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This paper analyzes the LL in the city of Bautzen / Budyšin in Germany, a town which is frequently considered the “capital” of the Slavonic minority of the Sorbs. It focuses on the societal role of Sorbian in relation to practices and... more
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      SociologyGerman StudiesMultilingualismSociolinguistics
Since 2007, an orchard of old fruit varieties has been developed at the village of Kojsko in the Goriška Brda region, designed by Gregor Božič, a young film director. It is conceived as a genetic bank, which enables preservation and... more
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      AgronomyAgroecologyMediterranean StudiesBiological Activity Of Natural Products
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      GeneticsMolecular MarkersAgricultural BiotechnologyDisease resistance
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      HorticultureColonialismEarly Republic--American HistoryGreat Lakes
The apple (Malus domestica [Suckow] Borkh.) is one of the most economically and culturally significant fruits in the world today, and it is grown in all temperate zones. With over a thousand landraces recognized, the modern apple provides... more
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      CoevolutionSilk Road StudiesApplesDomestication
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    • Apples
Seznam starih sadnih sort v vzorčnem sadovnjaku (genetski banki, matičnjaku) Pod skalco v Kojskem v Goriških Brdih.
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      ApplesSloveniaFig TreesCherries
Antioxidant activities of extract obtained from Malus pumila (Granny smith Apples) was investigated. Invitro antioxidant activity of the extract was determined by five methods: scavenging effect on DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picryhydrazyl... more
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      Free RadicalsCancerAntioxidantsApples
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    • Apples
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      LongusSapphoApplesHistory of Lesbos island
Human migrations often lead phytonyms to be repurposed over time to suit differences in local plant communities. This is particularly true of plants that have great cultural importance. In this article evidence from several Indo-European... more
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      Historical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstructionPlant domestication (Prehistoric Archaeology)Indo-European Linguistics
The four living Kartvelian languages preserve a rich, largely inherited suite of terms for cultivated fruit trees. But many identifiable Indo-European loans are present even at the level of Kartvelian unity, which leads one to wonder to... more
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      Historical LinguisticsIndo-european language reconstructionGeorgian LanguageIndo-European Studies
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      Victorian StudiesBusiness HistoryJohn RuskinRoger Fry
The present article is a sequel to a previous paper studying the circulation and possible borrowings of a literary (some would say "mythical") motif around the ancient Mediterranean world: that of the marvellous fruits growing in a... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyClassicsHistory of Religion
Predavanje o starih sadnih sortah nekoč in danes, s poudarkom na Vipavski dolini, in predstavitev sadovnjaka Pod skalco v Kojskem v Brdih.
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Old fruit varieties in the Goriško region 3-4 The second part of the publication illustrates the significance of old fruit varieties for nurseries and amateur fruit growers, and then gives a field study of preserved old varieties in the... more
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Since 2007, an orchard of old fruit varieties has been developed at the village of Kojsko in the Goriška Brda region, designed by Gregor Božič, a young film director. It is conceived as a genetic bank, which enables preservation and... more
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Despite global interest in the role of pollinators for food production, their impact on farmers’ profit, which determines farmers’ livelihood and land-use decisions, is unclear. Although average values of pollinator benefits are generally... more
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      PollinationApis melliferaApplesPears
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      Escherichia coliApplesSalmonellaListeria
Apple varieties boom and bust as the vogue for new flavors cycle through the market. Dwarfing rootstocks, an old but freshly blossoming orchard technology, allows growers to intervene in trees in new ways and keep up with shifts in... more
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      Economic GeographyPolitical EconomyFood SystemsAgricultural Economics
The aim of this article is to show how automatic morphological tools originally used to analyze native speaker data can be applied to process data from a learner corpus of Hungarian. We collected written data from 35 students majoring in... more
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      Computer ScienceCorpus LinguisticsHungarian languageApples
Danes sadovnjak Pod skalco v Kojskem v Brdih šteje 43 sort hrušk, 21sort češenj, 19 sort jablan, 16 sort marelic, 11 sort fig, 8 sort sliv in 7 sort breskev, v njem pa so še mandljevec, škorš, brek, leska, kutina, granatovec, dren, šmarna... more
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      AgronomyCultural Heritage ConservationAgricultureApples
A maçã 'Casanova' é uma cultivar susceptível ao escaldão superficial (manchas acastanhadas na epiderme dos frutos). A susceptibilidade dos frutos parece estar relacionada com o conteúdo em α-farneseno. Para evitar o escaldão pode-se... more
