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An analysis of the plan of the German General Staff in the context of the military-political situation in Europe in the years before the outbreak of the Second World War and the aggression of Nazi Germany on the Soviet Union, shows that... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryFascismSecond World War
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      HistoryMilitary HistorySoviet HistoryArmed Forces
The chapter explains the initial reaction by Stalin to the invasion, in terms of a certain relaxation of religious and language restrictions and a call to arms going beyond Communist ideology and practice. Next, the social changes brought... more
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      Military HistoryRussian StudiesSociology of the MilitaryWar Studies
The article features historical and legal aspect of formation and operation of Soviet central scholar institutions in the Red Army, which were involved in studying military history in the 1920-1930’s. A special attention is paid to... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceHistoriography
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      Military HistorySoviet HistoryWorld HistorySecond World War
One of the features to distinguish the Great Patriotic War of 1941–1945 from all other wars throughout recorded history was its immense scale. No conflict prior to, during, or since has rivaled the level of mobilization of men and... more
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      Adolf HitlerArmored WarfareWehrmachtLuftwaffe
Автор, проведя анализ существующей отечественной и зарубежной литературы, на основе архивных материалов, нормативно-правовых документов, принимаемых высшими органами государственного и военного управления РСФСР/СССР в 20–30 гг. XX... more
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      History of the USSRInterwar Period HistoryArmed ForcesNational Security
W artykule przedstawiono postawy i reakcje polskich mieszkańców Bydgoszczy na wejście Armii Czerwonej do miasta w 1945 r. Część mieszkańców zdawała sobie sprawę ze zbliżającego się frontu. Oczekiwano wkroczenia wojska sowieckiego,... more
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      CommunismSecond World WarRed ArmyHistory of Polish People's Republic (PRL)
Artykuł opisuje działalność wojsk sowieckich w powiecie szubińskim w województwie pomorskim w 1945 r. oraz nastroje społeczne i stosunek mieszkańców do czerwonoarmistów. Wejście Armii Czerwonej na teren powiatu w styczniu 1945 r.... more
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      HistoriaPolska Rzeczpospolita LudowaSoviet ArmyRed Army
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      Second World War20th century (History)WehrmachtBattle of Stalingrad
This article explores an enduring Soviet myth, the myth of Valaam. According to this widely believed story in 1946 or 1947 vagrant disabled veterans were forcibly cleared from the streets of Soviet cities and deported to Valaam, an... more
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      Soviet HistoryDisability StudiesMilitary VeteransCombat Veterans
Artykuł opisuje stosunek mieszkańców Chojnic i powiatu chojnickiego do Armii Czerwonej w 1945 r. w kontekście działalności żołnierzy sowieckich. Przez kilka miesięcy po wyparciu Niemców wojsko sowieckie było dominującą siłą w życiu... more
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      PomorzeRed ArmyKomunizmChojnice
The article is devoted to the largely unexplored issue of the anti-Bolshevik underground in Petrograd in 1918. At the center of the research is a group headed by military engineer A. V. von Schwarz, who in March 1918 occupied the highest... more
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      Russian Civil WarRed ArmyPetrogradAnti-Bolshevik Movements
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      Military HistorySecond World WarWorld War IINational Socialism
Operation Barbarossa, Nazi Germany’s attack on the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, is without a doubt one of the most momentous events of the 20th century. It marked the beginning of what in the Soviet Union would come to be known as the... more
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      Nazi GermanyWehrmachtRed ArmyOperation Barbarossa
Various other explanations have been demonstrated as being pivotal to total victory and the downfall of the Third Reich. These central articulations amongst historians include German idealism, both militarily and politically, Soviet... more
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      Modern HistorySoviet HistoryHistory of the USSRSecond World War
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      Military HistorySecond World WarWorld War IISoviet Union (History)
Resumen: Este artículo reevalúa los mitos del heroico regreso a casa y de la exitosa reintegración de los excombatientes del Ejército Rojo que volvieron a Leningrado a partir de 1945. La propaganda soviética creó una versión oficial de la... more
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      European HistoryMilitary HistorySoviet HistoryMilitary Veterans
This article examines women's wartime experiences with a focus on ethnic Latvian and Jewish women volunteers in the Red army in World War II. An estimated 8 percent of the Red army was composed of women, who played a wide array of roles,... more
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      Women's HistoryHistory and MemoryBaltic StudiesSecond World War (History)
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      HistoryRussian StudiesSoviet HistoryPropaganda
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      Military HistoryInterwar Period HistorySoviet Union (History)Armed Forces
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      Russian HistoryRussian RevolutionRussian Civil WarThe Red Army
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      Russian StudiesPropagandaNATOPropaganda & Indoctrination Studies
In the article the problems connected with mobilization planning, occupying an important role in military construction of the Soviet State during the non-military period are considered. В статье рассматриваются проблемы, связанные с... more
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      HistoryMilitary ScienceArmed ForcesNational Security
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      HistoryMilitary HistorySoviet HistoryRace and Ethnicity
