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Године 1933. иницирана је обнова родне куће Вука Караџића у Тршићу. Паралелно са том иницијативом је предложена изградња Дома културе Вук Караџић у Лозници који би служио као центар културних и еманципаторских активности овог места.... more
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      ArchitectureYugoslaviaCultural PoliticsArchitectural History
This article deals with Yugoslavia’s tactics against Bulgarian and Hungarian minority petitions, which were filed before the League of Nations and later promoted before the European Congress of Nationalities.
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      International RelationsInternational LawBalkan StudiesBalkan History
Izgradnjom sinagoge Bet Jisrael, u neomavarskom stilu po projektu arhitekte Milana Kapetanovića, beogradska jevrejska zajednica početkom XX veka prihvatila je orijentalistički koncept u iskazivanju svog identiteta. Ovo je nakon Prvog... more
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      Visual StudiesArt HistoryJewish StudiesVisual Culture
Beogradski ravnogorci monografija je koja je posvećena jednoj nedovoljno istraženoj temi u domaćoj istoriografiji- delovanju pokreta otpora u urbanim uslovima jedne okupirane prestonice. Autor se ne zadržava samo na istoriografskoj... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryHistory of BelgradeWorld War II
Соколска архитектура представља један значајан сегмент у историји југословенске архитектуре, јер пре свега одсликава друштвену и културну климу Краљевине Југославије. Међутим, и поред делимичног удела државе у формирању визуелне културе... more
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      ArchitectureYugoslaviaArchitectural HistoryYugoslavia (History)
The Time of Ideological Wavering. The Communist Party of Yugoslavia in the Independent State of Croatia from the April War until the Attack of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union Summary, page 113: "The aim of this work is to elucidate... more
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      Second World WarSoviet Union (History)Nazi GermanyInstitutional history
This is an analysis of various forms of ethnic and national identities in the Kingdom of Serbia and the Kingdom of Yugoslavia using the A-B-C continuum offered by Miroslav Hroch. It contrasts the ethnic and religious homo-geneity of the... more
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      Ethnic StudiesBalkan StudiesBalkan HistorySerbian history
TANK UNITS IN THE ARMY OF THE KINGDOM OF YUGOSLAVIA (1930–1941) Excluding the countries defeated in the World War I, the Kingdom of Yugoslavia was among the last to form its tank units (1930). Although the first tank unit was established... more
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      Military HistoryMilitaryKingdom of YugoslaviaTanks
Riječ je o zborniku radova izloženih na znanstvenom skupu o Ivanu Tišovu. Zbornik je sljedećeg sadržaja Irena Kraševac, Ivan Tišov i Terezija Neuhäusler – umjetnički bračni par u Zagrebu na prijelazu iz 19. u 20. stoljeće Dragan... more
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      Art HistoryPaintingNineteenth Century Academic PaintingCroatian History
Uticaj agrarne reforme na industrijalizaciju u Kraljevini SHS jeste tema koja otvara široke mogućnosti za analizu i istraživanje. Rad predstavlja studiju slučaja dva industrijska preduzeća na posedu Đorđa Dunđerskog preko čijih istorijata... more
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      Economic HistoryIndustrializationKingdom of YugoslaviaAgrarian reform
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      HistoryYugoslavia (History)Slovenian HistoryHistory of Yugoslavia
Multiple projects of Dimitrije Mitrinović in the 1920s and 1930s never evolved into real political or social movements, although some of them had the capacity for that. It seems that Mitrinović preferred a social club with some mystical... more
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      GnosticismIntellectual HistoryBalkan HistoryBritish Cultural History
Marking the 100th anniversary of the founding of Bauhaus, one of the leading and most influential modernist art schools, which, despite its short period of activity (1919-1933), paved the way for the new artistic, theoretical and social... more
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Смедеревска Паланка је током међуратног периода представљала значајан центар културног, привредног, трговинског и индустријског развоја смедеревског краја. Нарочит допринос том развоју дала су бројна предузећа, банке, задруге, али у... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureLocal History
The paper deals with the basic aspects of Yugoslav-Polish relations, influence of other states on their relations and development of Yugoslav attitude toward Polish foreign policy during 1930s.
