Post-genocide Rwanda
Recent papers in Post-genocide Rwanda
Rwanda-the land of a thousand hills is known for its extensive biodiversity, volcanoes, lush green jungles and the infamous golden monkeys and gorillas native to the land. The country boasts beautiful sceneries, a rich culture and an... more
The dramatic genocide that plagued Rwanda back in 1994 is tragically known. It constituted a despicable unprecedented event that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives and displaced millions.. Albeit in grief and bereaved, the Rwandans... more
Mageza-Barthel provides a context sensitive analysis of how Rwanda's women's movement used the United Nations (UN) gender norms in its efforts to insert gender-specific demands in the post-genocide period. The overall goal of these women... more
(co-edited with Rangira Béa Gallimore) What is the role of aesthetic expression in responding to discrimination, tragedy, violence, even genocide? How does gender shape responses to both literal and structural violence, including implicit... more
Whilst there are still a number of key gaps within our wider understanding of Rwandese political history, there remains in particular an urgent need for further research into the politicization of ideas about gender in modern Rwanda. A... more
The study focused on exploring trends of social factors influencing adolescents' substance abuse as they relate to drug policies in member states of the East African Community i.e. Tanzania, Kenya, Burundi, Uganda, and Rwanda. A... more
This essay discusses '100 Days in the Land of the Thousand Hills', a graphic novel portraying the 1994 genocide in Rwanda. In many respects, 100 Days is a unique publication: it was produced and published by the International Criminal... more
This article traces the historical development of the term “genocide” and discusses how it evolved from a post-World War II concept into a key component of international criminal law. Dr. O’Brien outlines some of the legal challenges that... more
The 1994 genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and its aftermath led to large-scale individual traumatization, disruption of family structures, shifts in gender roles, and tensions in communities, which are all ongoing. Previous research... more
This chapter undertakes a process-oriented study of genocide to consider how the gendered nature of genocide continues to influence security policies in postconflict Rwanda, and informs Rwandan women’s motives for joining state security... more
In edited volume by S. Santosh
African states have been seen to struggle with the implementation of democracy, both before and after they adopted multiparty electoral systems, from the 1990s onwards. Many states continued to be dominated by a single party and... more
A general chapter overview of significant issues in the context of Rwanda pre- and post-genocide for a general textbook on War and Peace.
Theatre in Rwanda is a tool for nation building in the aftermath of genocide. The narrative of a re-imagined identity for the country is performed on a national level through government sanctioned theatre companies and what I refer to as... more
The dominant narrative of the 1994 genocide in Rwanda is one that labels Hutu as the 'other.' This stigma has had an impact both on the space for dialogue and on the process of meaning making for diaspora communities. This article draws... more
In this chapter, I review the dual role of the media in Rwanda prior to 1994, looking into the key part that certain sectors of the press played in promoting moderate, pro-democratic, political reform in the country and also the... more
« Il n’y a que le foot qui pouvait nous réunir. Pas pour oublier, ça non, mais pour nous rapprocher ! » L’oreille toujours collée à ses trois téléphones, Jean-Pierre savoure le succès d’un événement qu’il organise depuis plusieurs mois.... more
Depuis qu'il a pris le pouvoir, en mettant fin au génocide, le Front patriotique rwandais a lancé le projet de construire une nouvelle nation dé-ethnicisée et moderne, qui, néanmoins, reste ancrée dans ses racines culturelles. Cet article... more
Bogos Nubaryan 1918-1922 yılları arasında Ermeni tezlerini tanıtmak için Ermeni Patrikliğince görevli olarak Avrupa'ya gönderilmiştir. Bu yıllar arasında Ermenilerin Anadolu'da yaptıklarını ve Avrupa'da yapılan karalama propagandalarını... more
In the 1980s and 1990s, a group of Marxist leaning rebels waged armed struggle and captured power in Uganda, Rwanda, Ethiopia and Eritrea, and went on to win warm accolades in the West as prominent darlings of the capitalist donor... more
En vingt ans, le Rwanda est passé d'une relative invisibilité à une véritable surreprésentation médiatique. Depuis 1994, la mémoire du génocide perpétré contre les Tutsi du Rwanda se partage en effet sous de multiples formes... more
Among the abundance of artistic works which since twenty years construct the memory of the genocide perpetrated against the Tutsi in Rwanda, numerous filmmakers have taken up the challenge of fiction. More than a dozen feature-length... more
Résumé : Les massacres génocidaires qui se sont déroulés au Rwanda en 1994 ont suscité après coup une abondante production d’ouvrages imprimés (analyses, témoignages, mais aussi fictions, poèmes, bande dessinée, albums de photographie)... more
Christian churches were deeply implicated in the 1994 genocide of Tutsi in Rwanda because of their close relationship with the state and historic engagement in ethnic politics. In the aftermath of the genocide, the religious landscape has... more
Import substitution has been marginalised from development policy discourse since the 1970s. This paper examines the Rwandan government’s recent attempt at reintroducing industrial policy with some attention devoted to ‘recapturing the... more
Rwanda’s present politics are shaped by representations of the past as much as (if not more than) projections of the future. In April 2012, the theme selected for the commemoration of Genocide against the Tutsi perpetrated in 1994... more
Jones, W. (2016). Victoire in Kigali, or: why Rwandan elections are not won transnationally. Journal of Eastern African Studies, 10(2), 343-365.
This research fills a gap in the existing literature on the First Congo War by adding a micro-perspective to the debate on the 1994-1996 refugee crisis in Eastern-Zaïre and the subsequent AFDL campaign against the Rwandan Hutu refugees.... more
Over a million people were killed in 1994 during Rwanda's genocide and war, with many women compelled to 'offer' sex, raped, held in collective or individual sexual slavery and mutilated. An estimated 250 000 to 500 000 women still alive... more
The Rwandese conflict (1990-2012) started by an ethnic latent conflict that generated deep feeling of grievance in the Rwandese population from both ethnic groups – Tutsis and Hutus. From 1962 until 1994, the Rwandese government was... more
L’objectif de cet article est de proposer une analyse des stratégies diplomatiques du pouvoir rwandais et des différents aspects de la politique étrangère rwandaise. Il est donc d’appréhender les motivations qui ont à la fois jalonné le... more
Many countries are facing repeated cycles of violence (World Bank, 2011; Walter, 2010), with more than 68 million people forcibly displaced worldwide. In a quest for sustainable peace, a growing interest can be observed regarding how... more
Twenty years after the end of the Rwandan genocide, knowledge production on the small country of a thousand hills remains a clamorous battle ground of post- and decolonial power and influence. This essay critically engages with the... more
تمثل كارثة الإبادة الجماعية التي جرت في رواندا عام 1994 حدثا مأساوياً ليس له نظير. خلفت مئات الآلآف من القتلى وشردت الملايين، وقد تمكن الشعب الرواندي من تجاوز هذه المأساة، وتحقيق نموذج فريد في تحقيق السلام والأمن والتصالح والتنمية. لذلك... more
The 1994 Rwandan genocide is often discussed as an extreme case of ethnic and political conflict between Hutus and Tutsis, but another lens through which the event can be viewed is that of intra-ecclesial strife—violence perpetrated by... more