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In the present work, chilling injury (CI) incidence and quality parameters were analyzed in peaches stored at 0 °C, 2 °C, 5 °C and 8 °C for 28 days, to evaluate the effects of four different temperatures on the keeping quality of 'Okubao'... more
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      PeachesChilling InjuryCold StorageWoolliness
Since 2007, an orchard of old fruit varieties has been developed at the village of Kojsko in the Goriška Brda region, designed by Gregor Božič, a young film director. It is conceived as a genetic bank, which enables preservation and... more
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      AgronomyAgroecologyMediterranean StudiesBiological Activity Of Natural Products
Seznam starih sadnih sort v vzorčnem sadovnjaku (genetski banki, matičnjaku) Pod skalco v Kojskem v Goriških Brdih.
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      ApplesSloveniaFig TreesCherries
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      ArchaeobotanyChinese archaeologyFicus CaricaMesopotamia
Old fruit varieties in the Goriško region 1-2 Following the introduction, which emphasizes the importance of preserving and disseminating old fruit varieties (during the time of the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Goriško region was its... more
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      AgroecologyAgricultureAgroarcheologyFruit Science
Predavanje o starih sadnih sortah nekoč in danes, s poudarkom na Vipavski dolini, in predstavitev sadovnjaka Pod skalco v Kojskem v Brdih.
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      Cultural StudiesGender StudiesMedia and Cultural StudiesFeminist Theory
Since 2007, an orchard of old fruit varieties has been developed at the village of Kojsko in the Goriška Brda region, designed by Gregor Božič, a young film director. It is conceived as a genetic bank, which enables preservation and... more
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SUMMARY Thirty strains of bacteria were evaluated for their effect on germination and growth of lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. var. Longifolia). For germination, highly significant differences were found among the effects of the treatments.... more
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      MaizeDeciduous FruitsPlant PhenologyTree phenology
Early in 2020, the world was shocked by the escalation of conflict between United States of America and Islamic Republic of Iran in order to understand that conflict. well, in this paper, the writer is going to analysis it deeply, it is... more
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      International RelationsSocial PolicyPeace and Conflict StudiesPolitical Theory
Danes sadovnjak Pod skalco v Kojskem v Brdih šteje 43 sort hrušk, 21sort češenj, 19 sort jablan, 16 sort marelic, 11 sort fig, 8 sort sliv in 7 sort breskev, v njem pa so še mandljevec, škorš, brek, leska, kutina, granatovec, dren, šmarna... more
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      AgronomyCultural Heritage ConservationAgricultureApples
This fairytale is a pining variation of T’ao Yüan-ming's mysterious poem 'Peach Blossom Stream'.
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      ConfucianismThe Apocalypse of JohnTaoismJohannine Theology
The effect of red photoselective net on yield per tree (g), yield efficiency (g·cm-2) leaf surface (cm2), fruit diameter (mm), fruit mass (g), fruit firmness (kg·cm-2) and soluble solids concentration (SSC) (%Brix) on young peach (‘Sugar... more
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      HorticulturePostharvest HorticultureFruitsPeaches
Prezentacija prinaša zgodbe o Luciju Columelli, Ivanu Bolletu, potopisu Jožefa Levičnika, sadovnjaku v Morskem pri Kanalu, petoralih in pituralkah, sušenju sadja na premog, oljkarstvu od pozebe do obnove, destileriji Capovilla, knjigah... more
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The effect of red photoselective net on yield per tree (g), yield efficiency (g·cm-2) leaf surface (cm2), fruit diameter (mm), fruit mass (g), fruit firmness (kg·cm-2) and soluble solids concentration (SSC) (%Brix) on young peach (‘Sugar... more
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      HorticulturePostharvest HorticultureFruitsPeaches
The effect of red photoselective net on yield per tree (g), yield efficiency (g·cm-2) leaf surface (cm2), fruit diameter (mm), fruit mass (g), fruit firmness (kg·cm-2) and soluble solids concentration (SSC) (%Brix) on young peach (‘Sugar... more
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      HorticulturePostharvest HorticultureFruitsPeaches
Da bi vsaj v obrisih ugotovili, katere sadne sorte so na Goriškem obstajale in kje se nahajajo drevesa z uporabnimi cepiči različnih starih sort, smo v letih 2012 in 2013 izvedli pilotno terensko raziskavo, ki naj bi dala približno sliko... more
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      Cultural HistoryAgronomyCultural HeritageApples
Polyphenol oxidase (PPO) was extracted from whole peaches and its catecholase activity was studied spectrophotometrically against three substrates: catechol (Cat), 4-methyl catechol (4MC), and chlorogenic acid (CA). Peach PPO specificity... more
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      InhibitionPolyphenol oxydasePeaches
Florida peaches (Prunus persica) typically are picked and placed in a cold room on the day of harvest, then packed and shipped the next day. This room cooling (RC) is slow, requiring ≈24 hours or more for the fruit to reach optimal... more
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      Food Science and TechnologyFood Safety MicrobiologyPostharvestPeaches
Prezentacija prinaša oris razvoja sadjarstva na Goriškem od druge polovice 19. stoletja do danes, predstavitev prednosti ekološkega sadjarstva in prikaz značilnosti sadovnjaka Pod skalco v Brdih. Poudarjene so dejavnosti primorskih... more
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      AgronomyCultural HeritageAgricultureApples
Intervju za glasilo Občine Kanal ob Soči Most. O starih sadnih sortah na Goriškem nekoč in danes. O tujih organizacijah, ki se ukvarjajo s promocijo starih sadnih sort.
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Florida peaches (Prunus persica) typically are picked and placed in a cold room on the day of harvest, then packed and shipped the next day. This room cooling (RC) is slow, requiring %24 hours or more for the fruit to reach optimal... more
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      Food Science and TechnologyFOOD SAFETY/MICROBIOLOGYPostharvestPeaches
To evaluate the effects of water stress at various phenological stages of peach fruit development on fruit characteristics, an experiment was conducted during two years period at the experimental orchard of Agricultural college, Tehran... more
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    • Peaches
Peach and nectarine (Prunus persica L.) are highly perishable; they ripen and deteriorate quickly at ambient temperature. Storage at low temperature (0–5 °C) is a common strategy used to slow the ripening processes and to extend shelf... more
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      Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs)Cold Stress (Plant Biology)Postharvest HorticulturePostharvest Physiology of Fruits and Vegetables