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      European HistoryDiplomatic HistoryEastern European StudiesEuropean Studies
Utjecaj češke na hrvatsku arhitekturu 20. stoljeća izuzetno je velik, djelom zahvaljujući djelovanju čeških arhitekata u Hrvatskoj (na primjer u izgradnji kompleksa Batine tvornice u Borovu), no još više stoga što je cijeli niz... more
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      Central EuropeCentral European historyYugoslaviaArchitectural History
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      Social Security LawFormer YugoslaviaKingdom of YugoslaviaPolitics of Austerity
Diary of Kosta Pavlović, personal secretary of Vojislav Marinković, the Yugoslav Foreign Minister and (later) the PM
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesInternational RelationsBalkan Studies
Wer heute den Blick auf die serbische Hauptstadt richtet, die an der Save-Mündung (serb. Sava) zur Donau liegt, der hat eine erstaunlich vielfältige architektonische Landschaft vor Augen. Die osmanische Herrschaft in Belgrad, die mit... more
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      ProtestantismSerbian historyHistory of BelgradeChurch History
Czech modern architecture exerted a considerable influence on Croatia owing to the work of Czech architects in Croatia (e.g. on the construction of Bata's factory in Borovo), and more importantly due to numerous Croatian and Yugoslav... more
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      ArchitectureCzech HistoryCentral European historyTheory Of Architecture
Набавка наоружања из иностранства за потребе војске и морнарице краљевине СХС/Југославије.књ. 2, Набавке из Немачке и Велике Британије; Аcquisition of weapons from abroad for the needs of the army and navy of the Kingdom of SHS /... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceStrategy (Military Science)
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      Croatian HistoryVatican DiplomacyCroatiaCatholic Church History
The author first discusses research dilemmas in studying continental Freemasonries. He lists the pro-Yugoslav activities of Serbian and Croatian freemasons during the Great War but dismisses as a myth the claims that Yugoslavia was... more
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      Balkan HistoryFreemasonryResearch into FreemasonryYugoslavia (History)
У овом раду разматраћемо музичка издања Јована Фрајта и Сергија Страхова која су публикована у периоду од 1921. до 1945. године у Београду. Увидом у сачуване делове колекција Фрајтових и Страховљевих издања, уз њихово допуњавање подацима... more
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      Media StudiesPopular Music StudiesYugoslaviaInterwar Period History
Yugoslavya Nedir?
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      HistoryAncient HistoryCultural HistoryArt History
The following work will be the perception of poem The Exploits of the ”Five Cockerels” Gang, by famous Serbian writer and surrealist Aleksandar Vučo, perceived through the prism of the education policy of the Kingdom of Yugoslavia.... more
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      Kingdom of YugoslaviaEducational PolicyDusan MaticAleksandar Vuco
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      Art HistoryArchitectural HistoryInterwar Period HistoryKingdom of Yugoslavia
This article considers the turbulent period in Croatian history between the collapse of the ‘old’ Austro-Hungarian Monarchy and the creation of new states. The beginning of the period was marked by the partial liberalization of political... more
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      NationalismHabsburg StudiesCroatian HistoryModern Croatian History
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      HistoryBiographyHistory of BelgradeLexicography
Članak na osnovu građe iz Vojnog arhiva u Beogradu, memoara, domaće i inostrane literature rekonstruiše rad i organizacionu strukturu Vojne obaveštajne službe u Kraljevini SHS/Jugoslaviji od 1918 do 1941. godine. Posebno je naglašena... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceWWII intelligenceKingdom of Yugoslavia
This article focuses on German economic theory and plans for South-Eastern Europe in the 1930s and Yugoslavia's responses to it. By highlighting the opposition of Yugoslav economic experts, business leaders, press and officials towards... more
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      Economic HistoryThe Third ReichKingdom of Yugoslavia
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      European HistoryEuropean StudiesArt HistoryArt
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      HistoryOttoman HistoryAlbanian StudiesBalkan Studies
U knjizi je obrađen nastanak i razvoj vazduhoplovne industrije u Kraljevini SHS u periodu1919 - 1930. godine.