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      ChromatographyFood ChemistryFood Science and TechnologyVolatile Organic Compounds
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      Virginia WoolfFirst World WarApplesCorn poppy
A comparative study regarding standard fruit quality measurements (fruit mass, firmness, soluble solids concentration, starch conversion rate and Streif index) and acoustic properties (resonant frequency, peak width, resonant... more
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      Postharvest HorticultureApplesFruits
Forthcoming (2016). This paper argues that the biology of apples and the gradients of redness they produce has influenced the development of the apple industry. Total redness is idealized and participates in a utopian supermarket... more
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      Economic SociologyActor Network TheoryMaterialismAgriculture
This essay is accompanied by more than 100 images if it is accessed on the web. It describes Caburgua, Chile during the period 1965-1968 when the area was an isolated, but fascinating community of three principle ethnicities: Mapuche,... more
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      Cultural HistoryEducationDairy ScienceArgentina History
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      ZoologyHorticulturePest ManagementChemical Ecology
Abstract: Dispensers of E8,E10-12OH (codlemone), E8,E10-12Ac (codlemone acetate), or both dispenser types were placed on the corners of 100 m2 and 300 m2 plots within apple orchards. Communication disruption of male codling moths, Cydia... more
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      HorticulturePest ManagementChemical EcologyTree Fruit
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreMythologyCeltic Studies
Prezentacija prinaša zgodbe o Luciju Columelli, Ivanu Bolletu, potopisu Jožefa Levičnika, sadovnjaku v Morskem pri Kanalu, petoralih in pituralkah, sušenju sadja na premog, oljkarstvu od pozebe do obnove, destileriji Capovilla, knjigah... more
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Садовский А.С., Соколов И.А. Не чаем единым… Несколько слов о напитках дочайной эпохи [Текст, изображения] // Кофе & Чай в России: деловой журнал, №4 (114) за 2014 г. – С. 30 – 34. Sadowski A.S., Sokolov I.A. Not only tea ... A few words... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryRussian StudiesLocal food
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      AgroecologyEcologyPollinationUnited Kingdom
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      ApplePostharvest Physiology of Fruits and VegetablesApplesFruit Science
Mating disruption for control of variegated leafroller (VLR), Platynota flavedana (Clemens), tufted apple bud moth (TBM), P. ideausalis Walker, and redbanded leafroller (RBL), Argyrotaenia velutinana (Walker), was studied in Virginia... more
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      Pest ManagementPheromonesInsect Mating BehaviorIntegrated Pest Management
Crab apple (Malus baccata (L.) Borkh) has been cultivated throughout Europe as an ornamental plant, but the nutritional properties of its edible fruits were not fully revealed. The aim of the current study was to characterize the... more
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      Carbohydrate ChemistryCarotenoidsAppleApples
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      Organic agricultureSustainable agricultureAgriculture and Food StudiesSustainable Agriculture (Environment)
Da bi vsaj v obrisih ugotovili, katere sadne sorte so na Goriškem obstajale in kje se nahajajo drevesa z uporabnimi cepiči različnih starih sort, smo v letih 2012 in 2013 izvedli pilotno terensko raziskavo, ki naj bi dala približno sliko... more
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      Cultural HistoryAgronomyCultural HeritageApples
The report outlines the basic findings from my dissertation on "club apples" or "managed apple varieties." These are apple varieties that are owned through a patent and managed cooperatively by a group of growers. The projects report... more
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      AgronomyAgricultureAesthetics and PoliticsEnvironmental Sustainability
Overview of the imagery of apple and of apple of the eye in the Bible and in English literature.
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      Biblical StudiesLiterary Approaches to Biblical StudiesAppleApples
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      Computer ScienceCorpus LinguisticsHungarian languageApples
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      Linear modelsAsymptoticsLinear ModelApples
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Prezentacija prinaša oris razvoja sadjarstva na Goriškem od druge polovice 19. stoletja do danes, predstavitev prednosti ekološkega sadjarstva in prikaz značilnosti sadovnjaka Pod skalco v Brdih. Poudarjene so dejavnosti primorskih... more
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      AgronomyCultural HeritageAgricultureApples
Intervju za glasilo Občine Kanal ob Soči Most. O starih sadnih sortah na Goriškem nekoč in danes. O tujih organizacijah, ki se ukvarjajo s promocijo starih sadnih sort.
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‘SJM44’ (St-Jean Morden 44) is a new dwarfing rootstock resulting from a cross made in 1960 between Malus baccata ‘Nertchinsk’ and ‘M.9’ (‘Malling 9’, clonal selection of Paradis jaune de Metz). It was developed at the Agriculture and... more
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      HorticulturePlant BreedingPlant breeding and geneticsApple
A fire blight resistance QTL explaining 34.3%–46.6% of the phenotypic variation was recently identified on linkage group 7 of apple cultivar ‘Fiesta’ (F7). However, markers flanking this QTL were AFLP and RAPD markers unsuitable for... more
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      GeneticsMolecular MarkersAgricultural BiotechnologyDisease resistance