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One of the first adaptations of the medieval German heroic epos “Das Nibelungenlied” was undertaken by Hohlbein in 1989 under the pseudonym Martin Heidner. His novel “Drachentöter” (“The Dragonslayer”) retells the story of Siegfried’s... more
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    • Nibelungenlied
ქართველოლოგი #26 / The Kartvelologist #26
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      Comparative LiteratureShota Rustaveli, Courtly LiteratureGeorgian literatureGeorgian Studies
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      Medieval LiteratureFilm StudiesMedieval German LiteratureLiterature and cinema
Part of a broader, not yet completed study of the Germanic-German heroic saga. "Revisiting" the legends substrate of the Nibelungenlied (NL). Where was the empire of the Burgundians? "Rosengarten" legend and Worms in the Lampartenlant... more
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      Burgundian historyNibelungenliedHuescaSIGURD THE VOLSUNG
The aim of this work is to examine the figure of the dragon, the beast that crossed the centuries from the early myths, passing through all the Middle-Ages and finally landed to the shores of fantasy literature with the books of J. R.... more
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      Old Norse LiteratureBeowulfNibelungenliedPoetic Edda
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      Medieval FlandersFritz LangRichard WagnerHuns
Dieser Text, der aus verschiedenen Bearbeitungen des Nibelungenliedes kompiliert ist, entstand ursprünglich für den Workshop Im Laboratorium: Entwurf und Experiment als ästhetische Zugriffsweisen auf ‚Welt', der im Herbst 2015 an der... more
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Το Τραγούδι των Νιμπελούνγκεν (Das Nibelungenlied, Hs B). Aus dem Mittelhochdeutschen ins Neugriechische übersetzt mit einer Einführung und Anmerkungen von Dimitri Petalas.
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Monumento della letteratura tedesca, il "Nibelungenlied" racconta di amori e tradimenti, di intrighi e vendette. Composto probabilmente agli inizi del XIII secolo, il poema è la più antica testimonianza scritta di leggende a lungo... more
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      Medieval ScandinaviaGermanic PhilologyStoria medievaleMitologia
This paper is dedicated to find some of the pagan elements within the works of Beowulf, Das Nibelungenlied, Arthurian Legend and Sir Gawain and Green Knight along with La Chanson de Roland

Fall of the Roman Empire 476 AD!
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      Medieval LiteratureArthurian StudiesBeowulfSir Gawain and the Green Knight
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      Medieval StudiesOrality-Literacy StudiesOld Norse LiteratureOral Traditions
Das Nibelungenlied poses something of an enigma among works by German medieval poets. Why its tone of doom and gloom devoid of Christian hopes of consolation and why its surprising relevance to the world of today? On the other hand could... more
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      NibelungenliedGötterdämmerungBattle of Teutoburg
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      Art History19th and 20th Century American ArtNazi PropagandaNibelungenlied
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      German LiteratureMedieval German LiteratureNibelungenlied
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      Medieval LiteratureBurgundian historyNibelungenliedWorms
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      NibelungenliedGottfried von StraßburgMediaeval LiteratureTristan and Isolde
The present volume is the first of four on the medieval Icelandic fornaldarsögur, a corpus of Old Icelandic sagas that were written mostly in the 13th and 14th centuries. The sagas deal with legendary and fictional heroes and are based on... more
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      IconographyMedieval German LiteratureMedieval StudiesOld Norse Literature
La nuova collana "Testi del Medioevo ger-manico" è dedicata a grandi opere redatte nel corso del medioevo nelle molteplici lingue germaniche (ad es. alto-tedesco, norreno, inglese antico e medio): fra di esse si possono contare i celebri... more
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      Old English LiteratureOld English PoetryGermanic PhilologyHildebrandslied
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      Germanic PhilologySkaldic PoetryNibelungenliedMedieval Epics
Questo elaborato propone uno studio sui ruoli di genere all’interno del Nibelungenlied, analizzando alcune differenze tra uomini e donne e dimostrando come l’opera rappresenti, apparentemente, un superamento di questi ruoli. Si farà... more
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      Medieval German LiteratureNibelungenlied
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      Comparative LiteratureMedieval German LiteratureMedieval StudiesOld English Poetry
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      Gender StudiesMedieval German LiteratureHistory of Natural HistoryHistory of Science
This paper focusses on the scenes of eating and drinking at Etzel's court in the middle high german Nibelungenlied *AB and in different modern adaptations. I presented it at the International Medieval Congress in Leeds in July 2016.
