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Ignazio Enrico Hugford (1703-1778) was a painter of English origin who was trained under Anton Domenico Gabbiani. As art dealer and connoisseur, he was among the most important collectors of works on paper in eighteenth-century Florence... more
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      Art HistoryCollecting and CollectionsCartoons and preperatory drawingsLorraine
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      Gianlorenzo BerniniPierre-Jean MarietteIncisioniFrançois Poilly
Program of the conference held in Udine, Palazzo Antonini Belgrado, 4-5.03.2022
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      Venetian art and architectural historyGiovanni Battista TiepoloOld Master drawingsGiovanni Domenico Tiepolo
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      ArchaeologyPrintsArt HistoryTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)
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      Prints and DrawingsOld Master drawingsCaravaggioPierre-Jean Mariette
Grande conoscitore e amico dei pittori, egli stesso dilettante d’arte, Anton Maria Zanetti di Girolamo (1680-1767) è ben noto pure per il suo album di caricature, una galleria di trecentocinquanta indimenticabili ritratti: dai famosi divi... more
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      Music HistoryCaricature (Visual Studies)Art HistoryCosmopolitanism
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      Printing HistoryPrints (Art History)History of PrintmakingPrint Collecting
A note by Pierre Jean Mariette concerning drawings by Rembrandt owned by Prince Eugene of Savoy is published here for the first time. With other evidence, it establishes that an important group of sheets by the artist and his school in... more
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      Art MarketProvenance researchHistory of CollectingRembrandt
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      VeneziaPierre-Jean MarietteAndrea PalladioGiambettino Cignaroli
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      Art HistoryHistory of CollectionsCollecting and CollectionsPrints and Drawings
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      ArchaeologyPrintsDrawings (Architecture)Collecting (Art)
La collezione d'arte di Gerhard Jabach
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      Art HistoryHistory of CollectionsAlbrecht DürerLeonardo da Vinci
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      Art HistoryHistory of CollectionsCollecting and CollectionsOld Master drawings
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      Pierre-Jean MarietteHeinrich AldegreverMuraqqaSafavid albums
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      Pierre-Jean MarietteAntonio SantacrocePierre Crozat
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      History of ScienceGalileo Galilei17th-Century StudiesHistory of Astronomy
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      Semiotics18th & 19th CenturiesComparisonRembrandt
This contribution publishes a drawing in the Albertina that shows a skilful copy of Rembrandt’s etched portrait of Jan Six. The drawing’s early context of preservation can be reconstructed on the basis of archival material: It once formed... more
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      History of CollectingRembrandtPrint CollectingPierre-Jean Mariette
Explores the iconography of Henry Ferguson's Poussinesque landscape which includes a large fictive bas-relief after an "Adoration of the Shepherds" by Girolamo da Treviso, then attributed to Raphael. Identifies the patron as most probably... more
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      Art collectors and connoisseursLodovico Antonio MuratoriConnoisseurshipPierre-Jean Mariette
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      Art HistoryOld Master drawingsPierre-Jean Mariettemusée du Louvre
This article focuses on a drawing, regarded by 18 th-century amateurs as a masterpiece by Michelangelo, and serves as a point of departure to illuminate the amateur's fascination with the artist's hand. This self-referential... more
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      18th Century FranceMichelangelo BuonarrotiConnoisseurshipPierre-Jean Mariette
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      Historiography (in Art History)Prints and DrawingsOld Master drawingsPierre-Jean Mariette
The correspondence from 1717-19 between the Parisian print and book dealer Jean Mariette and his son Pierre-Jean Mariette – today far better known as a connoisseur than his father – is a remarkable source of information. Originating in a... more
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      Collecting (Art)Art MarketPierre-Jean MarietteRaphael
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      Art HistoryCollecting and CollectionsHistory of CollectingPierre-Jean Mariette
« […] en vérité c’est à Venise qu’il faut venir pour trouver de véritables peintres ». C’est par ces mots que le jeune Pierre-Jean Mariette s’enthousiasme pour l’art vénitien en 1718. La cité lacustre et ses territoires de terra ferma... more
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      Art HistoryEighteenth Century HistoryCultural Transfer StudiesJohn Law
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      18th Century ArtPierre-Jean MarietteGiovanni Battista Piranesi 1720-1778Roger de Piles
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      Antoine WatteauPierre-Jean Mariettecomte de CaylusMirror
Il Recueil de peintures antiques, uscito a Parigi tra il 1757 e il 1760, rappresenta una pietra miliare nello studio della pittura antica nel XVIII secolo; nonostante il successo della pubblicazione presso i contemporanei, che ebbero a... more
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      ArchaeologyTopography of Ancient Rome (Archaeology)History of ArtBaroque art and architecture
“The public therefore here in question, is limited to persons that read, and have a knowledge of theatrical entertainments, who see or hear people talk of pictures, and who have acquired by some means or other, that discernment which is... more
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      Practice theoryEstheticsArt collectors and connoisseursConnoisseurship
This contribution publishes a newly discovered etched portrait of Pierre I Mariette, the founder of the “Mariette Dynasty“, of whom no portrait has been known so far. It forms part of the collection of prints supplied by Jean Mariette and... more
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      Collecting (Art)Print CollectingPierre-Jean MarietteArt Dealers
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      EnlightenmentIntellectual History of EnlightenmentAncient numismatics (Archaeology)18th Century Art
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      Early Modern print culturePrint CollectingEighteenth Century Print CulturePierre-Jean Mariette
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      Print CollectingPierre-Jean MarietteCarl Heinrich von HeinekenPrint Connoissership
Colloque international "Bouchardon et ses contemporains", Paris, musée du Louvre, 16 novembre 2016
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      Art HistoryFrench StudiesEighteenth-Century French StudiesDrawing
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      Art HistoryCollecting and CollectionsHistory of CollectingArt collectors and connoisseurs
Between the 16th and the 18th century, as the study of drawing emerged as a scientific procedure to write the history of European art, material cuts have transformed the way in which drawings were collected and studied. This essay... more
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      Book and Paper ConservationOld Master drawingsAntoine WatteauPierre-Jean Mariette
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      Art HistoryHistory of ArtHistoriography (in Art History)History of Collections
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      Michelangelo BuonarrotiPierre-Jean Mariette
Paper presented at the Journée d’étude du GRHAM et du séminaire Collection : « Collectionner : acteurs, lieux et valeur(s)(1750 – 1815) », (Online, 26-27 octobre 2020).
See the program at: https://grham.hypotheses.org/9668#more-9668
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      History of Collections18th Century FrancePierre-Jean MarietteHistory and Theory of Drawing
This was originally an article manuscript that is now being transformed into a book project. Although focus is on four key figures, Philipp von Stosch, Pierre-Jean Mariette, Anton Francesco Gori, and Johann Joachim Winckelmann, it is... more
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      AntiquarianismWinckelmannGlypticsEngraved gems