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A historical survey of the regions of Judaea and surrounding territories in the Graeco-Roman period.
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      Roman HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesHellenistic History
The Samaritans: A Biblical People celebrates the culture of the Israelite Samaritans, from biblical times to our own day. An international team of historians, folklorists, a documentary filmmaker and contemporary artists have come... more
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      ArchaeologyJewish StudiesMedieval StudiesIsrael/Palestine
The story of the Samaritan woman at the well in the Gospel of John provides one of the clearest expositions on the messiahship of Christ in the New Testament. “In a momentous self-disclosure that is unique to any Gospel narrative prior to... more
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      New TestamentChristian ApologeticsMessianismJewish Messianism
The study of the Samaritan version of Saadya Gaon’s translation of the Pentateuch (the tafsīr), mainly based on MS London BL OR7562, shows that a Saadyan version in Arabic Characters was adopted by the Samaritans and adapted to the... more
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      Jewish StudiesSemitic languagesHebrew LanguageArabic Language and Linguistics
This paper discusses the problems and state of the Samaritan diaspora situation in Antiquity. It was difficult for contemporaries to distinguish between Jews and Samaritans therefore it is more difficult to decide today whether a diaspora... more
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    • Samaritan Studies
The literary genesis of many texts within the Hebrew Bible can be explained as scriptural expansion ("Fortschreibung") or exegesis: Later texts expand older texts and regularly adapt them to new situations inside or outside the texts. The... more
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A comprehensive introduction to the people identified as Samaritans in both biblical and non-biblical sources. Besides analyzing the literary, epigraphic, and archaeological sources, the book examines the Samaritans' history, their... more
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    • Samaritan Studies
Review of: Schorch (ed.), The Samaritan Pentateuch, vol. 1: Genesis, by Yannick Schanz
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      TargumSecond Temple JudaismSeptuagintPeshitta
The article deals with Saadia's approach to the Golden Calf story. Saadia believed Aaron wanted to test the people and see which people would worship the Calf so that he could later kill them, similarily to what Jehu did (2Kgs 10). The... more
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      Judeo-ArabicSamaritan StudiesKaraiteGolden Calf
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew BibleLexicographySamaritan Studies
A historical interpretation that gives deeper meaning to the Lord Jesus Christ's conversation with the Samaritan Woman at the well.
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      Historical JesusSamaritan StudiesJesus ChristSamaritan Pentateuch
Con el propósito de entrenamiento de consultores de la traducción bíblica y para el beneficio de estudiantes, preparé un video sobre el Pentateuco samaritano. La idea fue dar un bosquejo del trasfondo y también reflejar las... more
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      SeptuagintTorah/PentateuchSamaritan StudiesOld Testament Textual Criticism
The purpose of this brief paper is to call attention to two developing lines of research in Pentateuchal studies that both, independently of each other, suggest that neither the Priestly Document nor the Pentateuch as a whole were either... more
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      Pentateuchal TheorySamaritan StudiesHoliness CodeRedaction Criticism
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      RabbinicsSamaritan StudiesTalmud Midrash Genizah Judaism Rabbinic-Literature Conversion Gender HaggadahGreek and Roman religions; Ancient Polytheism
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      Second Temple JudaismRabbinic LiteratureSecond Temple StudiesJosephus
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      AramaicEarly ChristianityQumranic StudiesEnoch literature
Biblical Interpretation: A Journal of Contemporary Approaches 17, 422-47, 2009
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      ChristianityNew TestamentHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
The “Lexicon of Samaritan Hebrew According to the Samaritan Pentateuch Tradition” is a joint project of Moshe Florentin and Stefan Schorch. The project aims at the creation of a scholarly dictionary of the Samaritan Hebrew dialect which... more
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      Semitic languagesHebrew LanguageComparative Semitic LinguisticsHebrew Bible
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      Hebrew BibleSamaritan StudiesSamaritan Pentateuch
In a 2009 article published in the journal Human Genetics entitled: “Extended Y chromosome haplotypes resolve multiple and unique lineages of the Jewish Priesthood” the authors found J1-P58 to be the most prevalent haplogroup among both... more
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      Biblical StudiesJewish HistoryHistory of ReligionsArchaeogenetics
The Samaritan Pentateuch / Genesis, ed. Schorch, Stefan Berlin: De Gruyter, 2021 ISBN 9783110709506
(parts: Preface and Introduction, Edition of Gen 1).
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      Scholarly EditingHebrew BibleTargumOld Testament
The relationship of Judah and Samaria in the period from the 6th to the 2nd century B.C.E is currently still being described as an uninterrupted period of ongoing conflicts between the Samarian and Judean YHWH-worshippers. This article... more
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      Chronicles-Ezra-NehemiahJosephusSamaritan StudiesPersian Period
The present paper examines the phenomena of expansion of biblical texts at the cost of exclusion of rival authoritative textual traditions known from the Samaritan Pentateuch and the pre-Samaritan biblical scrolls from Qumran... more
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      Textual CriticismSeptuagintPtolemaic Egyptian HistoryBooks of Samuel
A brief description of the major messianic expectations of Jews (and Samaritans) in Palestine and the Diaspora in the first century CE.
