Protege Ontology Development Environment
Recent papers in Protege Ontology Development Environment
O presente guia descreve a criação de ontologias utilizando o editor de ontologia Protégé 5 (versão 5.2.0). Apresenta-se brevemente a linguagem OWL (Ontology Web Language), uma linguagem baseada em Lógica Descritiva, e enfatiza-se a... more
In this paper we have proposed a method of creating domain ontology using protégé tool. Existing ontology does not take the semantic into context while displaying the information about different modules. This paper proposed a methodology... more
Στον χώρο της τεχνητής νοημοσύνης και ειδικότερα του Σημασιολογικού Ιστού ο όρος οντολογία σημαίνει τον προσδιορισμό ή την περιγραφή μιας έννοιας που είναι δυνατόν να συλλάβουμε. Μια οντολογία περιγράφει έννοιες και σχέσεις που μπορεί να... more
Para realizar este ejercicio es necesario instalar el software desde la página: Este software se puede instalar en una memoria USB. Después de la instalación, podrán hacer uso de... more
Las ontologías permiten definir de manera formal los conceptos y relaciones utilizados para describir un área de conocimiento en particular. Con el desarrollo de las ontologías surge la necesidad de poder integrar conceptos definidos en... more
In recent years, significant attention has been given to understand and implement banking solutions. The global competitive business environment and advancement in Information Technology and in particular internet technologies has... more
FORMAL ONTOLOGY AS A CONCEPTUALIZATION TOOL IN NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING SYSTEMS This article views formal ontology as an enabling framework, modality or tool that may foster the systematization of domain-specific terminology and... more