Saharan dust
Recent papers in Saharan dust
Levels of total suspended particles, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 were continuously monitored at an urban kerbside in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona from June 1999 to June 2000. The results show that hourly levels of PM2.5 and PM1 are... more
Simultaneous measurements of airborne radionuclides 7Be and 210Pb, together with aerosol mass load PM10, have been routinely carried out at the Global WMO-GAW station of Mt. Cimone (Italy, 2165m a.s.l., 44° 12' N, 10° 42' E) from 1998 to... more
In this report, winter mass balances of eight glaciers in the Lombardy region (Central Italian Alps) are presented for the season 2017/2018. Data were provided by the Glaciological Service of Lombardy (Servizio Glaciologico Lombardo, SGL)... more
In total 562 daily PM 10 and PM 2:5 samples were collected from April 2001 to April 2002 at a rural site (Erdemli) located on the coast of the Eastern Mediterranean. The annual mean PM 10 and PM 2:5 levels were 36:4 AE 27:8 and 9:7 AE 5:9... more
The Basic Environmental Observatory (BEO) at Moussala peak is the main site for permanent uninterrupted in-situ observations of atmospheric aerosol properties in southeastern Europe. It is a region, which suffers a very severe impact of... more
In order to analyze the troposphere dynamics under particular conditions in NorthEast region of Romania, various types of aerosols chemical compositions have been studied using complementary techniques. Thus, the seasonal trends of... more
Neste capítulo abordam-se as propriedades das poeiras do Saara que cruzam o Atlântico e seus os processos de transformação observados nos Açores.
The significance of Saharan dust deposits for ecosystems has been demonstrated in several studies, showing its influence on pedogenesis and soil chemical and physical parameters by the addition of nutrient elements. This contribution is... more
Effects of atmospheric deposition and other environmental factors on phytoplankton dynamics were evaluated from an open (having offshore characteristics) and a coastal station in the northeastern Mediterranean between December 2000 and... more
AERONET sun photometer measurements performed at five different sites of the Central Mediterranean during strong Saharan dust outbreaks are used to characterize optical and physical properties of dust particles. Sun photometer retrievals... more
Airborne particulate matter plays an important role in the Earth's energy balance. One of the main reasons is that the real size of a significant number of the particles, mainly those of anthropogenic origin, is similar to the wavelength... more
Two desert loess–paleosol sequences in sediment traps were investigated using (pedo-) stratigraphy, sedimentology, soil mineralogy and IRSL dating. So far we cannot recognise significant IRSL age-underestimates from the polymineral... more
In this study a set of 340 PM10 and PM2.5 samples collected throughout 16 months at rural, an urban kerbside and an industrial background site (affected by the emissions from the ceramic manufacture and other activities) were interpreted.... more
This paper describes 3-hourly radiosonde observations of the Saharan air layer (SAL) acquired from the NOAA Ship Ronald H. Brown during the 2004 Aerosol and Ocean Science Expedition (AEROSE). The sampling frequency allows for unique... more
Supporting Online Material of Zielhofer et al.: "Millennial-scale fluctuations in Saharan dust supply across the decline of the African Humid Period"
Aeolian sediments trapped in volcanically dammed valleys on Lanzarote, Canary Islands, were investigated in order to reveal environmental changes over the last 180 ka. Clay content and frequency dependent magnetic susceptibility were used... more
Levels of total suspended particles, PM10, PM2.5 and PM1 were continuously monitored at an urban kerbside in the Metropolitan area of Barcelona from June 1999 to June 2000. The results show that hourly levels of PM2.5 and PM1 are... more
Se describe la composición mineralógica y elemental del contenido particulado de las lluvias de barro recogidas en el Montseny (nordeste península Ibérica) desde 1983 a 1998. Se han identificado 3 áreas-fuente en el norte de África: el... more
Vertically resolved observations of dust optical properties were carried out at the EARLINET station of Naples (southern Italy, 40.838°N, 14.183°E, 118 m above sea level) from May 2000 to August 2003. 45 outbreaks with a mean temporal... more