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryIstorijaKingdom of Yugoslavia
This article deals with one of tactics used by Yugoslav state institutions against guerrilla and terrorist actions of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organisation (IMRO). The first part explains different tactics used by Macedonian... more
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      International RelationsTerrorismInternational TerrorismBalkan Studies
The Serbian Orthodox Church had a supportive role for the Yugoslav Foreign Policy and diplomatic actions in the interwar period, as it was helping the international activities of the Kingdom of Serbia until 1918. Mutual state and church... more
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      International RelationsGreek HistoryInternational StudiesBalkan Studies
THE JEWS IN MONTENEGRO IN THE INTERWAR PERIOD (1918-1941) The main aim of this paper is to provide the first overview of Jewish presence in Montenegro in the interwar period (1918-1941). According to official statistics, there were 35... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryJewish StudiesBalkan Studies
This article explores the use of photographs in Moritz Levy’s book dedicated to the history of Sephardic Jews in Bosnia, published in Sarajevo in 1911. While the photographs accompany the historical narrative and aim to prove the... more
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      PhotographyBalkan StudiesJewish HistoryOttoman Balkans
Својим уравнотеженим и већином критичким приказом догађаја Милошевићев текст је у потпуности на трагу Сећањима из рата Звонка Вучковића, међу историчарима једним од најцењенијих ратних мемоара. У одређеном погледу ови мемоари се и... more
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      HistoryHistory of BelgradeWorld War IINazism
Despite the fact that in the history of Croatian architecture of the interwar period Expressionism neither took firm hold nor had the significance and reception like it had in Germany, there exists a whole series of architectural designs... more
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      Art HistoryArchitectureHistory (Architecture)Modern Art
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      YugoslaviaYugoslavia (History)Kingdom of Yugoslavia
U periodu modernizacije jugoslovenskog društva, sokolski domovi su najčešće predstavljali ključne, a često i jedine lokacije gde se odvijao kulturni život, naročito u manjim mestima. Sokolski dom je bio centar gde je sokolsko društvo,... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryArt HistoryArchitecture
Državni organi Kraljevine Jugoslavije u godinama uoči izbijanja Drugoga svjetskog rata pratili su aktivnosti raznih separatističkih organizacija koje su bile nezadovoljne položajem svojih nacija u Kraljevini. Vrhovni generalštab (Glavni... more
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      Croatian HistoryKingdom of YugoslaviaKraljevina JugoslavijaIndependent State of Croatia
Analizirajući tekstove rezolucija kongresa, konferencija i proglasa Komunističke partije Jugoslavije nastojali smo da prikažemo osnovne tendencije u nacionalnoj politici jugoslovenskih komunista prema srpskom narodu i šiptarskoj... more
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      Kingdom of YugoslaviaCommunism and national questionHistory of Kosovo and MetohijaCommunist Party of Yugoslavia
Rad na osnovu građe iz Vojnog arhiva u Beogradu, objavljenih izvora i literature daje pregled razvoja teške motorizovane artiljerije u Vojsci Kraljevine SHS/Jugoslavije i rekonstruiše učinak ovih jedinica u kratkotrajnom Aprilskom ratu... more
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      Military HistoryStrategy (Military Science)WWIIKingdom of Yugoslavia
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      Romani StudiesHannah ArendtCitizenshipInterwar period, 1919 - 1939
Beograd je tokom međuratnog perioda doziveo ekspanziju stambene gradnje zahvaljujući velikom prilivu stanovništva iz cele zemlje. Hroničan nedostatak životnog prostora i stalno širenje grada izvan zakonskih granica prouzrokovali su... more
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      HistoryArt HistoryArchitectureYugoslavia
У овом раду настојали смо да анализирамо ставове Милована Ђиласа према Црној Гори, њеном државноправном положају и односу према Србији, као и националном осећању црногорског становништва, односно афирмацији црногорске нације током и после... more
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      Former YugoslaviaKingdom of YugoslaviaMilovan DjilasCommunism and national question
L’emplacement dans lequel fut éduquée la KJS fut d’importance primordiale pour tous les acteurs de la Deuxième guerre mondiale dans la Serbie occupée. Durant la bataille pour l’Afrique, ce territoire obtint une importance supplémentaire... more
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      HistoryWorld War IINazi GermanyProtest and resistance
The paper is based on the records of Military Archive in Belgrade, data from Official Military Gazette of Kingdom of Yugoslavia and literature. It emphasizes to reconstruct the activities of Yugoslav military intelligence towards Italy in... more
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      Military HistoryMilitary IntelligenceItalyKingdom of Yugoslavia