Recent papers in Roi
This project studies how to establish a training and development plan in a rural local Church. Training, in Church contexts, occurs during worship, in Sunday School, and other Church activities on Sundays or any other day during the week.... more
4 ипол чекори за да ја направите обуката за продажба исплатлива. Многу од обуките во македонија завршуваат некомплетирани од страна на компанијата или од страна на тренинг центарот и тренерот кои истата ја реализираат. Нетреба да... more
Assessing the returns of public sector investments in Information Technology (IT) has been the subject of a round of debates between practitioners and the academic researchers. The range and complexity of government Information Technology... more
The ability of Minkowski Functionals to characterize local structure in different biological tissue types has been demonstrated in a variety of medical image processing tasks. We introduce anisotropic Minkowski Functionals (AMFs) as a... more
MBA student, chichester University Addressing the individual's relationship to change and motivation can allow us to significantly reduce the impact of structural organisation-wide change on the individual worker, through this their... more
The ROI Methodology Because of its appropriateness to the business setting, the evaluation model that emerged from the work of Dr. Donald Kirkpatrick and Dr. Jack Phillips has become the most credible and most widely used training and HRD... more
Marketing in the 21st century involves the need for clear strategies to reach and engage target markets in an ever-evolving landscape. In this paper, personalized marketing, technological shifts, new consumer trends, globalization, and... more
Since the early 1990s several empirical studies have been undertaken linking quality efforts such as total quality management (TQM) and Six Sigma to organizational performance. In the majority of these studies the organizational... more
Social Media Return on Investment (ROI) and Performance Evaluation in the Hotel Industry Context Dimitrios Buhalis and Emmanouil Mamalakis Buhalis, D., Mamalakis, E., 2015, Social Media Return on Investment and Performance Evaluation in... more
Türkiye'de Türk sanatı ve mimarisi üzerine yapılan çalışmaların büyük bir bölümü, var olan eserlerin biçimsel özelliklerini tanımlamak ve eğer üzerinde tarih verebilecek kitabeleri yoksa karşılaştırmalar yaparak belirli bir döneme... more
... Dans son étude The Journey of the Magi. Meanings in History of a Christian Story, Richard Trexler [22] [22] Richard Trexler, The Journey of the Magi. Meanings in History... ... suite ; la commande ne vient pas dans ce cas du duc de... more
... The fat and the sugar present in cakes, kato lole and tapu lole are highly appreciated in Tongan culture. ... 10 A matāpule is a man appointed by a chief to carry out mainly ceremonial, but also other duties on behalf of the chief... more
The arrival of the body of King Tāufa‘āhau Tupou IV, in Tonga on 12 September 2006, prompted complex funerary rites modelled on those of the previous monarch, Queen Sālote. Instead of looking at how funerals reinforce kinship ties or what... more
Ce travail met en lumière les représentations du pouvoir royal qui se sont affrontées jusqu’en 1848 pour remplir le programme de réconciliation des « deux France » voulu par Louis XVIII. Elles se répartissent entre le désir du retour à... more
Résumé/Abstract Etude consacrée au petit temple ptolémaïque de Qasr el-Agoûz, situé dans la nécropole de l'ancienne Thèbes d'Egypte, non loin de Médinet Habou. Après avoir présenté et décrit le temple ainsi que... more
Este escrito plantea cuatro desafíos del marketing a los que se enfrentan las empresas en la era digital teniendo en cuenta el enfoque estratégico, tecnológico y táctico; su objetivo es ayudar a que las organizaciones, en especial los... more