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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnatolian ArchaeologyNeolithic Archaeology
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic & Chalcolithic Archaeology
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      Evolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropologyHuman Evolution
This study (as part of our Master thesis) was concerned with the end of the Epipaleolithic of the Near East and particularly with the Natufian culture (13 100-9 600 BC cal.). The early period (13 100-11 000 BC cal.) of this latter marks a... more
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      ArchaeomalacologyArchaeozoologyFunerary ArchaeologyBone and Antler
Enlaced ornaments are intentionally and purposefully joined items, which generally do not occur together. The aim of the current research is to establish the meaning of such ornaments in Proosa graves, also who put them there and for whom... more
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      Late Iron Age (Archaeology)Early Iron AgeGrave GoodsPersonal Ornaments In Prehistory
Perforated shells are often used to study socially mediated behavior in past hunter-gatherer groups. The assumption is that their exclusive symbolic function makes them ideally suited to investigate social networks, dispersal activity,... more
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      Levantine ArchaeologyPalaeolithic ArchaeologyVirtualizationBeads
L’elaboració d’aquesta tesi parteix de l’estudi de les estratègies de gestió i aprofitament de diverses matèries primeres que es duia a terme per a la producció d’ornaments personals en el si de les comunitats prehistòriques entre el... more
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      Shell OrnamentsEarly NeolithicTecnologiaNeolítico
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      ReligionComparative ReligionMythology And FolkloreAncient History
The Neolithic is an interesting phase for observing the changes in the material culture and ideology of prehistoric groups in Europe. In the area of costume in particular, the production of personal adornments increased and new types... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyNeolithic
В работе обсуждается технология производства бусин из скорлупы яиц страуса, обнаруженных на однокультурных памятниках финального плейстоцена Западного Забайкалья Усть-Кяхта-3 (раскопки 1976, 1978 гг.) и Усть-Кяхта-17 (раскопки 1990—1992... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPersonal Ornaments In PrehistoryFinal Late Pleistocene-HoloceneWestern Transbaikalia
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyAnatolian Archaeology
Las excavaciones arqueológicas recientes llevadas a cabo en diferentes yacimientos del SW de Europa con niveles adscritos al Gravetiense (por ejemplo, La Garma A y Fuente del Salín, en la región cantábrica, y Nerja y Cendres en la fachada... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyGravettianUpper PalaeolithicPalaeolithic personal ornaments
In the Neolithic and Early Eneolithic in the Central Balkans, the white colour seems to have had a particular importance. White stones were commonly used for production of cult and decorative objects, and in the late phase of the Vinča... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyNeolithic ArchaeologyLithic Technology
Rituale sind eine besondere Form gemeinschaftlichen Handelns, die in nahezu allen Lebensbereichen und kulturellen Kontexten vorkommt. Sie spielen eine wichtige Rolle bei der Identitätskonstruktion in Menschengruppen. Oft geht mit ihnen... more
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      Identity (Culture)Religion and ritual in prehistoryDeath and Burial (Archaeology)Identity construction and cultural production
The Bronze Age Maros culture, widespread in the southern parts of the Carpathian basin, is characterised by rich and diverse material culture, recovered from settlements and from necropoles. Some of the burials of the Maros culture... more
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      Bronze Age (Archaeology)Bone IndustryBronze AgeShell Ornaments
The emergence of farming societies in the Mediterranean area (IX-VI millennium BC) coincides with an increase in the presence of ornamental objects in the archaeological record. The cultural complexity of personal ornaments also increased... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyArchaeology of Personal AdornmentStone BraceletsPersonal Ornaments In Prehistory
Beads, beadwork, and personal ornaments are made of diverse materials such as shell, bone, stones, minerals, and composite materials. Their exploration from geographical and chronological settings around the world offers a glimpse at some... more
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      BeadsPersonal Ornaments In Prehistory