Крушение Цинской и Российской империй в начале XX в. привело к экономическому и политическому хаосу на значительной части евразийского континента. В Байкальском регионе фактическое отсутствие государства спровоцировало многочисленные... more
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      BuddhismHistoryCultural HistoryEconomic History
This thesis explores the history of one German family during World War II, using the inspiration and background knowledge gained from historic scholarship and literature to create narratives closely following actual experiences and... more
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      World War IIRefugeesGermanyChildren
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      Russian Civil WarRed ArmyDesertionPetrograd province
В ходе работы по поиску исторических источников для исследования по теме «психологическая война» я нашел в архивах Российской государственной библиотеки статью Дивизионного комиссара Д. Лестева «Печатная пропаганда на фронте». Статья была... more
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      PropagandaSecond World WarWWIIВеликая Отечественная война
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      Military HistorySecond World WarWorld War IIEastern Front
The article features historiography on problems connected with the development of territorial-militia system in the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army (1920’s – 1930’s). The author elucidates both Russian and foreign historiography. The... more
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      HistoryMilitary ScienceHistoriographyInterwar Period History
The article examines the activities of government bodies and the military administration of the USSR in developing the artillery of the Red Army in the period from the mid-1930s. to May 1945. The conclusions presented in the article,... more
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      Великая Отечественная войнавоенная историяGreat Patriotic warRed Army
In the article historical aspects of transition of territorial militia units and the Workers’ and Peasants’ Red Army to the personnel principle of recruitment in the 30’s are considered. The focus is on the transition from a mixed system... more
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      HistoryModernizationArmed Forcesвоенная история
The article deals with foreign factors, together with the changes of socioeconomic conditions have made it necessary in the middle of the 1930s, increasing numbers of the USSR Armed Forces and their technical re-equipment, which resulted... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryWar StudiesStrategic Studies
The article is about soviet presence in Soldin (now Myślibórz in Poland) in 1945. Red Army went into this small German town on 31 January 1945. Unknown soviet soldier, durring rape attent, was shot by the German officer. For this reason... more
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      Second World War (History)The Red ArmyHistory of GermanyHistory of Memory
The article deals with theoretical and practical aspects of training Soviet citizens to military service in the 30’s. The focus is on the organization of defense-mass work during the first Soviet five-year plans. Established network of... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryHistory of the USSRArmed Forces
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      RussianRefugee StudiesWar StudiesTurkey
Resumen. La Segunda Guerra Mundial es uno de los momentos históricos más importantes y estudiados de la reciente historia de la Humanidad. El interés que esta contienda suscita y la gran cantidad de información disponible ha generado... more
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      Second World WarWar FilmsSecond World War (History)The Third Reich
Não existiu um estado-maior conjunto de planejamento entre os aliados ocidentais e Moscou Tropas americanas e inglesas nunca combateram, de forma digna de nota, ao lado do Exército Vermelho. Enquanto os Aliados ocidentais travaram a... more
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      StalinRed Army
Πέρασαν 75 χρόνια από την αντιφασιστική νίκη, από το τέλος της φρικτότερης εμπόλεμης σύρραξης που έχει γνωρίσει μέχρι σήμερα η ανθρωπότητα. Στον Β΄ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο ενεπλάκησαν 61 χώρες σε επιχειρήσεις που διεξήχθησαν στο έδαφος 40... more
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      HistorySoviet HistoryCommunismHistory of the USSR
The article highlights the problematic aspects of managing the activities of the artillery arma- ment service during the preparation and during the Battle of Kursk-one of the greatest battles not only of the Great Patriotic War of the... more
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      Military HistorySoviet HistoryWorld War IIGermany
ITALIANO. L’articolo tratta dei militari sovietici catturati dal Regio esercito durante la campagna di Russia. Parte di una tragedia maggiore nota dal punto di vista storiografico, ovvero la sorte dei membri dell’Armata rossa presso i... more
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      Prisoners of WarRussiaUkraineConcentration Camps
During the military reform of 1924-1928. in the USSR, the principle was laid down on the principle of reducing the size of the Red Army in accordance with peacetime conditions and the country's economic capabilities. The adopted manning... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistorySoviet HistoryInterwar Period History
The article shows the activities of state authorities and the military in the interwar period (1921–1941) was carried out in the interests of strengthening the defense capability of the Soviet Union. To solve this problem in the course... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryYouthInterwar period, 1919 - 1939
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      Anti-SemitismWorld War IIRed ArmyHistory of Jews In the Soviet Union
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      Russian Civil WarHistory of Overseas ChineseRed ArmyHuaqiao History
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      Military HistoryHistory of JapanMilitarismHistory of Mongolia
The article discusses the activities of the highest party leadership of the USSR and the country's military department in the mid-1920s, aimed at the reorganization of local bodies of military administration. В статье рассматривается... more
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      HistoryMilitary HistoryMilitary ScienceCivil War