Spatial variability of soil properties
Recent papers in Spatial variability of soil properties
Spatial variability is one of the most significant characteristics of soil properties, even within homogeneous layers. The physical description of this spatial variation is unclear, due to the highly expensive sampling, uncontrollable... more
Strong ground motions can trigger soil liquefaction that will alter the propagating signal and induce ground failure. Important damage in structures and lifelines has been evidenced after recent earthquakes such as Christchurch, New... more
En años recientes se ha incrementado el interes y la producción ecológica de cerdos en sistemas al aire libre, considerados por varios autores como una alternativa a los grandes sistemas confinados, por ser respetuosos del comportamiento... more
This study presents an innovative procedure to derive the ultimate load capacity of a pile system by considering the natural (intrinsic) variability of a tropical soil. The tropical soil has high aluminum and iron content due to processes... more
The objective of this study was to determine spatial variability of particle size distribution, organic matter and lime contents, pH and plant-available P content of soils located in the Experimental Station of Eastern Anatolia... more
Soil series are designed to be highly homogenous to the extent that they could be managed as a single unit, especially when precision agriculture is not practised. A study was carried out in Papalanto in Ogun State to evaluate the... more
This article presents the steps taken to ensure the consistency and usability of the geographic information system of soil resources of Romania SIGSTAR-200 within INSPIRE, the Infrastructure for Spatial Information of the European... more
The main soil properties of three districts located NE of the Province of Salamanca (Spain) is showed as cartograms, named 'Campo de Salamanca', 'La Armuña', and 'Tierra de Alba'.
To investigate spatial variability in topsoil (0-20 cm) pH, available phosphorus (P), potassium (K), total nitrogen (N), and soil organic matter (SOM) of small fields ($2 ha), and to determine the impact of soil heterogeneity on the... more
Since the change of land use accrued in the Iran, especially in northern Iran, this research aims tocompare the spatial variability of soil properties in three adjacent land uses including cultivated by wheat lands, grazing lands and... more
Wet soils are widespread in Southern Nigeria and are available for the expansion of agricultural production but their properties are not well known. This study was conducted to investigate microaggregate stability of soils on different... more
Understanding topography or slopes, identifying physical and chemical properties of soils improves greatly informed management decisions for agricultural productivity. The study on variation of some physical and chemical properties of... more
Variabilidad espacial del pH del suelo en tres parcelas agrícolas
Several attempts have been made to devise alternate plastic limit (PL) determination methods, targeting higher degrees of repeatability and reproducibility. Among these, empirical-type correlations linking the plasticity index (PI) to the... more
The success of any software product line development project is closely tied to its domain variability management. Whereas a lot of effort has been put into functional variability management by the SPL community, non-functional... more
Characterizing spatial soil heterogeneity within orchards may provide an approach for precise, more sustainable production processes. In predominantly sandy soil, which was formed by glacial and post-glacial deposits, generative growth of... more
Understanding the spatial variability of soil properties is useful to tailor site-specific agricultural inputs to enhance crop production on a sustainable basis. This study was aimed to assess and map the spatial patterns of soil acidity... more
Remote Sensing(RS) and Geographical Information System (GIS) has become an effective tool in delineation of drainage pattern and water resources management and its planning.In the present study, morphometric analysis of the Vrishabhavathi... more
The research team conducted pots experiment in a Silty clay loam soil to investigate the effect of inoculation with Mycorrhizae (MH), Vermicompost fertilizer (VRF) and chemical fertilization (CF) on the growth and yield of soybean... more
Three-dimensional (3D) printing in soil science is relatively rare but offers promising directions for research. Having 3D-printed soil samples will help academics and researchers conduct experiments in a reproducible and participatory... more
The objective of this study was to determine spatial variability of particle size distribution, organic matter and lime contents, pH and plant-available P content of soils located in the Experimental Station of Eastern Anatolia... more
The aim of this research was to assess changes in the physical and chemical properties of soil and the rate of erosion under traditional land use and during the natural vegetation succession following land abandonment, in a marginal area... more
The aim of this work was to evaluate prediction maps created with interpolation for five common topsoil properties, namely organic matter, total CaCO3, electric conductivity, Fe content, and clay content in a Mediterranean agricultural... more
The significance of Saharan dust deposits for ecosystems has been demonstrated in several studies, showing its influence on pedogenesis and soil chemical and physical parameters by the addition of nutrient elements. This contribution is... more
To provide spatial information on soil resources for sustainable land management in the Mt. Wakakusa Grassland of central-western Japan, we investigated the spatial variation and distribution of selected micronutrients, i.e., Mehlich 3... more
Mt. Wakakusa in Central Japan is a semi-natural grassland which has been maintained by repeated application of prescribed burnings of vegetation for more than 500 years. We assessed the spatial variability of selected soil properties and... more
Combined paddy and other field crops (OFC) fields are unique from other wetland or upland soils, because of seasonal alternation of wetting and drying conditions resulting anaerobic and aerobic conditions. Therefore, objective of this... more
The objective of this study was to determine spatial variability of particle size distribution, organic matter and lime contents, pH and plant-available P content of soils located in the Experimental Station of Eastern Anatolia... more
Spatial variability of soil materials has long been recognized as an important factor influencing the reliability of geo-structures. This study stochastically investigates the influence of spatial variability of shear strength on the... more
In precision Agriculture, geostatistical methods as a predictive tool have been extensively utilized. The approach estimates soil properties spatial variability and dependency. This study was carried out in Ovia north east Local... more
Evaluation of Slope stability is one of the day-today practices of geotechnical engineers. Nowadays, different methods are available to evaluate the stability of a particular slope. Despite the advances that have been made in site... more
The highly variable nature of weak rock in weathered sedimentary deposits poses significant challenges to open pit and underground mine design. Traditional probabilistic analysis fails to consider all potential mechanisms of instability... more
Legacy soil data have been produced over 70 years in nearly all countries of the world. Unfortunately, data, information and knowledge are still currently fragmented and at risk of getting lost if they remain in a paper format. To process... more