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      Medieval LiteratureMedievalismMedieval feastsNibelungenlied
Η αλληλοσφαγή των σταυραδερφών, όπως παρουσιάζεται στο κλέφτικο τραγούδι για τον Χρήστο Μηλιόνη, στο ομώνυμο διήγημα του Αλέξανδρου Παπαδιαμάντη, καθώς και στο μεσαιωνικό λατινικό έπος "Βάλτερ ο Χεροδύναμος" (Waltharius manufortis)
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      NibelungenliedΤουρκοκρατίαΑλέξανδρος ΠαπαδιαμάντηςΝικόλαος Πολίτης
Die Studie untersucht drei wichtige Punkte in der Erzählung von der Donau-Überquerung der Nibelungen (Nibelungenlied, 25. Abenteuer): -1) Hagens Begegnung mit dem Fährmann, der sich als sein „anderes Ich“ sehen lässt, als Vorzeichen... more
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      Chansons De GesteNibelungenliedMediaeval Heroic PoetrySerbische Volkskunde
Wie sah die Mobilität im Mittelalter aus? Welche Reiseaspekte transportiert die mhd. Literatur des bayerisch-österreichischen Donauraums? Neben dem Nibelungenlied und der Venusfahrt Ulrich von Liechtensteins berücksichtigt der Aufsatz... more
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The article is an experience in historical, cultural and political analysis of the medieval German epic “Das Nibelungenlied”. The authors study the social origins and political status of the ruling elites as described in the epic, and... more
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    • Nibelungenlied
RIASSUNTO: Ogni tentativo di individuare un gruppo di testi che, nell'ambito delle letterature germaniche medievali, possano essere definiti come "poemi epici" incontra difficoltà apparentemente insormontabili. Tali difficoltà sono dovute... more
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      Germanic PhilologyBeowulfEpic poetryNibelungenlied
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      Mythology And FolkloreDialectologyTheodor FontaneNibelungenlied
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval German LiteratureHistory of SexualityLanguage and Sexuality
Sigfrido è, senza dubbio, l’eroe per eccellenza della letteratura tedesca medievale; figura da sempre molto dinamica e di brillante multiformità, il re del Niederland è figura centrale di una materia, quella nibelungica, che mostra lungo... more
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      Reception StudiesNibelungenliedHans SachsHürnen Seyfried
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      EthicNibelungenliedRüdiger von BechlarnTriuwe
The paper deals with five motifs of the heroic world of the Balkans: the first two («The test of the sword» and «The warriors turn up to the banquet in arms») -from the cycle of folk songs about the Serbian hero Marko Kraljević- present... more
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      Medieval LiteratureNarrative AnalysisNibelungenlied
Frequent economical, political and cultural exchanges between German and Scandinavian people during the Middle Ages led to the large scale changes that affected many parts of people’s lives and resulted in the appearance of... more
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    • Nibelungenlied
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      Medieval German LiteratureBibliographyMedieval GermanyComparative medieval literature and culture (German, English, Old Norse & Old French)
Certain fake ideas about the medieval past become a central reference point for these nations as they strive to create distinctive national identities in support of their various goals. Medieval culture is co-opted as a “usable past” and... more
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      Media StudiesMedieval StudiesMedievalismContemporary Medievalism
This article attempts to provide a fresh perspective on the thorny issue of what exactly preceded the category of texts labeled “Germanic heroic poetry.” The argument follows the character of the dragonslayer (Sigurd/Sigmund) through its... more
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      Old English LiteratureOld Norse LiteratureOld Germanic LanguagesGermanic Philology
ქართველოლოგი # 26 / The Kartvelologist # 26
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      Comparative LiteratureShota Rustaveli, Courtly LiteratureGeorgian literatureComparative medieval literature and culture (German, English, Old Norse & Old French)
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      NibelungenliedEnluminuresHortus deliciarumWomen In the Nibelungenlied
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      Viking StudiesViking Age ArchaeologyRomanesque ArtRunestones
Dans cet article, j'aborde deux points différents complétant mes recherches sur le PIE : - J'établis une gradation des adjectifs dénominatifs PIE en *(i)yos,, *(i)kos, *(i)d, *-nkw - J'établis le rang des préverbes (dont beaucoup sont... more
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      Indo-european language reconstructionOld Irish Language and LiteratureProto Indo-EuropeanAdjectives
Frequent economical, political and cultural exchanges between German and Scandinavian people during the Middle Ages led to the large scale changes that affected many parts of people’s lives and resulted in the appearance of... more
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    • Nibelungenlied
The article contains a short review of the existing manuscripts of the medieval German heroic epos ""The Nibelungenlied” (“The Lay of Nibelungs”). The most characteristic features of the manuscripts are briefly described. Special... more
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    • Nibelungenlied
Conference Report: 'Indigenous Ideas and Foreign Influences - Interactions among Oral and Literary, Latin and Vernacular Cultures in Medieval and Early Modern Northern Europe' by Catalin Taranu
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      PhilologyHistoryEuropean HistoryEastern European Studies
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      SemioticsComparative LiteratureAnthropologyLate Antique and Byzantine History
Abstract: Alloy thin films of NiB were prepared using electroplating at room temperature. Then electroplated NiB thin films was annealed at 200 o C . NiB deposited films are textured with FCC phase preferred orientation. They were... more
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      PhysicsNibelungenliedHigh Entropy Alloy Thin Films
The authors of the article analyze events of the history of Franks described in historical chronicles, compare them to the Germanic “nibelungen” legends, especially the corpus of stories about Siegfried. The authors make a hypothesis... more
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    • Nibelungenlied
In dieser Abschlussarbeit wird eine Untersuchung des Wortes „Geschlecht“ vorgeschlagen. Zunächst soll die Etymologie geklärt werden, dann folgt eine kurze Vorstellung eines der berühmtesten Werke der mittelalterlichen deutschen Literatur... more
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