Sacrality of the Royal Power
Recent papers in Sacrality of the Royal Power
The book presents a plethora of perspectives on the phenomenon of kingship and state in the Bible and in history. Considered here are most important parts of Old Testament literature, i.e. Pentateuch, Deuteronomistic history, Prophecy and... more
EXPLORING HOW PLACE was implicated in discourses of power and kingship, this paper investigates the ways in which ideologies and cosmologies informed the production of sacred authority and the iconographies of royal sites in the period c... more
In this article, I explore the potential that Magian symbolism offered for Edward III's political purposes in the middle decades of the fourteenth century. Now most familiar as a symbol of devotion, the Three Kings' appeal as a legendary... more
Bauch, Martin, Hegemoniales Königtum jenseits von Politik- und Verfassungsgeschichte. Zur sakralen Herrschaftspraxis Karls IV., in: Reinle, Christine (Hg.), Stand und Perspektiven der Sozial- und Verfassungsgeschichte zum... more
Presumably between 1310 and 1313, scribes produced a manuscript for Bolesław II of Mazovia, which contained a prayer for the ruler. The intercession was formulated as "una cum papa, et episcopo, et duce," which suggested that ducal power... more
Resumen: En este artículo presentamos la imagen del rex christianus en los textos producidos en la corte de Alfonso X, analizando el amplio debate historiográfico en torno a la cuestión del carácter de la monarquía bajomedieval... more
The paper provides an anthropological analysis of the socio-political system of the Kingdom of Benin during the longest and most important period of her history: from coming to power of the ruling up to now Second (Oba) dynasty presumably... more
An overview of the illuminative book on fraternal bonds (fraternitates) and rulers' images in the Carolingian and Ottonian culture with the new theses on some of the famous early medieval miniatures.
В монографии выявляется и описывается социоантропологическая модель функционирования древнебенинского общества, раскрывается механизм соотнесения, взаиморегуляции и взаимопроникновения миров социальной и мифологической реальности.... more
This PhD thesis (published in German by Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht and to be soon published in French by the Presses Universitaires de Paris-Sorbonne) explores how changing representations of the relationships between Heaven and earth... more
The PSALM-Network conference was organized in memory of Ernst H. Kantorowicz and took place in Poznań, where Kantorowicz was born and raised. The year 2017 was marked by the 60th anniversary of "The King’s Two Bodies" and by the 90th... more