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      History of HungaryNational Cultural PolicyHungary
7 июня 1923 г. Решением Закавказского Центрального исполнительного Комитета (ЗакЦИК) на территории Азербайджанской ССР была создана Курдская автономная область, известная в исторической литературе как «Красный Курдистан». Эта была первая... more
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    • National Cultural Policy
Tanner Mirrlees A critical cultural materialist introduction to the study of global entertainment media. In Global Entertainment Media, Tanner Mirrlees undertakes an analysis of the ownership, production, distribution, marketing,... more
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      Cultural StudiesInternational RelationsMedia and Cultural StudiesCultural Policy
The aim of the article is an analysis of the possibilities, means, and projects that lie within the scope of protection of national identity, rights of ethnic minorities, cultural policy activities, and bodies and institutions for the... more
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      National Cultural PolicyCentral and Eastern EuropeMigrantsMultikulturalizm
The Eurozone’s largest and strongest economy Germany (Eurostat European Commission, 2013) shows a continuing growth in the creative industries (Soendermann, 2012) with Berlin celebrated as a promising, up-and-coming major fashion capital... more
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      Cultural PolicyInternational BusinessCompetitiveness (Economics)Internationalization
The book presents the history of the International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition narrated from the anthropological-cultural perspective and based on extensive source material, which enabled the authors to explore the less known... more
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      Cultural PolicyPerformance StudiesNational Cultural PolicyFrederic Chopin
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    • National Cultural Policy
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      NationalismYugoslav LiteratureNational Cultural PolicyYugoslavia (History)
En Christine Rivalan-Guégo / Miriam Nicoli (eds.): _La Collection. Essor et affirmation d’un objet éditorial_, Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 2014, 165-177.
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      NationalismCultural NationalismNational Cultural PolicyNationalisme
This article addresses cultural policy in post-Communist Romania, focusing on the justifications for support of culture and the arts. The objectives are to clarify values legitimizing public support and to determine their effect on the... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesCultural PolicyArt TheoryValues
The correlation between fundamentalist discourses and uptake of family planning practice has been studied by different researchers and field practitioners, with diverging results and inferences. There is evidence of religious... more
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      Sexual and Reproductive HealthPolitical Extremism/Radicalism/PopulismGenderViolence Against Women
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      Cultural PolicyCultural LandscapesUnescoNational Cultural Policy
This article addresses cultural policy in post-Communist Romania, focusing on the justifications for support of culture and the arts. The objectives are to clarify values legitimizing public support and to determine their effect on the... more
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      Policy Analysis/Policy StudiesCultural PolicyEastern EuropeValues
The author questions the arts support system in post-Communist Romania, examining whether the cultural policies during 1990–2006 have contributed to the development of the arts sector, the enhancement of artistic creativity, and the... more
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      Cultural PolicyArts PolicyNational Cultural PolicyPublic Policy Analysis
In Malaysia, the implementation of the National Culture Policy in the early 1970s reiterated the ethnic preference policy of the National Economic Policy (NEP). As a result, the subsequent 1971 National Culture Congress (NCC) and the... more
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      Islamic ArtNational Cultural PolicyMalaysian Art
Polityka kulturalna jest „instrumentem prowadzącym do rozwoju przemysłów kulturalnych i zapewnienia rozwoju poszczególnych kultur w świecie”, jak definiuje to pojęcie UNESCO. Obejmuje rozwiązania systemowe w sektorze kultury, co jest o... more
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      Cultural PolicyNational Cultural PolicyEU Cultural Policy
This paper deals with the genesis and evaluation of cultural heritage policy in Serbia since 2000. It elaborates the main factors, issues and problems in implementing cultural heritage policy in Serbia, as well as the impacts of the... more
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      Cultural PolicyCultural HeritageNational Cultural Policy
В статье на основе широкого круга архивных данных, мемуаров и публикаций проанализирован период творчества выдающегося финского художника Ахола-Вало в Советской Беларуси с 1925 по 1930 год. Деятельность Алексантери Ахола-Вало в Минске... more
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      Art HistoryCultural PolicySoviet HistoryNational Cultural Policy
A guide to moderate inclusive and participatory elaboration processes of cultural strategies; in the annexes a case study on the application of the problem/objective-tree approach and a paper on the interconnection between strategies and... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural PolicyNational Cultural PolicyStrategy In the Cultural and Creative Industries
На рубеже 1920–1930–х гг. советская кинопромышленность активно выпускала на широкий экран просветительские фильмы о жизни отдаленных регионов, открывая зрительской аудитории возможность совершать виртуальные кинопутешествия по... more
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      Visual AnthropologyHistory of the USSREthnographic FilmNational Cultural Policy
Over the last several years the European Union has paid notable attention to the need of stimulating the entrepreneurial practices and innovation in the cultural and creative sectors. Thus, states and municipalities must develop suitable... more
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      National Cultural PolicyCultural Entrepreneurship
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      EthnolinguisticsDialectologyTurkmenNational Identity
Compressions. Cultural Politics, the Economy and the Market (IN SPANISH) Abstract This reflection presents, in a compressed form and in four installments, the time / space of the Colombian art scene, as shaped by the historical... more
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      Cultural PolicyNational Cultural PolicyVisual ArtsModern and Contemporary Art
RESUMEN Politica Nacional de Información: Conjunto de lineamientos y directrices que garantizan el acceso universal a la información, para la realización de actividades sociales, económicas y políticas de acuerdo con los objetivos de... more
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      National Cultural PolicyNational government
The public funding of culture in Europe is presented and discussed on the basis of Eurostat data arranged along the COFOG scheme. A main focus is the position of the post-communist member states of the EU in this regard. Next to total... more
