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      ArchaeobotanyChinese archaeologyFicus CaricaMesopotamia
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      InhibitionPolyphenol oxydaseFood SciencesPeaches
The effect of red photoselective net on yield per tree (g), yield efficiency (g·cm-2) leaf surface (cm2), fruit diameter (mm), fruit mass (g), fruit firmness (kg·cm-2) and soluble solids concentration (SSC) (%Brix) on young peach (‘Sugar... more
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      HorticulturePostharvest HorticultureFruitsPeaches
Damage to fruit by the peach twig borer was greatest late in the season and in the tops of trees at the orchard edges. Monitoring for damage should begin at least 4 weeks before harvest.
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      EntomologyAgricultural EntomologyPomologyPlant Protection, IPM
Florida peaches (Prunus persica) typically are picked and placed in a cold room on the day of harvest, then packed and shipped the next day. This room cooling (RC) is slow, requiring %24 hours or more for the fruit to reach optimal... more
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      Food Science and TechnologyFOOD SAFETY/MICROBIOLOGYPostharvestPeaches
Da bi vsaj v obrisih ugotovili, katere sadne sorte so na Goriškem obstajale in kje se nahajajo drevesa z uporabnimi cepiči različnih starih sort, smo v letih 2012 in 2013 izvedli pilotno terensko raziskavo, ki naj bi dala približno sliko... more
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      Cultural HistoryAgronomyCultural HeritageApples
Prezentacija prinaša zgodbe o Luciju Columelli, Ivanu Bolletu, potopisu Jožefa Levičnika, sadovnjaku v Morskem pri Kanalu, petoralih in pituralkah, sušenju sadja na premog, oljkarstvu od pozebe do obnove, destileriji Capovilla, knjigah... more
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Since 2007, an orchard of old fruit varieties has been developed at the village of Kojsko in the Goriška Brda region, designed by Gregor Božič, a young film director. It is conceived as a genetic bank, which enables preservation and... more
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