
This paper introduces a probabilistic model for multirobot surveillance applications with limited range and possibly faulty sensors. Sensors are described with a footprint and a false negative probability, i.e. the probability of failing... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceRobotics (Computer Science)Multiagent Robotics
This paper presents a novel approach for the generation of residual in order to diagnose (detect and identify) sensor faults in a particular class of network based on multi-agent system (MAS). Specifically, the network under consideration... more
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      Fault Tolerant ComputingMultiagent RoboticsMultiagent SystemsFault Detection
In this work, we approach the problem of a box transport by the robots that are requested to bring a box from an arbitrary initial to some preassigned target position. The robots are modeled as rational collaborative autonomous agents... more
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      RoboticsAutonomous Cognitive AgentsMultiagent RoboticsAutonomous Agentes
Multi-robot systems are deployed in a warehouse to automate the process of storing and retrieving objects in and out of the warehouse. The efficiency of the system largely depends on how the tasks are allocated to the robots. Though there... more
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      Multiagent RoboticsSchedulingMulti Robot SystemsReal Time Scheduling
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceMultiagent RoboticsFuzzy Logic
In this study, motion planning and control scheme for a cooperative transportation system, which consists of a single object and multiple autonomous non-holonomic mobile robots included forklifts, is proposed. Virtual leader-follower... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile Robotics
Abstract in English: In this study, a system providing indoor localization for the mobile robots is presented. The developed system is composed of two sub-systems. The first system is used to determine location of mobile robots. The... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Image ProcessingMobile Robotics
There is an increasing amount of research into the area of pervasive computing, smart homes and intelligent spaces, one example being that of the DTI-funded Pervasive Home Environment Networking (PHEN) project. Much of the current... more
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      Environmental EngineeringEnvironmental ScienceProgramming LanguagesArtificial Intelligence
Agent-Based Computing is a diverse research domain concerned with the building of intelligent software based on the concept of "agents". In this paper, we use Scientometric analysis to analyze all sub-domains of agent-based computing.... more
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      AlgorithmsScientific VisualizationComplex Systems ScienceVisualization
2 Intelligent Computing Research Group(GPCI) University Center of Bahia (FIB) Rua Xingu, nº. 179, Jardim Atalaia/STIEP. Salvador – BA – Brazil marcosimoes@fib.br, {helderfib, okvictorok, simonpiata}@yahoo.com.br, {hugodaluz,... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceMultiagent RoboticsMultiagent Systems
This paper presents an overview of the numerous results we recently published for the problem of multi-robot pursuit evasion. We review the Graph-Clear formalism we introduced, we summarize the variants we studied, and the main results we... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceRobotics (Computer Science)Multiagent Robotics
In this paper we present a novel graph theoretic problem, called GRAPH-CLEAR, useful to model surveillance tasks where multiple robots are used to detect all possible intruders in a given indoor environment. We provide a formal definition... more
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    • Multiagent Robotics
We address the problem of searching for moving targets in large outdoor environments represented by height maps. To solve the problem we present a complete system that computes from an annotated height map a graph representation and... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceRobotics (Computer Science)Multiagent Robotics
This paper presents the initial research results of Bahia Robotics Team. This is a new research group created to investigate the application of artificial intelligence methods in the standard problem of robotics soccer. In this work,... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceMultiagent RoboticsMultiagent Systems
Abstract. This paper presents the initial research results of Bahia Robotics Team. This is a new research group created to investigate the application of artificial intelligence methods in the standard problem of robotics soccer. In this... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceMultiagent RoboticsMultiagent Systems
Distributed algorithms are presented that describe various degrees of cooperation between autonomous agents. The algorithms generate styles of cooperation that cover a whole spectrum, from total cooperation, to complete self-interest, to... more
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      RoboticsSocial PsychologyMultiagent RoboticsEvolution of cooperation (Evolutionary Biology)
Citation: Alpaslan Yufka, Metin Ozkan, Formation-Based Control Scheme for Cooperative Transportation by Multiple Mobile Robots, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, 2015, 12:120. ISSN 1729-8806. DOI: 10.5772/60972.... more
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      RoboticsControl Systems EngineeringRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile Robotics
Solvable Graphs (also known as Reachable Graphs) are types of graphs that any arrangement of a specified number of agents located on the graph’s vertices can be reached from any initial arrangement through agents’ moves along the graph’s... more
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      Mobile RoboticsMultiagent RoboticsGraphs Theory
This paper presents a behavior-based solution to the problem of observing multiple mobile targets by multiple mobile robots. Robots sense targets using sensors and in addition exchange information about them with other robots. Workload is... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceRobotics (Computer Science)Multiagent Robotics
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceMultiagent RoboticsFuzzy Logic
In recent years, an increasing number of Mixed Reality (MR) applications have been developed using agent technology — both for the underlying software and as an interface metaphor. However, no unifying field or theory currently exists... more
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      RoboticsInformation TechnologyMultiagent RoboticsMultiagent Systems
Underwater exploration is an important task in many aspects like surveying shipwrecks, observing the seabed and depth. Since, it is fatal for humans to venture into such depth, robots are deployed to accomplish them. Exploration is done... more
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      Multiagent RoboticsAnt Colony OptimizationKalman FilterAutonomous Underwater Vehicle
Inspired by the new achievements in mobile robotics having as a result mobile robots able to execute different production tasks, we consider a factory producing a set of distinct products via or with the additional help of mobile robots.... more
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      Distributed ComputingMobile RoboticsMultiagent RoboticsAutonomous Robotics
In this paper, we study a distributed intelligent multi-robot system (MRS) in assembly setting where robots have partially overlapping capabilities. We treat the problem of the system's self-(re)configurability and self-optimization. In... more
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      Decision MakingMultiagent RoboticsReal-time SystemsScheduling
In this paper, we consider a decentralized approach to the multi-agent target allocation problem where agents are partitioned in two groups and every member of each group is a possible target for the members of the opposite group. Each... more
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      CommunicationCombinatorial AlgorithmsMultiagent RoboticsCombinatorial Optimization
In this study, a path smoothing strategy is proposed for sensor-based coverage problems. Smooth paths are generated for the coverage problems considering mobile robot kinematics constraints. An open agent architecture-based control... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile RoboticsMultiagent Robotics
In this study, a path smoothing strategy is proposed for sensor-based coverage problems. Smooth paths are generated for the coverage problems considering mobile robot kinematics constraints. An open agent architecture-based control... more
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      RoboticsRobotics (Computer Science)Mobile RoboticsMultiagent Robotics
The main contribution of this paper is an im- proved algorithm for the GRAPH-CLEAR problem, a novel NP-complete graph theoretic problem we recently introduced as a tool to model multi-robot surveillance tasks. The proposed al- gorithm... more
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      RoboticsComputer ScienceRobotics (Computer Science)Multiagent Robotics
This paper describes a research about fuzzy controllers for the positioning of the goalkeeper without the ball in the 2d simulated robot soccer. The goal of this research was to improve the behavior of the goalkeeper, raising the number... more
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      RoboticsArtificial IntelligenceAutonomous Cognitive AgentsMultiagent Robotics