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      National Cultural PolicyCultural FinanceArts FundingPublic Funding of the Arts
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      Ethnic StudiesNational IdentityNational Cultural PolicyEthnicity
La région du Golfe arabo-persique (illustrée ici par les émirats Arabes Unis) constitue un observatoire d’étude récent en matière de politiques culturelles et de l’emprise grandissante de l’économie de marché sur le patrimoine immatériel.... more
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      HistoryNational Cultural PolicySocial changesAnthropology of Music and Social Antropology
L'article fait un état de la situation en arts de la scène en Suisse romande, identifie les mutations, révèle les forts réseaux spécifiques à la partie romande et esquisse les tendances à venir ainsi que leurs conséquences sur les... more
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      National Cultural PolicyArts Management, Cultural PolicySwiss Cultural Policy
The Republic of Ireland acquired a ministry of culture in 1993. Ever since, the department has undergone remarkably frequent changes in its scope and portfolio. For example, tourism and sport were added to the department's brief in 2002... more
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      Cultural PolicyNational Cultural Policy
À travers l’étude diachronique de la politique culturelle relative au patrimoine immatériel aux Émirats Arabes Unis depuis sa fondation en 1971, cet article analyse l’origine et l’évolution du processus de patrimonialisation des musiques... more
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      HistoryAnthropology of MusicNational Cultural PolicySocial changes
This article presents one possible periodization of Estonian cultural policy, dividing it into a series of eras. The article claims neither to cover every detail nor by far to be final, but it is the first attempt to delimit and determine... more
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      Cultural StudiesCultural PoliticsNational Cultural PolicySocial and Cultural History
At the beginning of the 21st century, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) opened an office in Oslo, Norway in response to the 2003 Iraq Invasion and growing global migration. As a partner with the United Nations High... more
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      International RelationsEuropean integrationRefugee StudiesImmigration
Estonian Community houses were built in towns and the countryside by local people, who joined cultural and other societies since the second half of the 19th century. These cultural centers supported the process of Estonian state building.... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural SociologyNational Cultural Policy
This essay questions the dichotomy which exists between individualism and communitarianism in Western political thought, suggesting that the imagination of the community and the creative powers of the individual must work in tandem. Any... more
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      Arts PolicyNational Cultural PolicyIndividualismCommunity theatre
This is a book chapter from Negotiations in a Vacant Lot: Studying the Visual in Canada, edited by Lynda Jessup, Erin Morton and Kirsty Robertson. Pointing to the relationship between Canadian cultural policy and a worldview... more
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    • National Cultural Policy
The Museum of New Zealand–Te Papa Tongarewa has proved a complex cultural site that has generated much public debate and a growing academic literature. This article departs from critical approaches that resolve the analysis of this museum... more
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      Cultural StudiesIndigenous StudiesCultural PolicyGlobalization
Evidence submitted to the Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Committee, ‘Lessons from the First World War Centenary' Select Committee Inquiry.
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      Cultural PolicyFirst World WarNational Cultural PolicyCultural History of the First World War
Работа посвящена истории формирования понятия «советский» как этнонима и проблеме корреляции его с этнонимами «русский» и «российский» в разные периоды истории СССР в аспекте культурной идентичности. Дан анализ национальной политики в... more
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      Ethnic StudiesSoviet HistoryIdentity (Culture)Soviet Union (History)
This dissertation is based on peer-reviewed articles and belongs to the fields of historical sociology and cultural policy research. The aim of the research is to discover the roots of cultural policy of the Estonian state and its... more
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      Cultural HistorySocial and Cultural AnthropologyNational Cultural Policy
[2015] Gimello-Mesplomb F.  Préface de l'ouvrage de Cécile Noesser «  La résistible ascension du cinéma d’animation. Sociogenèse d’un cinéma-bis en France (1950-2010) », L'Harmattan, collection "Logiques Sociales".
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      Cultural PolicyFrench CinemaNational Cultural PolicyAnimation Studies
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      Cultural PolicyMuseum StudiesCultural HeritageHeritage Studies
The book presents the history of the International Fryderyk Chopin Piano Competition narrated from the anthropological-cultural perspective and based on extensive source material, which enabled the authors to explore the less known... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural PolicyArtPerformance Studies
On the 14 th and 15 th November 2016 in the historic auditorium of UPJŠ rectorate an international scientific conference was held on the topic Current research questions of national policy and ethnic relations in the 20th and 21st... more
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      Cultural HistoryEthnic StudiesRace and EthnicityCentral European history
(2014) co-authored with Hadjichristos, C., presented at the Crossing the Line 2 Conference (American University of Dubai). Abstract: A number of people related to the production and/or study of cultural processes such as art... more
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      Cultural PolicyMuseum StudiesCyprus StudiesNational Cultural Policy
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      Cultural PolicyCreative IndustriesNational Cultural PolicyCzech Republic
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      Cultural PolicyCultural HeritageHeritage StudiesPopular Culture
Un état des lieux de la politique culturelle dans les arts de la scène en Suisse.
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      Cultural PolicyNational Cultural PolicyPerforming Arts Management
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      AbkhaziaNational Cultural PolicyGeorgian-Abkhaz ConflictGeorgianization
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      Cultural PolicyNational Cultural PolicyArts and Cultural Management and AdministrationTheater
Before the 2000s design occupied a peripheral position in Dutch international cultural policy (ICP). In the first decade of the twenty-first century ‘Dutch Design’ rose as a key player in the Dutch creative industries, which were assigned... more
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      International RelationsDesignCultural PolicyInternational Relations Theory