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The Shiraz-Persepolis Festival of Arts (Jashn-e Honar-e Shiraz, in Persian), took place from 1967 through 1977 in and around the city of Shiraz, in Iran. It was a pioneering festival incorporating music, theatre, dance, dance-drama and... more
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      Jerzy Grotowski20th century Avant-GardeKarlheinz StockhausenRobert Wilson
The act of writing is firmly embedded within the praxis of the lighting designer. A script is annotated, documents to communicate creative concepts are created and records to facilitate the realised design are carefully crafted. Less... more
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      Theatre StudiesLighting Design for PerformanceTheatreNelson Mandela
L’article étudie la relation de Peter Brook avec l’Afrique : ses voyages, ses spectacles et sa longue collaboration avec des acteurs africains. Après une première approche issue d’une fascination étrange et d’un désir de régénération,... more
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      Theatre StudiesAfrican theatre and performancePeter Brook
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryPhysical TheatreExperimental Theatre
Tragic Seneca has enjoyed a varied reputation. As T.S. Eliot put it, "In the Renaissance, no Latin author was more highly esteemed that Seneca; in modern times, few Latin authors have been more consistently damned". The author of this... more
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      ClassicsTheatre StudiesRomanticismGerman Romanticism
The paper covers the mission and organizational makeup of the Festival of Arts, Shiraz-Persepolis, 1967-1977, and highlights its international programs in music, dance, theatre and film. The report concludes with the cancellation of the... more
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      Indian MusicJerzy GrotowskiKarlheinz StockhausenOlivier Messiaen
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      Theatre StudiesJean Paul SartrePeter HandkePeter Brook
Etude de l'adaptation de l'opéra Carmen de Georges Bizet par Brook en 1981 et du film tiré de cette mise en scène en 1983. Quel discours sur les genres spectaculaires du cinéma, du théâtre et de l’opéra, sur la mise en scène et la... more
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      OperaTheatre and Film studiesMise-En-ScèneHistoire Du Théâtre
The article argues for a “textural” understanding of “theatricality,” across three fairly distinct models: the image – deep or shallow, as for Richard Wagner and Georg Fuchs; the platform – of skill or tension, as for Vsevolod Meyerhold... more
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      Theatre StudiesTheatre HistoryVsevold MeyerholdBertolt Brecht
This thesis examines how mental illness has been represented in British theatre from c. 1960 to the present day. It is particularly concerned with the roles played by space and embodiment in these representations, and what emerges as... more
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      EthicsTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryMental Health
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      Literature and cinemaScriptwritingTheater and filmCulture and Performance
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      Performing ArtsPeter Brook
In search of the unfinishedness of the theatrical place Based on that the origin of the word “performance” means "to complete", this article offers a proposition that the spaces where the performing arts are performed, namely the... more
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      ArchitectureAtmospheres (Architecture)Theatre ArchitectureTheatre
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      ShakespeareActingWilliam ShakespeareHarold Bloom
An examination of the relationship between theatre and film that focuses on the work of figures associated with the postwar British theatre but whose film work was often understood in terms of horror. In particular, it examines the ways... more
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      Media StudiesTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryFilm Studies
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      Teatro español contemporáneoPeter BrookTeatro Tosco
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      MulticulturalismTheatre StudiesPeter Brook
"In Africa, tutto è invisibile" è il sibillino aforisma che Peter Brook ripete spesso. Ed è forse la formula che sintetizza meglio le motivazioni che stanno all'origine del suo interesse per il continente. Nella lunghissima carriera di... more
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      African theatre and performanceSotigui KouyatéPeter BrookAthol Fugard
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      Maurice Merleau-PontyCinemaClassical HollywoodPaul Klee
Degree in theater and cinema, Davide Schinaia - Supervisors: Antonio Costa, Giovanni Azzaroni
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      Theatre StudiesMahabharataPeter Brook
What happens when critics seem to misread a production? This paper examines the reviews of Peter Brook's 1955 production of Titus Andronicus by Evelyn Waugh and Kenneth Tynan. It explores the preconceptions of the play prior to that... more
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      Audience and Reception StudiesEvelyn WaughTitus AndronicusLaurence Olivier
In this article, I draw on Gurdjieff's philosophy to initiate a phenomenology of aesthetic experience, which I define as any intense emotional engagement that one feels in encountering or creating an artistic work, whether a painting,... more
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      EmotionAestheticsEmotional intelligenceContemporary Spirituality
General Editors: Ian McCormick, James Armstrong, Jane Stabler. Roger McGough: Interview Binary: Gillian Clarke Caterpillars / Tuesday: Robert Deas Michael Longley and Douglas Dunn: Jane Stabler Ken Currie: Interview Poem: Gordon... more
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      English LiteratureArt HistoryContemporary ArtHorror Film
This research examines the intersection of politics, aesthetics and new media technologies in 1960s-70’s Iran. I argue that the Shiraz Arts Festival needs to be analyzed in the context of contemporary communication theory to fully... more
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      New MediaPerformance StudiesMass CommunicationIranian Studies
Apstrakt: Antonen Arto (1896-1948) se smatra jednim od najuticajnijih pozorišnih stvaralaca u 20. veku iako se njegova teorija uzima za nekoherentno i teško razumljivo štivo. Rad ima za cilj da prikaže Artoov nacrt pozorišta surovosti i... more