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      Early ChristianitySecond Temple JudaismJudaismSamaritan Studies
The Gerizim composition found in the Samaritan text of the Ten commandments in Exod 20 and Deut 5, according to medieval manuscripts, presents a deliberate scribal attempt to stress some main points of Pentateuchal hermeneutics,... more
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      Textual CriticismQumranic StudiesSecond Temple JudaismTen Commandments
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      TheologyBiblical StudiesHebrew Bible and Ancient Near EastSamaritan Studies
Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen Nationalbibliografie; detaillierte bibliografische Daten sind im Internet über http://dnb.d-nb.de... more
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      Samaritan StudiesHebrew Bible/Old Testament
Some recent discoveries at the Mount Gerizim excavations, together with the documents unearthed at W. Daliyeh (Samaria) and Elephantine (Egypt), provide significant clues on the Israelite history in the Persian period (5th and 4th cent.... more
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      Second Temple JudaismSamaritan Studies
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      Hebrew BibleBiblical StudiesSamaritan Studies
This paper traces the development of three neighboring geo-ethnic units that existed in the southern Levant during and after the Persian Period: Judea, Samaria and Idumea. All three groups are the successors of Iron-Age states that were... more
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      Biblical StudiesSecond Temple JudaismSamaritan StudiesIdumeans
Justin Martyr’s Dialogue with Trypho [second century A.D.] is one of the earliest Christian works known to us. It is the first preserved Judaeo-Christian polemical document and many ancient authors seem to have been directly or indirectly... more
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      Greek LiteratureHellenistic PhilosophyHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
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      ChristianityGreek LiteratureHistory of ChristianityEarly Christianity
impulses of Samarian  and Judean theology in the Book of Deutertonomy as part of the post-exilic Pentateuch; to be publ.in: ZAR 28, 2022
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      Torah/PentateuchBook of DeuteronomySamaritan StudiesHebrew Bible/Old Testament
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      Rural SociologySocial TheoryLawSocial Sciences
The field of Genetic Biblical Historicity is in its infancy, premised on a simple hypothesis holding that parts of the Bible may contain kernels of scientifically verifiable genealogy, but limited by the extensive sample size required to... more
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      PhylogeographyJewish HistoryArchaeogeneticsSephardic Studies
In historical terms, there is evidence of an early political use of the name “Israel” (14th–9th centuries BC) and a much later religious use of it (3rd/2nd centuries BC); in the time in between, its predominant designation was... more
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      Israel/PalestineIsraelite ReligionSamaritan StudiesHistory of Judaism In Antiquity
All are invited to the first public viewing of The Samaritans: A Biblical People.-The Documentary, Yeshiva University, March 27, 2022. The program is here! Register at yu.edu/samaritans Good Samaritan laws protect do-gooders and Good... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryCultural Studies
This is a collection of online internet links for the Samaritan Bibliography 2018
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      Samaritan StudiesSamaritan PentateuchSamaritansSamaritan Hebrew
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      Semitic languagesHebrew BibleAramaicBiblical Studies
From antiquity to the present, Samaritans and Jews have lived as close neighbors in the Land of Israel and in nearby diaspora communities. It is difficult to imagine Judaism without Samaritanism, or Samaritanism without Judaism—the two... more
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      Jewish StudiesJewish HistorySecond Temple JudaismJewish historiography
Budapest, 22th-27th July 2022
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      Oriental StudiesSamaritan StudiesSamaritan PentateuchConference
In the presented paper author presents an extensive and multilayered explanation of what Masoretic Text (MT) is. Having located MT in the core of great majority of the Bible editions, the author firstly presents the MT as the only text... more
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      Samaritan StudiesQumranOld Testament Textual CriticismMasoretic Studies
"This highly innovative collection of essays effectively orients students of the Hebrew Bible/Old Testament to the many facets of contemporary Pentateuch studies. One of the major benefits of the volume is that it truly offers several... more
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      LawJewish LawComparative LawJewish Studies
An edition, translation and study of a short West Syrian text anachronistically attributed to Cyril of Alexandria. The text claims that Islam is a syncretistic amalgamation of a range of different Jewish, Samaritan, pagan, and (orthodox... more
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      Islamic StudiesReligious SyncretismSyriac StudiesIslamic History
There are good reasons for doubting the standard model that insists Mandaean beliefs and formulae that parallel Christian and Islamic traditions are basically derivative. Mandaeism's focus on John the Baptizer is not the result of Islamic... more
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      Quranic StudiesMandaeismMandaeansSamaritan Studies
Peter Winch, D.Z. Phillips and Lars Hertzberg have all understood Jesus' parable of the Good Samaritan as dealing with the proper attitude of any person to his or her fellow human beings. Reading the parable against the background of... more
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      Peter WinchLuke-ActsSamaritan Studies
Discusses the famous drachm kept in the British Museum and known as “The First Jewish Coin”. It is considered by some scholars to be a unique and unparalleled representation of the God of Israel (Yahweh). The paper argues that this coin... more
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      Jewish StudiesArchaeology of Ancient IsraelNumismaticsAchaemenid Persia
In the year 756/1355 Abū l-Fatḥ ibn Abī l-Ḥasan al-Sāmirī al-Danafī wrote the Samaritan chronicle Kitāb al-Tārīkh, which concludes with a cycle of legends narrating the rise of Islam. Their narrative focuses on the story of the prophet... more
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    • Samaritan Studies
This fragment of a manuscript, found in a private collection, belongs to thé samaritan Pentateuch. Each side represents three and a half verses of thé book of Genesis. The exécution points to a late date (19th cent.). Nevertheless it... more
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      Hebrew LanguageHebrew ManuscriptsSamaritan StudiesBiblical Hebrew
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      New TestamentGospelsHistorical JesusGospel of John