The present study analyses the peak 210Pb activity concentrations observed all over the 1998-2011 period at the WMO-GAW high altitude site of Mt. Cimone (44.18N, 10.7E, 2165masl; Italy) in terms of meteorological conditions, links with... more
Neste artigo apresentam-se os resultados da quantificação do berílio 7 e chumbo 210 associados a aerossol atmosférico originário do Deserto do Saara e que cruza o Atlântico Norte até aos Açores. O conhecimento da actividade destes... more
Concentrations of airborne particulates undergo a seasonal evolution characterised by a summer maximum in rural areas in Eastern Spain. In the summer months the daily mean concentrations of PM10 and TSP (PM) experience wide variations. In... more
The Raman lidar system BASIL was operational in Achern (Black Forest) between 25 May and 30 August 2007 in the framework of the Convective and Orographically-induced Precipitation Study (COPS). The system performed continuous measurements... more
This paper presents samples of Saharan dust outbreak affecting the Mediterranean Tunisian coasts and its impact on PM10 (Particles with an aerodynamic diameter below 10 µm) surface concentrations measured at seven monitoring stations... more
Annual volume-weighted mean (VWM) concentrations in rainwater collected at La Castanya (LC, Montseny Mountains, NE Spain) were analysed from 1983 to 2000 to study the temporal trends in precipitation chemistry, and the causes behind the... more
Southern European countries are often affected in summer by transboundary air pollution from Saharan dust. However, very few studies deal with Saharan dust pollution at high altitudes in winter. In Italy, the exceptional event occurred on... more
An overall Holocene increase of Saharan dust input to the Canary Islands and to the North Canary Basin is accompanied by a strong coarsening of Saharan dust in loess-like sediments deposited on Lanzarote from ~7-8 ka. No similar... more
Mineral dust is an important aerosol species in the Earth's atmosphere and has a major source within North Africa, of which the Sahara forms the major part. Aerosol Time of Flight Mass Spectrometry (ATOFMS) is first used to determine the... more
El transporte intercontinental de material mineral desde África hacia el Caribe, Norteamérica y Suramérica es un fenómeno de interés investigativo internacional. Varios estudios han llamado la atención sobre los efectos meteorológicos y... more
An overall Holocene increase of Saharan dust input to the Canary Islands and to the North Canary Basin is accompanied by a strong coarsening of Saharan dust in loess-like sediments deposited on Lanzarote from ~7-8 ka. No similar... more
This study analyses the Saharan dust (SD) events over Athens during 2000–2005 using daily Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) satellite data. The dust events were identified... more
Schon erfahrenen Seemännern waren die Staubstürme bekannt, die zwischen den Kontinenten westwärts von Afrika über den Atlantik zogen. 2 Doch war es Charles Darwin, der diese Phänomene erstmals in seinen wissenschaftlichen Aufzeichnungen... more
In this study a set of 340 PM10 and PM2.5 samples collected throughout 16 months at rural, an urban kerbside and an industrial background site (affected by the emissions from the ceramic manufacture and other activities) were interpreted.... more
Concentrations of airborne particulates undergo a seasonal evolution characterised by a summer maximum in rural areas in Eastern Spain. In the summer months the daily mean concentrations of PM10 and TSP (PM) experience wide variations. In... more
Using an integrated dust-storm modeling system, we simulate the severe Saharan dust episode between 1 and 10 March 2004. The simulations are compared with surface synoptic data and satellite images and are found to agree well with the... more
ABSTRACT Cloud- and rain-water samples collected between 1984 and 2007 in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, were analyzed in order to understand the main processes and sources that control their chemistry. Three sites were... more
ABSTRACT Cloud- and rain-water samples collected between 1984 and 2007 in the Luquillo Experimental Forest, Puerto Rico, were analyzed in order to understand the main processes and sources that control their chemistry. Three sites were... more