Private Company
Recent papers in Private Company
This article is mainly focused, even by a comparative point of view, on the latest reforms regarding simplified Italian private company (s.r.l.s. - società a responsabilità limitata semplificata) and minimum legal capital maintenance... more
Characteristics of Tripartite Contributions to new Private Company Η διάκριση μεταξύ κεφαλαιακών, εξωκεφαλαιακών και εγγυητικών εισφορών των εταίρων αποτελεί τη σημαντικότερη καινοτομία της νέας εταιρικής μορφής της Ι.Κ.Ε. Η μελέτη... more
В статті розглянуто сучасний стан українського ринку працевлаштування, проаналізовано тенденцію до виїзду за кордон працеспроможного населення та фахівців вищої кваліфікації за матеріальне стимулювання з боку іноземних працедавців.... more
An essay about the new Italian private company law aimed to increase the possibility to crowdfunding and family business financing. Private companies could issue shares without voting rights and control rights.
Si tratta dell'analisi della Proposta per una nuova direttiva in materia di società unipersonali a responsabilità limitata, presentata dalla Commissione UE il 9 aprile 2014 ed emendata dal Consiglio dell'UE in sede di orientamento... more
There is now a large literature arguing that shareholders are better protected against abuse by corporate insiders in common-law than in civil-law countries, especially those with legal systems modeled on the French code. There is also a... more
This article aims at giving a comparative overview regarding the reforms of private companies’ legal capital regime throughout the whole European Union implemented during last ten years. This essentially results in the existence of two... more
Both Italian and Portuguese company laws have been recently experiencing meaningful reforms in the field of private companies. Main targets were, in both of the cases, minimum legal capital regime and the new means for a company’s... more
Resumen El presente artículo explora críticamente desde un enfoque positivo, jurisprudencial y doctrinal algunas implicaciones de la paralización de los órganos sociales como causa legal de disolución recogida en el actual art. 363.1 d)... more
Discusses about the need to make certain disclosures compulsory for private companies esp. the ones having substantial FDI
Libro en coautoría con Francisco Durand.
Poder empresarial y sociedad civil en Sudamérica: Entre el Diálogo y el enfrentamiento, ALOP, DESCO, Cedal, Oxfam. Lima. 182 pp, 2010.
Poder empresarial y sociedad civil en Sudamérica: Entre el Diálogo y el enfrentamiento, ALOP, DESCO, Cedal, Oxfam. Lima. 182 pp, 2010.