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      SociologyAgronomyInterdisciplinarityPeasant Studies
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      Political EconomyIndigenous StudiesPolitical TheoryCanadian History
The study of the Demidoff / Demidov industrial enterprises during the latter half of the XIX Century has been hampered by the reliance on exclusively Russian sources, even though the owners spent most of their time during this period in... more
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      History of MiningWomen's EntrepreneurshipRussian EmpireCultural history of industrial society
To cite: Wilkins, A. 2017. Rescaling the local: Multi-academy trusts, private monopoly and statecraft in England. Journal of Educational Administration and History, 49 (2), 171-185 For the past six years successive UK governments in... more
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      Critical TheoryBusinessManagementBusiness Administration
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      HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
En zengin 62 kişinin, dünyanın %50’sine tekabül eden 3,6 milyar insan ile eşit mal varlığına sahip olduğu bir dünyada yaşıyoruz. En zengin 20 ülkenin geliri, en fakir 20 ülke gelirinin tam 46 katı daha fazla. Küresel adaletsizliğin bu... more
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      FinanceSociologyEconomic SociologyPolitical Sociology
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      HistoryAncient HistorySociologyPolitical Sociology
There are more types of borders today than ever before in history. Borders of all kinds define every aspect of social life in the twenty-first century. From the biometric data that divides the smallest aspects of our bodies to the aerial... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
L’intento di questo lavoro è presentare un quadro che sia il più completo possibile nell’analizzare il percorso dell’Unione delle Repubbliche Socialiste Sovietiche dalla sua nascita, nel 1922, fino al suo crollo, nel 1991 e,... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesGeography
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      LawInternational RelationsDevelopment StudiesPeace and Conflict Studies
Anthropocene or Capitalocene? offers answers to these questions from a dynamic group of leading critical scholars. They challenge the theory and history offered by the most significant environmental concept of our times: the Anthropocene.... more
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      SociologyCultural StudiesHuman EcologyGeography
Among the deficiencies demonstrated by the world financial crisis of 2008–9, one was the limited capacity of G-8 to provide for global economic governance. The developed economies quickly realised that they should seek joint solutions and... more
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      GeographyPolitical Geography and GeopoliticsLatin American StudiesLaw
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      HistoryWorld HistorySeljuks (Islamic History)Economic history/Trade history/Oriental trade
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      LawInternational RelationsPolitical PartiesPolitical Science
Yep, fuck it. Neoliberalism sucks. We don't need it.
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      Critical TheoryManagementMarketingHistory
This is a brief outline and TOC of a book to be published by Palgrave Macmillan that I am writing (due out January 2022). I am posting this for comments and ideas and suggestions.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
My task today is to present the international situation, the Covid 19 pandemic and the peoples’ response. Let me state at the outset that the world capitalist system was already in trouble even before the Covid-19 pandemic arose. And... more
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    • Political Economy and History
80 years ago the Spanish Civil War ended, one of the most remarkable events of the twentieth century. The purpose of this text is to carry out a brief analysis of the collective management that rural and urban workers have carried out on... more
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      Economic HistoryGUERRA CIVIL ESPAÑOLAPolitical Economy and History
In monarchies, power, law, finances, and economy are intertwined aspects of the royal household. The aim of this research seminar is to discuss research on economic and financial aspects of monarchies and dynasties from antiquity to... more
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      Economic HistoryBusiness HistoryMonarchyFinancial History
This book argues that 'social democratic criminology' is an important critical perspective which is essential for the analysis of crime and criminal justice and crucial for humane and e ective policy. The end of World War II resulted in... more
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      Political EconomyNeoliberalismSocialismLaw and Order
La «historia desde abajo», promovida por intelectuales como E.P. Thompson y Christopher Hill, modificó el modo de entender la historia desde una perspectiva de izquierda. La historiografía asumió rigurosidad y compromiso político, a la... more
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      European HistoryCultural HistoryHistory from BelowPolitical Economy and History
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      BioarchaeologyPostcolonial StudiesAnthropology of Children and ChildhoodPostcolonial Theory
In 1899, MIT chemist Ellen H. Richards (1842-1911) instigated a series of annual "Lake Placid Conferences" (1899-1908) that became known as the foundation of the home economics movement. Richards's first interest was in improving the... more
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      HistoryEconomicsConsumer EconomicsHistory of Economic Thought
The article attempts a comprehensive review of the human security concept in order to question its utility for both research and policy-making. It notes the term’s interdisciplinary and extensively normative content that have facilitated... more
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      Critical TheoryBusiness EthicsGeographyPolitical Geography and Geopolitics
Iz uvodnika: "Prav v teh okoliščinah je še toliko pomembnejše, da politično ekonomijo komuniciranja vnovič vzpostavimo kot temelj kritičnega (če že ne celotnega) komunikološkega raziskovanja. Razlog ni le v dejstvu, da kritična... more
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      Critical TheoryMarxismPolitical Economy of CommunicationCritical Media Studies
The article contains a legal analysis of the property relations resulting from the marriage of Jan Klemens Branicki to Katarzyna Barbara Radziwiłł. The events here depicted reveal that the economic success of an aristocratic family to a... more
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      Polish HistoryHistory of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthAristocracy
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      ReligionHistoryEuropean StudiesOttoman History
During the 1780s, the Spanish crown endeavored to facilitate and expedite commercial exchange within its vast Atlantic territories, a goal which it hoped to accomplish by creating new consulados (merchant chambers and courts) in many port... more
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      Economic HistoryPolitical EconomyAtlantic WorldEnlightenment
What might be called the “benevolent billionaire model” for supporting journalism begs the obvious point that not all billionaires are benevolent.
