Psychotherapy Process Research
Recent papers in Psychotherapy Process Research
This preliminary survey wants to be a first contribution to a critical review on psychotherapy process research. The aim is to describe: how can process research be divided? According to what dimension? In how many ways? The goals of this... more
Übersicht: Typische problematische Situationen (TPS), die makroanalytisch beschreibbar sind, kennen Therapeuten sehr gut: Wenn der Patient zu spät kommt, die Rechnung nicht bezahlt wird, Ferien-Regelungen nicht zustimmt, den Kassenantrag... more
Abstract "Scenic Understanding and Conversation Analysis" Scenic understanding is compatible with philosophical persuasions that allocate a »scenic form of existence« to the human individual. This view encompasses interaction and hence... more
This study used Q methodology to explore clinicians' perspectives regarding optimal psychotherapy process in the treatment of pathological narcissism, a syndrome of impaired self-regulation. Participants were 34 psychotherapists of... more
"Michel Weber & Anderson Weekes (eds.), Process Approaches to Consciousness in Psychology, Neuroscience, and Philosophy of Mind, Albany, New York, State University of New York Press, 2009. (484 p. ; ISBN 978-1-4384-2941-0 ; 65,32 €) (Jan... more
Esta obra ofrece una panorámica de la historia y actualidad de la Investigación Psicoanalítica aplicada en el ámbito de la Psicoterapia, desde sus orígenes hasta finales del Siglo XX. Incluye abundante información e instrumentos.
In einem Rückgriff auf philosophische Positionen wird der Sublimierungsbegriffs Freuds als unzureichend analysiert, um dann durch weitere theoretische Erörterung zu einer evolutionstheoretischen Frage nach der Rolle des Ästhetischen im... more
Emotions have a life beyond the immediate eliciting situation, as they tend to be shared with others by putting the experience in narrative form. Narrating emotions helps us to express, understand, and share them: the way we tell stories... more
Die Entwicklung der Psychotherapieprozessforschung wird nachskizziert: am Anfang stand die medizinische Analogie (Intervention - Störung - Outcome), dem folgte die relationale Orientierung (Beziehung, insbesondere Arbeitsbeziehung ist... more
Objective: To investigate (a) whether expert clinicians within psychodynamic therapy (PDT) and cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) agree on key features of child psychotherapy process using the Child Psychotherapy Process Q-Set (CPQ); (b)... more
Many patients leave psychotherapy although in need. What can professional practitioners and researchers assume what happened? Trying to receive a response from these patients we too often are left without an answer. In this paper I... more
Five inpatients with borderline personality disorder (BPD) participated in six months of three-times-per-week psychodynamic therapy (PDT). Patients completed a measure of psychological distress every week. A total of 127 sessions were... more
The starting point of conversation analytical research on psychotherapy was in Kathy Davis’s work on problem reformulations in the mid 1980s. Since then there has been a growing body of analysis of psychotherapy, based on the close,... more
En este artículo se argumenta sobre la relevancia del análisis de la conversación para el estudio de la psicoterapia. Se realiza una revisión de la trayectoria histórica que ha seguido la búsqueda de los factores determinantes de la... more
This study examined the constellation of interaction structures - repetitive patterns of interactions between patient and therapist over the course of treatment - that emerged in the psychodynamic therapy (PDT) of a child diagnosed with... more
Analysis at a paralinguistic level of communication, already conceptualized within the multiple code theory, would appear to be very important in order to fully describe the quality of the patient-therapist relationship. In this study the... more
Increasing evidence supports the efficacy of body-oriented psychotherapy (BPT) for schizophrenia. Yet, so far no research has investigated outcome in relation to therapy process: Why and how BPT is effective. In this study, we... more
Zusammenfassung: Die therapeutische Welt baut sich zu einer " Veränderungstechnologie " um, das Selbstverständnis von Psychotherapie der vergangenen Jahre verschwindet-zum Schaden der Psychotherapie. Hier werden empirische Arbeiten... more
Zusammenfassung: Gestalt- und feldtheoretische Prinzipien werden auf die wissenschaftliche Untersuchung des therapeutischen Geschehens angewendet, wobei insbesondere auf ein methodisches Vorgehen, das THOMAE vorgeschlagen hat,... more
Die Beziehung zwischen Ursache und Wirkung beschäftigt die Wissenschaft seit ihren Anfängen. Zumindest seit Aristoteles gehen viele bedeutende Philosophen der Frage nach, wie sich Kausalität beschreiben lässt. Auch für psychologische und... more
La investigación actual en el campo de la psicoterapia y de la psicoterapia psicoanalítica está fundamentalmente basada en material primario (Luborsky y Spence, 1978) correspondiente a protocolos verbales que contienen transcripciones... more
Das Psychologiestudium ist nach Meinung eigener Fachvertreter trotz seines hochwertigen Standards reformbedürftig. Erörtert werden das an der Hochschule vorherrschende naturwissenschaftliche Erkenntnisideal und die einseitige Festlegung... more
Este estudio pertenece a una serie de investigaciones realizadas acerca del proceso de cambio. Un grupo de investigadores en España, Argentina, México, Chile y Alemania han trabajado durante más de una década (1997-2010) en el Proyecto... more
Objectives: A methodological obstacle for the assessment of psychotherapy process concerns the compatibility between nomothetic versus idiographic approaches. Using quantitative methodology at an idiographic level, we seek to narrow this... more
This is a short report on a qualitative study conducted in a clinic for psychotherapy in Germany. 30 patients, 30 nurses and 30 psychotherapists (summing up to 90 interviews) were retrospectively interviewed about therapy experience they... more
A full transcript of a group supervision is presented and a wide range of analyses study what's going on in the group session, the quality of the supervision and the therapeutic outcome. Methods applied are - Luborsky's CCRT - SASB... more
En la investigación reciente ha emergido con claridad la necesidad de desarrollar un método que nos permita establecer inferencias empíricas sobre la forma en que el terapeuta elabora su plan estratégico de tratamiento. Este Plan del... more
Despite the long tradition in psychotherapy research literature concerning the role of therapeutic alliance (TA), both in terms of process and outcome in clinical intervention , little is known about its specific characteristics in short... more