Rimini Protokoll
Recent papers in Rimini Protokoll
Within the current public debate about German-language theatre a noteworthy trend is the tendency to reduce the diversity and richness in the field to an assumed dichotomy, or even a rigid antagonism, between the socalled ›dramatic‹ and... more
Daniel Wetzel/Rimini Protokoll in a conversation with Florian Malzacher about differences and similarities between art and politics in Rimini Protokoll's practice referring to a variety of other artists' work. A fundamental question that... more
Il lavoro di ricerca illustra alcuni esempi di una tendenza riscontrata nel panorama teatrale contemporaneo degli ultimi anni: l’inclusione di elementi non lavorati e trapiantati dalla realtà all’interno della drammaturgia dello... more
Στο κείμενο που ακολουθεί θα ασχοληθώ με το φαινόμενο του franchise στο θέατρο, τη δυναμική του, τη γοητεία που ασκεί αλλά και τους πιθανούς κινδύνους που εγκυμονεί.
Analiza procesu produkcji spektaklu-gry "Situation Rooms" berlińskiego kolektury Rimini Protokoll. Książka wydana przez Akademię Teatralną im. A. Zelwerowicza w Warszawie i Instytut Teatralny im. Zbigniewa Raszewskiego w Warszawie.... more
This thesis aims to investigate the aesthetic and critic potentialities related to the presence of the actors of everyday life in the context of contemporary performing arts, addressing creations produced in Brazil and Europe at the... more
Home Visit Europe by Rimini Protokoll is a performance without performers, only an audience taking part in a game in a private home. As such, it is one example of the participatory strategies that currently have a strong presence in... more
https://neofelis-verlag.de/verlagsprogramm/wissenschaft/theater-performance/1025/buehnen-der-altermundialitaet?number=9783958083288 === Forthcoming with Neofelis Verlag Berlin (beginning of 2021) === [English Title: Stages of... more
Review / Compte rendu: Rimini Protocoll, «Remote Thessaloniki»
Wenn Arbeitslose und Migrantenkinder, behinderte, straffällige oder todkranke Menschen auf der Bühne nicht mehr von Schauspielern dargestellt werden, sondern als sie selbst auftreten, wird ein politischer Anspruch geltend gemacht, der... more
Departing from the contemporary discussion of a return of "reality" on stage the article develops that it is rather illusion which is newly discovered. After a general introduction readings of Rimini Protokoll's legendary "Cargo... more
How can we rethink the importance of voice in performance? How can we understand voice simultaneously as music and text, as sound and body, or as both personal and political? This book explores voice across genres, media and cultures,... more
Performative practice is based on the presence of at least a single performer and a single spectator. The presence (Brook 1998), mainly tied into the bodies of the subjects involved, becomes a determining factor for the construction and... more
Trials and theatre plays share affinities on many levels. They both occur in a specific time and place, they both consist of performing and spectating, and they are both concerned with processing and understanding what we call... more
Tekst wokół spektaklu "Situation Rooms" Rimini Protokoll.
ARTÍCULO PUBLICADO EN LA REVISTA ASSAIG DE TEATRE (BARCELONA), N. 65, JULIO DE 2008, en el marco del ciclo de teatro contemporáneo "Radicals Lliure" presentado en el Teatre Lliure, Barcelona. "Las propuestas, entre teatro, poesía, danza,... more
Home Visit Europe by Rimini Protokoll is a performance without performers, only an audience taking part in a game in a private home. As such, it is one example of the participatory strategies that currently have a strong presence in... more
The essay is the author’s relation from participation in the work on a multimedia production of the Rimini Protokoll theatre collective, Situation Rooms (2013), to which ‘experts in everyday life’ were invited in the roles of narrators of... more
(2013) dünyadaki silahların rolü üzerinde duruyor 2. Rimini Protokoll'ün önceki eserleri dikkate alındığında bu alışılmadık biçimde somut bir sosyal konu gibi görünüyor. Situations Rooms'a (Durum Odaları) giden yol başlangıçta içerikten... more
Neste capítulo, proponho uma aproximação do conceito de dramaturgia ao de dispositivo cênico. O termo tem sido utilizado para designar criações pautadas pela elaboração de regras/procedimentos simples, passíveis de serem... more
For the 100 Years of Now Journal Sarah Bay-Cheng attended the US premier of “Top Secret International (State 1)” in New York. Beyond the Rimini Protokoll production itself the professor of theatre studies turns her attention to cyber... more
Reviewed by/Rezensiert von: Emily Goodling in: Monatshefte für deutschsprachige Literatur und Kultur 116.1 (2024) March 2024, p. 183-185. Das vorliegende Buch setzt die Überlegungen fort, die in den Studien "Die Entweltlichung der... more
Sahneye bir adam çıkar ve tavuklarla ilgili bazı slaytlar gösterir. Derin altlık sistemleri, yemleme ile ilgili anahtar konular, zararlı kontrolü, kesim konuları hakkında konuşur. Dinleyiciler afallamış veya eğlenmiş, üç dört tanesi ise... more
From "Simulation in Media and Culture: Believing the Hype," edited by Robin DeRosa (Lexington Books, 2011). Discussion of Rimini Protokoll's CALL CUTTA IN A BOX and WALLENSTEIN.
Within the sphere of contemporary performative theatre – where the text cedes its leading role as bearer of the author’s message, in favour of the equivalence of various expressive codes – lies the work of Rimini Protokoll: a German team... more
Prometheus in Athens is an extraordinary performance of Rimini Protokoll given in Athens Theatre Festival, on July 15th 2010. For the German group that was the first time for a confrontation with an ancient drama, and the result was... more
In der Theaterwissenschaft ist die Verbingung zwischen dem theatralischen Archiv und ihrer möglichen Rolle in der Rekonstruktion der Vergangenheit auf der Bühne schon seit einigen Jahren ein häufig diskutiertes Thema gewesen. Obwohl... more
This essay considers Rimini Protokoll’s audio tour 50 Aktenkilometer (50 Kilometers of Files), a piece that allowed a mobile audience to listen to audio files about the East Ger-man Stasi while walking through the streets of Berlin-Mitte... more