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      SociologyMedia SociologyPolitical SociologyAmerican Politics
The Transatlantic Financial Crisis of 1837 produced a global depression that lasted until the mid-1840s. Falling cotton prices, a collapsing land bubble, and fiscal and monetary policies pursued by individual actors and financial... more
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      Economic HistoryHistory of SlaveryBankingHistory of Capitalism
(2016). In: Ensaios em Ciências Ambientais: Crises, Riscos e Racionalidades, Sandro Dutra e Silva, Doris Sayago, Fabiano Toni, Francisco Itami Campos (eds.). Rio de Janeiro: Garamond, 167-184.
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      Environmental SociologyGeographyHistorical GeographyPolitical Economy
Considering the law as a social phenomenon intrinsic to political economy is key to engaging the work in this new volume of scholarly articles edited by Professor Poul Kjaer – The Law of Political Economy: Transformation in the Function... more
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      Political EconomyGlobalizationSociology of LawInternational Law
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      HistoryRace and RacismPolitical ScienceMoral Panic
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryEconomic HistorySociology
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      Oil and Gas LawSomaliaUpstream Oil and GasPolitical Economy and History
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      Patronage (History)Peruvian HistorySpanish Colonial PeruXVII century
Tesis de licenciatura presentada por Lutz Alexander Keferstein Caballero al sínodo respectivo de la Facultad de Derecho de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, campus Aragón. Primera tesis en la Historia de la Facultad de Derecho... more
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      GlobalizationInternational Political EconomyLaw and PoliticsLaw and Economics
This paper considers China’s economic development and place in the world economy. The People’s Republic of China is becoming the most powerful country in the world in terms of GDP. Nowadays, China is an important partner in world trade... more
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      China studiesPolitical Economy and History
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      HistoryAmerican HistorySociologySocial Movements
Numerous articles have been written on economic sanctions over the past few decades. Most papers take an overall approach, focusing on the utilities and disutilities of sanctions in general or on a specific sanction. While this paper also... more
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      Political SociologyEconomicsInternational EconomicsLaw And Economics (Economics)
A number of people have claimed that the ongoing financial crisis has revealed the problems with neoliberal thought and neoliberal policies in the 'Atlantic Heartland'. However, if we look at the history of the 'Heartland' economies then... more
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      BusinessBusiness EthicsFinanceSociology
In the 21st century, the scientific study of the history of colonial policy pursued by the great empires on the basis of modern approaches has not lost its relevance. Their policies in different regions have led to political, economic and... more
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      HistoryDiplomatic HistoryCentral Asian StudiesWorld History
Bengal in the first half of the eighteenth century was a prosperous and flourishing province, noted for its wealth and manufactures. It was this affluence which induced the contemporaries to describe Bengal in such terms as 'Paradise of... more
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      HistoryEconomic HistoryDevelopment EconomicsPolitical Economy
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      LawCriminal LawConstitutional LawInternational Relations
Autor polemizuje z coraz popularniejszą tezą, zrównującą status chłopa epoki pańszczyźnianej z kondycją niewolnika. W XVI wieku Polska była najważniejszym eksporterem zbóż w Europie. Konsekwencją tego faktu stała się refeudalizacja,... more
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      HistorySociologySocial SciencesSlavery
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      American HistorySocial MovementsNative American StudiesAmerican Studies
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      Economic SociologyDevelopment EconomicsNationalismTurkish Nationalism