Recent papers in Mirror
Mirrors in a public restroom represent an esoteric facet of accessibility. Yet, looking at and through the restroom mirror from the perspective of visibility allows a critique of the ableist technicality of accessibility. In an effort to... more
In this paper, I argue that perceptual media like air or water are imperceptible, in the sense that they are not directly discriminated by our senses. I show that, despite their lack of phenomenological features, perceptual media... more
"Мимесис и рефлексия: огледалата в българското литературознание", - Надмощие и приспособяване : Сборник доклади от Международната конференция на факултета по славянски филологии 24-25 април 2017г. : Т. 1-. състав. и ред. Диана Атанасова,... more
"Carter's music poses struggles of opposition, for instance in timbre (Double Concerto), space (String Quartet No. 3) or pulse (String Quartet No. 5). His preference for the all-interval tetrachords, 4–Z15 [0, 1, 4, 6] and 4–Z29 [0, 1, 3,... more
Mirror usage has been taken to indicate some degree of awareness in animals. Can pigs obtain information from a mirror? When put in a pen with a mirror in it, young pigs made movements while apparently looking at their image. After 5... more
Explores a transformation in the viewer’s understanding of the subjectivity represented by the image of the artist in Rembrandt Van Rijn’s Self-portrait with Two Circles (c. 1663–1669) at Kenwood House, Hampstead. Through an innovative... more
A Roman relief mirror in Munich shows the scene with the highest known number of individuals of the whole genre. Within the scope of a detailed analysis an interpretation as the Pygmalion myth is suggested and a date for the mirror in the... more
“Mirrors, Masks and Skulls: For a Phenomenology of Portraiture” is a survey on allegorical portraiture in the history of Western art, from ancient to modern times. By the way, it is also an attempt at an identitarian reflection about the... more
An exploration of the magical use of mirrors.
Die geisteswissenschaftliche Spiegelforschung richtete bislang ihr Forschungsinteresse offenkundig und maßgeblich auf die Subjekt- und Bewusstseinsbildung. In der vorliegenden Untersuchung stehen dagegen die künstlerischen und... more
Conta à lenda que, em um tempo imemorial, o rei Xangô, orixá escolhido por Oxalá para governar a terra e os outros deuses, tinha diversas esposas. As duas mais importantes eram Yansã, a Senhora das Tempestades, e Oxum, cujo domínio se... more
Referring to the symbols and myths connected with a mirror, the author of this essay presents Polish translations of Brazilian and Uruguayan poetry and Brazilian translations of Polish poetry. Selected poems that refer to the mirror... more
Resumen: Para hablar del secreto (damīr, rāz, serr) y lo paradójico, del lenguaje del misterio (ġeyb), Ḥāfeẓ emplea tres símbolos fundamentales de su poesía mística: el ojo, el velo y el espejo. El ojo (čašm, dīda) es el órgano sutil... more
Les conduites spéculaires des démences avancées sont : le signe du miroir d’Abely et Delmas où le patient fixe son visage et s’arrange (comportement de dépendance à l’environnement de Lhermitte) ; la non-reconnaissance de soi dans le... more
Self-creation action is one of the most fundamental purposes of selfie photography. In History, many people tried to express and to demonstrate themselves with the aim of leaving traces for the future through the process which reaches to... more
This study discusses the changing ways of seeing in the visual culture from the traditional period to the digital age through self-portraits which were once painted with brushes, later taken with cameras and finally, taken with... more
ABSTRACT (it) & (en) Questo articolo fornisce il primo Statuto di Architettura e Museologia liquida facendo seguito al primo tentativo di definizione da me proposto nel 2014. Prendo atto che... more
This research addresses the ‘Selfie’ as a significant phenomenon of contemporary photography, its unique methods of production and distribution, as well as the possible motivations driving this particular genre of the (amateur)... more
Es hacia 1964 cuando los artistas comienzan a utilizar el espejo en sus instalaciones para repensar por un lado las relaciones entre el arte y la realidad y, por otro, las relaciones entre el yo y su imagen. A través del reflejo se... more
In 2005–2016, a metal detector was used to obtain an assemblage of La Tène metal artefacts in the geomor-phologically defined region of Malá Haná on the border of eastern Bohemia and southwestern Moravia. The artefacts establish that... more
Chapter from this prize-winning book. The medieval obsession with the magic, science and symbolism of mirrors was the catalyst for the production of self-portraits rather than the invention of crystal glass mirrors in c.1460. Includes... more
With the advance of science, the concept of " the self " as some kind of separate Cartesian entity appears increasingly implausible. Nevertheless, it is hard to dismiss the intuition that an entity which can be classified as " the self "... more
В 2017 г. у с. Глиное Слободзейского района на левобережье Нижнего Днестра был исследован курган 116 скифского могильника III—II вв. до н. э. Под насыпью, окружённой кольцевым рвом с двумя разрывами, изучены два захоронения в катакомбах.... more
The paper focuses on the mirror as a metaphor in the Marxist and structuralist paradigm by means of which contradictory concepts of literature in terms of its mimetic activity crystallize. The term mimetic reflection was in circulation in... more
The paper explores the divergent concepts of mimesis in the works of Bulgarian orthodox Marxist philosopher Todor Pavlov and Yuri Lotman, founder of the Tartu-Moscow Semiotic School. With his Theory of Reflection, completed in Moscow in... more
Following its announcement as word of the year in 2013, the selfie became an object of considerable academic attention. Within this rapidly growing discourse, several researchers such as Katie Warfield and Katrin Tiidenberg have argued... more
Within the thriving production of Etruscan bronze mirrors, it has been possible to identify a small group that, in our opinion, is particularly influenced by Attic red-figure pottery. These mirrors are decorated with complex mythological... more
The image motifs of Andrei Tarkovsky explicate the basic characteristics of his film aesthetics. Tarkovsky regards filmic image-mise en scène in general-as sculpting in time, that differentiates itself from the narrative continuity of the... more