Serbian Nationalism
Recent papers in Serbian Nationalism
The aim of this paper would be to analyze the rise to power of the Yugoslavian politician Slobodan Milosevic, with and emphasis on the applied nationalistic and populistic politics and their effect on his career. Often seen as a notorious... more
ABSTRACT: The paper explores relations of both Serbian nationalist and antinationalist intellectuals towards Karl Kraus’ work. Analysis of the “Last days of mankind“ shows that Kraus wrote satires against ruling circles of the Habsburg... more
In this article we will describes the basic features of " Ideology of Nationalism " in a unity. Then, we will make comparision in the identification by addressing the Hroch's " three stages of nationalism " which were rapidly spreading... more
The continuous rise of the Serbian state in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is often described as a typical example of the Piedmont-style of national unification. The conventional historiography emphasises the role popular... more
Nažalost, ideološke postavke (anti)srpskih liberala o “genocidu” u Srebrenici, i njihov odnos prema srpskim žrtvama, preuzimaju i pojedinci i grupe koje se deklarišu kao marksističke, komunističke i antiliberalne. Iako govore o... more
20.yüzyılın sonlarında Balkanlarda meydana gelen Bosna ve Kosova savaşları dünya kamuoyunun ilgisini ve bölgeye yönelik çalışmaların sayısını artırmıştır. Çalışmalarda özellikle Boşnak ve Arnavutlara yönelik soykırıma varan politikalara... more
Academic Conference: "Western Balkans after 2013 enlargement – Escape from the limbo?"
This article examines the structure of the correlation between Hungarian and Central and Eastern European radical right-wing ideology and the field of religion. It briefly presents the relations of radical right wing groups and Christian... more
It is extremely difficult for a state to survive without international recognition; even so, some de facto states have been established and continue to exist. Others do not, and have been wiped off the face of the earth again. This... more
Nažalost, ideološke postavke (anti)srpskih liberala o “genocidu” u Srebrenici, i njihov odnos prema srpskim žrtvama, preuzimaju i pojedinci i grupe koje se deklarišu kao marksističke, komunističke i antiliberalne. Iako govore o... more
Starting with an assessment of the relations between the discourses of tradition, nation and modernization in the interwar monthly review for children Jugoslovenče, this paper reveals a link between the ideologies of ethnic nationalism... more
Artykuł poświęcony jest językowej konstrukcji ideologii Načertanija Ilii Garašanina. Tekst został w póź - niejszym czasie uznany za manifest serbskiego nacjonalizmu i z tego powodu należałoby bliżej przeanalizować jego symbolikę. Pierwsza... more
This study aimed to examine the nationalist processes through which Serbia gained its independence in 1878, and the effects of these processes on the collapse of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The Serbian nationalist... more