Recent papers in Nusayrism
Table des matières et résumé de ma thèse de doctorat (disponible en intégralité ici : )
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Zusammenfassung Die Alawiten, auch bekannt als Nusairier, sind eine arabische Religionsge-meinschaft, die in der Südtürkei und zu einem geringen Anteil im Libanon angesiedelt ist. Mit ca. 2 Millionen in Syrien (12 % der Bevölkerung)... more
Çevirmen notu: "J. Theodore Bent’in 1890’daki Anadolu (Asia Minor/Küçük Asya) seyahatlerine dayanarak Osmanlı Akdenizi’nin Çukurova (Kilikya) bölgesine denk düşen sâhada yaşam süren Alevî-odak aşîretler hakkında bilgi verdiğini, bir... more
This article aims to explore emerging trends for the Sunni religious elite and the Islamic legal tradition in the new context of the Arab Uprisings by focusing on Yusuf al-Qaradawi, arguably the most prominent of these ʿulamāʾ alive... more
The Alawis or Alawites are a minority Muslim sect, predominantly based in Syria, Turkey and Lebanon. Over the course of the 19th century, they came increasingly under the attention of the ruling Ottoman authorities in their attempts to... more
Based on their writings, the religious beliefs of the Nuṣayrīs have been studied since the 19th century. But historical knowledge and information about them in the 19th century, based on Ottoman sources has been rather meager. Only in... more
Bu calismada Lazkiye’de yasayan Nusayriler incelenmistir. Kaynagini Osmanli arsiv belgelerinin olusturdugu arastirmada, Nusayrilerin merkezi ve mahalli idare ile olan iliskileri ele alinmistir. Lazkiye Nusayrileri, hem devlete hem de... more
Interview for the Gerda Henkel Foundation about "Alawites, Alevites and Nusayris" and background information about Syria today
Ahmet Cevdet Paşa, Tarih-i Cevdet'inde farklı İslam Mezhepleri ile ilgili bilgi sunmuştur. Bu yazıda bunlardan ikisinden söz edilmiştir. Birincisi, Dürzilik, diğeri ise Nusayrilik'tir. Her ikisi de Şii karakteristik özellik... more
The policies and approach of the Ottoman central administration to Nusayris differed from period to period. However, the experience of Nusayris under the Ottoman rule has not yet been adequately researched in many aspects. This paper,... more
Stefan Winter's book sheds light on almost unknown periods in the history of the sect, that of the Ottoman Empire. Nevertheless it has many flaws, mainly in the medieval part.
Muĥammad b. Sinān al-Zāhirī is one of the Shī‘īte narrators who related many Hadīths and his authenticity is fully doubtful, some Īmāmī scholars confirmed his reliability but others not. Apparently his leaning to extremist thoughts... more
There are numerous studies on the esoteric sects in Islam. Though in these studies they have been discussed from different respects, none of them draws attention to the place and importance of the theory of shadows (aẓilla) in the... more
Arap alevilerinin inanç tarihi
At the XXI IAHR World Congress 2015 in Erfurt for the panel "Religious Authority in Islam"
International Association for the History of Religions
International Association for the History of Religions