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In this article, I draw on Gurdjieff's philosophy to initiate a phenomenology of aesthetic experience, which I define as any intense emotional engagement that one feels in encountering or creating an artistic work, whether a painting,... more
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      EmotionAestheticsEmotional intelligenceContemporary Spirituality
Hacking – improving software through a process of trial and error – is a mode of rehearsal. Such is the claim made by Miguel Escobar Varela in this article, which he furthers by exploring the similarities between the ways theatre makers... more
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      Theatre StudiesDigital HumanitiesIndonesiaGrotowski
This thesis examines how mental illness has been represented in British theatre from c. 1960 to the present day. It is particularly concerned with the roles played by space and embodiment in these representations, and what emerges as... more
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      EthicsTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryMental Health
In this essay, Craigo-Snell brings Karl Barth into conversation with performance studies and theatre theorist Peter Brook to reify the role of human performance, which cannot “conjure incarnation nor summon God” into the practice of... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesEcclesiologyKarl Barth
An examination of the relationship between theatre and film that focuses on the work of figures associated with the postwar British theatre but whose film work was often understood in terms of horror. In particular, it examines the ways... more
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      Media StudiesTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryFilm Studies
L’article retrace les origines de l’attrait de Brook pour l’Afrique et les principes qui motivent cette affinité : du premier voyage du Centre International de Recherche Théâtrale en 1972, au spectacle Sizwe Banzi est mort, présenté à... more
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      Contemporary TheatrePeter Brook
L’article étudie la relation de Peter Brook avec l’Afrique : ses voyages, ses spectacles et sa longue collaboration avec des acteurs africains. Après une première approche issue d’une fascination étrange et d’un désir de régénération,... more
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      Theatre StudiesAfrican theatre and performancePeter Brook
Apstrakt: Antonen Arto (1896-1948) se smatra jednim od najuticajnijih pozorišnih stvaralaca u 20. veku iako se njegova teorija uzima za nekoherentno i teško razumljivo štivo. Rad ima za cilj da prikaže Artoov nacrt pozorišta surovosti i... more
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      Theatre StudiesAntonin ArtaudJerzy GrotowskiEugenio Barba
The act of writing is firmly embedded within the praxis of the lighting designer. A script is annotated, documents to communicate creative concepts are created and records to facilitate the realised design are carefully crafted. Less... more
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      Theatre StudiesLighting Design for PerformanceTheatreNelson Mandela
The seminal work Empty Space (1968) by English theatre director and researcher Peter Brook, examines the notion of the theatre through a lens that posits the idea that any space, with an actor and an audience, results in a theatrical... more
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      ArchitectureSpace and PlaceArchitectural LightingLighting Design for Performance
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      Theatre StudiesJean Paul SartrePeter HandkePeter Brook