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The concept of "virtual" widely used today is polysemantic, but the reasons for this are not quite clear. The article is devoted to the study of some linguistic (semantic) and philosophical reasons for the existence of “Platonic” (real,... more
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Kit Fine has proposed a new solution to what he calls 'a familiar puzzle' concerning modality and existence. The puzzle concerns the argument from the alleged truths 'It is necessary that Socrates is a man' and 'It is possible that... more
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      Modal LogicModalityTheory of modalityMetaphysics of Modality
This is an updated version of the preprint "On the Reasons for the Emergence of the "Platonic" and "Aristotelian" Lines of the Development of the Meanings of the Concept of "Virtual"". According to Ekaterina Taratuta, there are two lines... more
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      ChristianityOntologyMedieval PhilosophyPlato
“Creating the future” is a notion introduced by Alfred North Whitehead to define the task of universities and the function of philosophy. Implicitly, it is a rejection of the idea that the future is already determined, and in some sense,... more
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      Metaphysics of TimeProcess PhilosophyUniversity EducationPossibility
Siamo abituati a vedere intorno a noi oggetti, la cui esistenza sembra la cosa da dare più per assodata. Eppure, le nostre vite sono sempre più immerse in reti di interazioni: che cosa accadrebbe allora, se cominciassimo ad accorgerci che... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsOntologyPhilosophy of Science
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      MysticismRobert MusilMeister EckhartBela Balazs
A summary of Bergson's “The Possible and the Real," from The Creative Mind, An Introduction to Metaphysics
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      Henri BergsonEvolutionBergsonTemporality
This study is topical because currently, insufficient attention has been paid to the contiguity of such important categories of philosophy as the possibility and the imagination. This paper is aimed at exploring the deep connection... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindImaginationPossibility
This study is about the explanation of Bayes' Theorem, which is one of the most important topics of mathematics, one of the sub-branches of probability, and its adaptation to daily life.
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      MathematicsBayes' theoremPossibilityInternational Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
В докладе будут рассмотрены основные конструкции языка гбан (< южные манде), используемые для передачи модальных значений зон необходимости и возможности. Речь идёт о значениях внутренней, внешней и эпистемической необходимости и... more
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      ModalityEpistemic modalityAspectNecessity
Here I bewail the slapdash and confusing way in which philosophers bandy about the word ‘incoherent’ (and ‘incoherence’ and ‘incoherently’).  To some it appears to mean: inconsistent; to others: pragmatically self-defeating; and to yet... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageAnalytic PhilosophyKant
Full download: http://libgen.io/book/index.php?md5=D61576186C31CC0FAC7AFBC1E44ABB42 Índice Introducción............................................................................... 9 Capítulo 1. La relevancia del caso... more
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Wer humanitäre Kriege moralisch beurteilen will, muss sich in einem chaotischen Meer der Möglichkeiten auskennen; er muss (z.B. in der Rückschau) wissen, was geschehen wäre, hätten sich die Akteure anders entschieden. Solche Fragen... more
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      PhilosophyKosovoJust WarHumanitarian Intervention
I limiti di ciò che possiamo immaginare sono anche limiti del nostro mondo? Ciò che è rappresentabile definisce l’ambito di ciò che è possibile? E, se sì, in che senso? Questi sono gli interrogativi di fondo che supportano e motivano la... more
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      OntologyPhilosophy Of LanguageEpistemologyPhenomenology
Özet Bu çalışma Gazzâlî’nin Tehâfütü’l-Felâsife adlı eserinde İbn Sînâ’ya karşı yapmış olduğu ithamları ele almayı ve bunu yaparken de meseleyi aydınlatacak bazı kavramları -her iki düşünürün bu kavramlara verdiği anlamları göz önünde... more
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A dear friend once told me: the job of a good bookseller, like that of a librarian, is not very different from that of a writer. In each case it is a matter of choosing, of selecting certain books rather than others in the mare magnum of... more
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      Creative WritingCombinatoricsJorge Luis BorgesWriting
20.Yüzyılın ikinci yarısından itibaren eser incelemelerinde kullanılan yazar ve metin odaklı yaklaşımların giderek etkisi azalır, bunun yerine okur merkezli okumalar edebiyat eleştiri ve kuramları arasında önem kazanmaya başlar. Modern ve... more
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      Umberto EcoBilge KarasuPossibilityAlımlama Kuramı
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      PhenomenologyMartin HeideggerHeidegger's Being and TimeModalities
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      Critical TheorySociologyCollective BehaviorPolitical Sociology
The belief that Aristotle opposes potency (dunamis) to actuality (energeia or entelecheia) has gone mostly untested. This essay defines and distinguishes forms of the Opposition Hypothesis—the Actualization, Privation, and Modal—examining... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologyAristotleHistory of Science
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      Discourse AnalysisPhilosophy Of LanguageEmpiricismCritical Discourse Studies
Now days due to transient urban development, infill development strategy is considered one of most important urban development strategies that could be end in sustainable urban development. The purpose of this study is identifying Zanjan... more
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      Infill DevelopmentPossibilityDeteriorated urban areaZanjan city
In his incarnation as 'Morus' in Utopia, Thomas More asserts his profound disagreement with his fictional character, Raphael Hythlodaeus. Whereas Hythlodaeus extols the merits of commonality and the moral value of pleasure, Morus... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryIntellectual History
The most controversial aspect of the interpretation of Scotus’s modal theory concerns the question of whether things are possible because God knows them to be possible, or whether they are possible independently from God. I argue that... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyCognitionDuns ScotusHenry of Ghent