ÖZET Neolitik Dönem’in boncuk, pendant ve bilezik gibi kişisel süs eşyaları şimdiye dek çok az araştırılmış bir konudur. Son yıllarda yapılan çalışmalar, süs eşyalarının nasıl kullanıldığını, neyden ve nasıl yapıldıklarını ve Neolitik... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistoryNeolithic ArchaeologyPrehistory
in R. Graells i Fabregat / P. Camacho Rodríguez / A.J. Lorrio (Coords.), Problemas de cultura material. Ornamentos y elementos del vestuario en el arco litoral Mediterráneo-Atlántico de la península Ibérica durante la Edad del Hierro (ss.... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologySemanticsMaterial Culture Studies
in R. Graells i Fabregat / P. Camacho Rodríguez / A.J. Lorrio (Coords.), Problemas de cultura material. Ornamentos y elementos del vestuario en el arco litoral Mediterráneo-Atlántico de la península Ibérica durante la Edad del Hierro (ss.... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyGlocalizationOrnament (Archaeology)
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      Mesoamerican ArchaeologyOrnament (Archaeology)Maya ArchaeologyOlmec archaeology
in R. Graells i Fabregat / P. Camacho Rodríguez / A.J. Lorrio (Coords.), Problemas de cultura material. Ornamentos y elementos del vestuario en el arco litoral Mediterráneo-Atlántico de la península Ibérica durante la Edad del Hierro (ss.... more
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      ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesGlobalization and GlocalizationOrnament (Archaeology)
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyAurignacianMiddle PalaeolithicSolutrean
in R. Graells i Fabregat / P. Camacho Rodríguez / A.J. Lorrio (Coords.), Problemas de cultura material. Ornamentos y elementos del vestuario en el arco litoral Mediterráneo-Atlántico de la península Ibérica durante la Edad del Hierro (ss.... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMaterial Culture StudiesTypology
English Abstract: Based on the current state of research, the earliest personal ornaments come from archaeological layers dated between 130 and 70 ka. They originate from Middle Paleolithic and Middle Stone Age sites located at great... more
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      Middle Stone Age (Archaeology)Archaeology of RitualCognitive EvolutionSymbolic Communication
Beads form the largest part of bodily adornment at Çatalhöyük. Over 43,000 beads have thus far been found during Mellaart’s excavations and the Çatalhöyük Research Project (ÇRP) excavations, in a variety of deposits that span over 1,000... more
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      Material Culture StudiesNeolithic ArchaeologyArchaeology of Personal AdornmentOrnament (Archaeology)
The Maros (Moriš) culture of the Early Bronze Age was widespread in the southern Carpathian basin, around the confluence of Tisza (Tisa) and Maros (Moriš) rivers. In Serbian part of Banat, two large cemeteries were excavated in the 20th... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyArchaeomalacologyArchaeozoology
Mollusc shells have been used for the production of ornaments since the Palaeolithic times. Some of the world's oldest decorative items were, in fact, made from shells. Their smooth surfaces, durability and bright colours, were some of... more
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      Bronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Bronze Age (Archaeology)BeadsArchaeology of burials
The object of this thesis is to study and analyze the shell assemblages from four settlements of the Thermaic Gulf: Paliambela Kolindros, Makriyalos Pieria, Archontiko Giannitsa, and Toumba Thessaloniki. The aim was to explore the... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeomalacologyBioarchaeology
The shell artefact assemblage of Çatalhöyük is one of the richest unearthed in Anatolia, even taking into account the large scale of excavations, thus demonstrating their importance in the lives of the Neolithic people. Previous research... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeomalacologyMaterial Culture Studies
Introduction: This paper discusses the interaction between foragers and farmers during the various phases of the neolithisation processes in south-western and north-western central europe. The disparate state of research on Late... more
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      Pottery (Archaeology)Mesolithic ArchaeologyLithicsNeolithic Transition
Ornaments are polysemic objects due to different meanings they convey in human societies—self-embellishment, means of exchange, markers of age and gender, indicators of social status, signs of power, non-verbal means of expression and... more
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      Palaeolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic ArchaeologyPersonal Ornaments In Prehistory
