Nationalist historiography
Recent papers in Nationalist historiography
این مقاله به یکی از نخستین نمونه های تاریخ نگاری ملی در دوران قاجار می پردازد. نه تنها ساخت تاریخی بلکه شیوه نگارش به فارسی سره درنامه خسروان تازه است.
Senator Claro M. Recto was the first to formally outline the contours of Filipino nationalism when he lobbied in Congress the 1956 Rizal Bill. The said bill mandated students to study the life and works of Filipino hero José Rizal,... more
The results of the 2010 federal elections in Belgium show a growing divide between the French-speaking south (Wallonia) and the Dutch-speaking north (Flanders) of the country. In the north, the Flemish nationalist party New Flemish... more
The claim about Europe's and the West's spiritual indefensibility puts forth a critique of the western colonial project as informed by a subtle duplicity anchored on the employment of a techno-scientific and economic-capitalist... more
Admiration of Classical Sparta, though prevalent in German nationalist discourse even before the twentieth century, was taken to altogether new heights during the Third Reich. Praised by Hitler himself as ‘the foremost racial state in... more
L’IDEAZIONE DEL PROGETTO DELLA CITTÀ UNIVERSITARIA DI TEHERAN VICINANZE E LONTANANZE DALL’EUROPA Durante il primo Novecento iraniano (1905-1940) si assiste a fondamentali cambiamenti culturali e architettonici in Persia, fino ad... more
Until 2010 Belgian history had been rarely studied from a transnational perspective. In the 1990s and early 2000s Anglo-Saxon, French and, to a lesser degree, German literature and theoretical frames were put to use, but from about 2005... more
Critical and uncritical scholars alike tend to treat Ottoman Armenians as a cohesive group. This article aims to disrupt that way of thinking. After first presenting a critique of the millet system paradigm popular in the fields of... more
(Demirci Akyol, Esra, International Journal of Turkish Studies, Fall 2015, Vol 21, Nos. 1&2 ) This article analyzes alternative historical accounts transmitted orally within the ethnic or religious communities of the present city of Hatay... more
As partisan politics began to wane and realign itself voters are questioning who they are politically. Are they Democratic, Republican, populist nationalist or multicultural globalists? How will they categorize themselves Black, White,... more
In the 1930s, when Nicolae Iorga chose to propose the interpretative scheme of ‘Byzantium after Byzantium' -a scheme very dear to Modern Greek historiography- he was in fact "correcting" a number of problematic points in the Rumanian... more
Ali Saim Ülgen (1913-63), a preservation architect, architectural historian, author, bureaucrat and educator, was a leading figure in the nascent field of heritage conservation during the early decades of the Republic of Turkey. This was... more
This article focuses on the Brazilian sociologist Gilberto Freyre (1900-1987). It is my goal to demonstrate how Freyre applied Nietzschean ideas to his interpretation of Brazilian society in an attempt to concretize the prophecy of the... more
This work was presented to Baku Forum 2015 in Azerbaijan on October 7, 2015. In it, I use the concepts of positionality and subjectivity as developed by Ponty-Merleau and Hall in order to explore the historian's work. I utilize the idea... more
Garbatella (between1922-1935) represents one of the peculiar aspects of innovated urban planning in the interwar period in Italy. It is identifiably a garden city portion of the capital of the modernist/nationalist power. An empire that... more
As partisan politics began to wane and realign itself voters are questioning who they are politically. Are they Democratic, Republican, populist nationalist or multicultural globalists? How will they categorize themselves Black, White,... more
[TITLE PAGE AND TOC ONLY] In Nation and Ethnicity: Chinese Discourses on History, Historiography, and Nationalism (1900s-1920s) Julia C. Schneider give an analysis of nationalist and historiographical discourses among late imperial and... more
FollowingthedeathofSaadZaghloul,oneofthenationalist leaders of Egyptin1927,hispartysupportersprintedmanynotesabouthim.One of themostimportantoftheseworkswasthebookSaadZaghloulwrittenby... more
... For a detailed overview of Varma's politics, literary outlook, and oeuvre, see ShashiBhushan Singhal (1989). 4Many later historical and fictional works in Hindi and Marathi, too numerous to... more
131st Annual Meeting of the American Historical Association, Denver, CO, January 6, 2017, The Sixteenth Century Journal 48.4 (2017) 987–89.
"""" "About maps of the thematic atlas "Cartografía hispano- científica, o sea, Los mapas españoles, en que se representa a España bajo todas sus diferentes fases"... more