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      Theatre StudiesAntonin ArtaudJerzy GrotowskiEugenio Barba
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      ReligionComparative ReligionSociology of ReligionAfrican Studies
Shakespeare has become a boomerang business in the twenty-first century—a phenomenon that is fueled simultaneously by globalized local economic and cultural developments. His plays have been traveling the world since his lifetime and now... more
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      Performance StudiesShakespeareContemporary British TheatreIntercultural Theatre
L’article analyse la notion de communauté selon Peter Brook. Lorsqu’il fonde le Centre International de Recherche Théâtrale (CIRT), Brook tient à souligner qu’il s’agit d’un centre et non d’un groupe, car les membres doivent changer... more
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      Experimental TheatreContemporary TheatrePeter BrookYoshi Oida
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      MythologyAntonin ArtaudIntercultural TheatreMitoloji
Introducción Este trabajo tiene como objetivo indagar la problemática que conlleva el entendimiento de la noción de personaje en la actualidad, y específicamente en los personajes de la obra de Shakespeare. La temática de la noción del... more
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      ShakespeareWilliam ShakespearePeter BrookTeatre
Profile article. Jean-Guy Lecat's guiding hand can be gleaned in the construction of Teatro Azul de Almada in Lisbon, the building of the New Young Vic in London, the major renovation of the historic Abbey Theatre in Dublin, the remaking... more
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      Performing ArtsScenographyPerformanceTheatre Architecture
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      Peter BrookTeatro SagradoEspaço Vazio
L’articolo analizza il rapporto di reciproca influenza tra il lavoro di Peter Brook e il teatro sudafricano clandestino dell’epoca dell’apartheid, in particolare i registi Athol Fugard e Barney Simon. Brook instaura con la drammaturgia... more
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      Contemporary TheatreSouth African TheatrePeter BrookBarney Simon
Using Peter Brook’s most recent production, Battlefield (2015), this chapter will examine the soundscape of an intercultural performance in the ways that vocalities, rhythms and accepts that determine a(n) (audial) politics of... more
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      Postcolonial TheatreIntercultural TheatreTheatre SoundPeter Brook
One of my older papers written in 2012, for my DRAM 3001: Dramatic Theory class. I have edited nothing but the section with my personal information before uploading this.
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      Bertolt BrechtBrechtPeter BrookBrechtian
Il cinema analizzato in questo libro si costruisce attorno alle due interdizioni che secondo André Bazin sanciscono i limiti della rappresentazione cinematografica, ovvero la morte e la piccola morte, l’orgasmo. L’universo letterario e... more
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      Cultural StudiesFilm StudiesSadeLuis Buñuel
Interview with Lilo Baur, Gertrude in Le Tragedie d'Hamlet, directed by Peter Brook, Warwick Arts Centre, Warwick University (2003), for Rogues and Vagabonds
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      Theatre StudiesDramaShakespearean performance historyTheatre
Dentro de la esfera teatral, nuestro tema se aproxima al Teatro Tosco (taxonomía empleada por Peter Brook en su libro “Es espacio Vacío”), como un tipo particular de teatro, que será tomado por sus características como anclaje estratégico... more
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      Television StudiesReality televisionTelevisionTeatro
This thesis examines how mental illness has been represented in British theatre from c. 1960 to the present day. It is particularly concerned with the roles played by space and embodiment in these representations, and what emerges as... more
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      EthicsTheatre StudiesTheatre HistoryMental Health
In this essay, Craigo-Snell brings Karl Barth into conversation with performance studies and theatre theorist Peter Brook to reify the role of human performance, which cannot “conjure incarnation nor summon God” into the practice of... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesEcclesiologyKarl Barth
Στην παρούσα εργασία θα επιχειρηθεί μια θεωρητική σκιαγράφηση αυτού που αποτελεί το πολιτισμικό ισοδύναμο της γενικότερης σύγχρονης τάσης ανατολικοποίησης στη σφαίρα της οικονομίας και της πολιτικής, μέσα από την κριτική παρουσίαση μιας... more
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      ShakespeareContemporary ChinaHamletΌπερα
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      MusicCreativityCritical Race TheoryRace and Ethnicity
This book defines theatricality and performativity through metaphors of texture and weaving, drawn mainly from anthropologist Tim Ingold and philosopher Stephen C. Pepper. Tracing the two concepts' various relations to practices of seeing... more
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      Theatre StudiesPlatoPerformance StudiesPerformativity
The seminal work Empty Space (1968) by English theatre director and researcher Peter Brook, examines the notion of the theatre through a lens that posits the idea that any space, with an actor and an audience, results in a theatrical... more
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      Bertolt BrechtPeter Brook
At the 1976 Theatre Biennale, Peter Brook provided one of the best demonstrations of the breakup of the traditional role of the actor. In three different events, Brook played with genres and replaces the player by the performer, a real... more
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      Theatre StudiesPerformance StudiesExperimental TheatreVenice Biennale
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      Heiner MüllerSenecaSarah KaneAncient Greek and Roman Theatre
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      Jerzy GrotowskiGeorge Ivanovich GurdjieffTheatre HistoriographyPolish Theatre
La importancia histórica de la tragedia shakesperiana la sitúa como una de las fuentes privilegiadas para la filosofía trágica contemporánea. Sus autores más representativos, Schopenhauer o Rosset, confirman por otro lado la antigua... more
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      AestheticsEstéticaTeatro español contemporáneoUS and European performing arts, Aesthetics