The paper presents the adornment objects of the Recent and the Late Neolithic of the Northern Italy dated approximately between 4500 and 3800 cal. BC, focusing on those of the Chassey or Chassey-Lagozza groups. Unfortunately, this objects... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyArchaeology of Personal AdornmentDress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)Preistoria e protostoria
The Late Upper Palaeolithic (Epigravettian) sequence at Badanj has yielded an important dataset about the occupation of the hinterland of the Eastern Adriatic catchment zone in the late Pleniglacial. The site also harbors one of the rare... more
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      Balkan archaeologyBalkan prehistoryPalaeolithicEpigravettian
The site of Vlakno is a rock shelter situated on the island of Dugi otok in the Adriatic sea, Croatia. Systematic excavations that are still ongoing revealed rich deposits from the Mesolithic and Palaeolithic period. This site is one of... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyMesolithic ArchaeologyMesolithic/Epipalaeolithic ArchaeologyMediterranean archaeology
In alcune delle sepolture pertinenti alla cultura dei Vasi a Bocca Quadrata (V millennio BC) si trovano oggetti d’ornamento, il cui studio si presta in modo particolare ad indagare i diversi livelli dell’identità culturale VBQ, ma anche... more
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      Neolithic ArchaeologyPrehistoric personal ornamentsPersonal Ornaments In Prehistory
Since the 1990s, archaeological publications concerned with Palaeolithic personal ornaments have diversified. This proliferation has resulted in an intense exploration of the multiple roles, whether symbolic, cultural or social, that... more
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      Upper PaleolithicPaleolithic ArtPrehistoric personal ornamentsPersonal Ornaments In Prehistory
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      Ornament (Archaeology)Dress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)NeolithicMiddle Neolithic
The doctoral dissertation „From individuality to regionality in the distribution area of tarand cemeteries in the Roman Iron Age“ explores the affiliation of people who lived in the distribution area of tarand cemeteries and used those... more
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      PersonhoodArchaeology of IdentityBaltic archaeologyRoman Iron Age
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      ArchaeologyArchaeomalacologyBone and AntlerNeolithic Archaeology
Anahtar Kelimeler: Boncuklar • Deniz Kabukları • Taş • Levant • Kültürel Bağlantılar Özet: Bireysel takı ve süs eşyaları, Epi-paleolitik Dönem ile birlikte karakteristik buluntu şeklini almaya başlamıştır. Levant Epi-paleolitiği sürecinde... more
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      ArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistory
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      Funerary ArchaeologyArchaeology of Personal AdornmentOrnament (Archaeology)Dress and Personal Adornment (Archaeology)
The extensive use of mollusc shell as a versatile raw material is testament to its importance in prehistoric times. The consistent choice of certain species for different purposes, including the making of ornaments, is a direct... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisBiomineralizationPrehistoryChronology
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      ArchaeologyStone beadsPersonal Ornaments In Prehistory
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      Dress and the BodyPersonal OrnamentationOstrich Eggshell BeadsPersonal Ornaments In Prehistory
The interlocking of the maritime basin network that took place with the development of the Maritime Silk Roads by the late first millennium bc led to major cultural transfers. This research investigates Southeast Asia’s cultural... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian ArchaeologySoutheast Asian historyIndian Ocean Archaeology
A renewed study of beads and pendants from the Cave of the Treasure in Nahal Mishmar (Judean Desert, Israel) was carried out in order to enhance our understanding of south Levantine Chalcolithic personal ornaments. The analysis of raw... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyNear Eastern ArchaeologyArt
Cette présentation a comme objectif une vision actualisée de l'usage de la callaïs/variscite comme matière première pour la fabrication des éléments de parures. On y expose ainsi les principales morphologies, les techniques de fabrication... more
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      NeolithicVariscitaPersonal Ornaments In Prehistory
Recent ethnographic and archaeological studies on childhood in hunter-gatherer societies have provided a comprehensive methodological framework for understanding how infants and children socially engage and integrate into their social and... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyPersonhoodArchaeology of ChildhoodNeolithic
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      Near Eastern ArchaeologyGulf StudiesThe Persian GulfArabian Gulf