The aim of this narrow-focused text is to argue against the claim that the appresentation of unperceived features of objects that is implied in perceptual intentionality presupposes a reference to perceptions other subjects could have of... more
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      PerceptionSpace and PlacePhenomenologyVisual perception
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      Critical TheoryDeconstructionGiorgio AgambenJacques Derrida
Adjacent, i.e., nearby, possibilities constantly emerge in a multitude of settings for a multitude of entities. When these possibilities are explored, yet new possibilities emerge. The concept of the "adjacent possible" was introduced by... more
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There are philosophers who think that it is possible to imagine the metaphysically impossible. On the one hand, there are philosophers that think that only knowledge limits what one can imagine. Prior to knowledge of certain facts the... more
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      MetaphysicsPhilosophy of MindMental RepresentationNelson Goodman
The aim of this paper is to make a first approach to the late scholastic debate concerning the love of God towards possible creatures. I start with brief exposition of the historical background of the debate and the main positions of... more
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      MetaphysicsJesuit historyEssentialismDuns Scotus
Computer vision is an ever growing discipline whose ambitious goal is to enable machines with the intelligent visual skills humans and animals are provided by Nature, allowing them to interact effortlessly with complex, dynamic... more
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      Probability TheoryArtificial IntelligenceStatisticsBayesian
In his article "The Megarian and Aristotelian Concept of Possibility" ("Der Megarische und der Aristotelische Möglichkeitsbegriff," 1937), Nicolai Hartmann attempts to revive an interpretation of the conception of possibility of the... more
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      Intellectual HistoryHistory of IdeasAristotleModality
This is a translation of Nicolai Hartmann’s article "Der Megarische und der Aristotelische Möglichkeitsbegriff: ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des ontologischen Modalitätsproblems," first published in 1937. In this article, Hartmann defends... more
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      AristotleModalityAncient Greek PhilosophyNicolai Hartmann
In what follows, I will suggest that Parmenides’ claim concerning the impossibility of what-is-not (and his subsequent denial of change and plurality) leads to a form of monism in which Parmenidean Being can be construed as the totality... more
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Traditionally, the mental capacity for experiencing, constructing, or manipulating 'mental imagery' (quasi-perceptual experience). Imagination is also regarded as responsible for fantasy, inventiveness, idiosyncrasy, and creative,... more
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      Philosophy of MindMental ImagesImaginationMental Imagery
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      Philosophy of MindBrainContingencyHuman destiny
In this article, I explore narrative building blocks for future-oriented what-if (i.e., possibilities-generating) analysis developed in a health promotion study. The aim of this study was to gain insight into future possibilities for good... more
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      Health PsychologyHealth PromotionBakhtinNarrative Analysis
Doctoral Dissertation, official submission 25.05.2017. Outline: "Chapter 1: "The Ontology of Possibility" presents Lewis's modal realism (LMR) and its analysis of possibility. In particular, it discusses Lewis's stance on modal truth,... more
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I argue that Theodor W. Adorno’s philosophy articulates a radical conception of hope. According to Lear, radical hope is ‘directed toward a future goodness that transcends the current ability to understand what it is’ (2006:103). Given... more
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      Theodor AdornoImmanuel KantPsychology of HopeHolocaust
After a solid fifteen minutes of serious complaining on both side, I asked him “What do you do with the anger when nothing seems to be working?”. He said: “I use my anger to do the next thing”.

What a wild idea! How do I do that?
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This will be an invitation to adventurous readers who seek new creative, hopeful and speculative modes of understanding and intervening in a world of crisis. Written by Yoko Akama, Sarah Pink and Shanti... more
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      Future StudiesFuture MediaDesign AnthropologyUncertainty
Talk: Kierkegaard in Heidegger's Recently Published Anmerkungen zu Sein und Zeit
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      Martin HeideggerKierkegaardPossibility
Abstract: The modal ontological argument, without justification for the central premise of possibility, is not feasible. This article intends to explore new versions of the modal ontological argument in which one seeks to justify, a... more
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      Modal LogicPhilosophy Of ReligionA Priori KnowledgeProof of God
I give original arguments for the thesis that one believes a proposition only if one's credence in it is 1, as well as respond to several objections to that thesis. Belief implies having a credence of 1 because of the connections between... more
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      ConfidenceBeliefsMoore's ParadoxNorms of assertion
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The focal point of the paper is the problem of the relation of possibility to negativity. Negativity has been linked to possibility ever since Aristotle and there is a long tradition, leading up to Heidegger and beyond that deals with... more
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      Giorgio AgambenJacques DerridaPossibilityPotentiality
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      Literary TheoryTheodor W. AdornoWolfgang IserNegativity
The article is dedicated to the actual problem of the relation between the imaginary and the potential in the context of the philosophical theory of elements (primary elements). The aim of the work is to study the spontaneous nature of... more
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      OntologyPhilosophy of ImaginationPossibilityPotentiality
In this article the semantic evolution of the modal verb -sóból- in Luganda is examined through the analysis of a diachronic corpus spanning the last 120 years. It is shown that the usage frequency of this verb increased exponentially... more
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      Bantu LinguisticsModalityCorpus LinguisticsGrammaticalization
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      PhenomenologyLiterary TheoryEdmund HusserlFilosofia De La Mente