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The Proceedings include the contributions of the XIth All-Russian Conference with international participation named after Prof. V.V. Zaykov»Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy-2024». The Proceedings includes extended abstracts... more
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Глава из коллективной монографии: Степное: новые горизонты: коллективная монография / Е.В. Куприянова, Н.С. Батанина, Б.К. Хэнкс, Д.Г. Зданович, Л.Л. Гайдученко, М.Н. Анкушев, И.А. Блинов, А.А. Гольева, Дж.А. Джонсон, А.В. Епимахов, Н.Ф.... more
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    • Late Bronze Age
The article is devoted to the contribution of Igor Borisovich Vasiliev in the study of the Bronze Age of the Volga region. In 2024, the Samara State Pedagogical University will celebrate 50 years of archaeological activity and 20 years of... more
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      ArchaeologyBronze AgeInterdisciplinary ApproachVolga Region
An analysis "The prehistoric origins of the domestic horse and horseback riding" by Markku Niskanen is presented. It is shown that the author did not take into account a number of factors that served as an obstacle to the emergence of... more
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      MythologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Early Bronze AgeHorse Riding
Семененко А.А. Отсутствие критического мышления, недостоверность и манипуляция сознанием как проблемы применения цифровых технологий в образовательно- просветительской деятельности (о видеолекции Семьяна И.А. «Колесничный комплекс... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyExperimental Archaeology
Семененко А.А. Проблема проникновения псевдолингвистики в системы учреждений школьного образования и подготовки педагогических кадров (на примере пропаганды синташтинского «арийского» «языка» в высших учебных заведениях и школьных музеях... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryEducationIndo-european language reconstruction
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyMobility (Archaeology)Strontium Isotope AnalysisSintashta
На основании обобщающего анализа известных и новых сведений, предложено четыре главных критерия, характеризующих укреплённые поселения синташтинско-петровского типа: 1 – расположение вблизи берегов рек и озёр Урало-Казахстанских северных... more
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      Fortified Settlements (Archaeology)SintashtaSintashta CultureBronze Age Ural-Kazakhstan Steppes
The interconnectedness of the ancient European, Eurasian and Chinese worlds is not doubted, but just what was exchanged and how the transmission of ideas took place is a question very much under investigation. This paper examines... more
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      Roman EmpireAncient Horse HarnessingHan China
Abstract of the doctoral dissertation of Ulchitsky O.A. Topic: “Formation of a system of fortified settlements in the Southern Urals in the 3rd-2nd millennia BC.” makes a significant contribution to the scientific direction in specialty... more
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      PrehistoryProtohistoryHistory and theory of architectureSintashta
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      ChinaCentral AsiaPrehistoric Rock ArtAncient Near Eastern History
Cool temperate semi-arid vegetation landscape around the Arkaim eco-preserve was introduced and the phytogeographical differences between forest steppe in and around the Arkaim, south-eastern Ural, and semi-arid subtropical savanna in... more
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Spatial distribution of bioavailable strontium in the South Trans-Urals. Aim. Development and test of a methodology for obtaining a bioavailable strontium map suitable for studying migrations and mobility in the Bronze Age in the Southern... more
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      MigrationLate Bronze Age archaeologyStrontium Isotope AnalysisLate Bronze Age
The article presents the results of the typological division of mounds of the Sintash culture. There are 4 types in total. Type 1. There are two grave pits in the center of the burial. The remaining burials are located around them in one... more
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The work is devoted to a discussion of the main archaeozoological parameters of sacrificial animals and the forms of their representation based on materials from one of the burial mounds of the Sintashta culture. When processing... more
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Семененко А. А. Усиление роли исторического просвещения в системе общего образования и проблема псевдопросвещения (на примере преподавания истории родного края в бронзовом веке в Челябинской области) // Учитель крупным планом: материалы... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyExperimental Archaeology
European Bronze Age societies are generally characterised by increased mobility and the application of isotopic methods to archaeology has allowed the rate and range of human travels to be quantified. However, little is known about the... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyMobility/MobilitiesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)
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      Ancient HistoryArchaeologyBronze AgeBronze
The article describes the results of a scientific study on the typology of the Southern Urals fortified settlements of the Bronze Age development. Archaeological data comprehensive analysis related to the architectural and urban planning... more
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      Aegean Bronze Age (Bronze Age Archaeology)SintashtaBonze ageSouth Urals
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      Bronze AgeBronze
В 2022 г. во время продолжающихся раскопок поселения позднего бронзового века Панагия 1 в юго-западной части Таманского п-ва среди большого количества различных костяных изделий были выделены при трасологическом изучении три орудия... more
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В данной статье в хронологической последовательности рассматриваются археологические памятники культур бронзового века, открытые на Тамани за последние четверть века.
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    • Археология, степи Северной Евразии, бронзовый век.
В статье проанализирована история изучения памятников финала среднего бронзового века (СБВ) в степи и лесостепи Причерноморья. В зависимости от степени изученности материалов и методологических новаций в историографии выделены три... more
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    • Археология, степи Северной Евразии, бронзовый век.
By means of the Bayesian analysis of radiocarbon dates, a comparison of chronologies of the Kamennyi Ambar settlement and the cemetery of Kamennyi Ambar-5 of the Late Bronze Age Syntashta-Petrovka period has been carried out. Both sites... more
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      Bronze Age ArchaeologyBayesian Radiocarbon DatingLate Bronze AgeSintashta
Нашим коллективом была проделана работа по уточнению границ и относительной хронологии поселения позднего бронзового века Куйсак I (Победа) находящегося в непосредственной близости от укрепленного поселения Куйсак (Кизильский район... more
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologyArchaeology of the Eurasian steppe beltEurasian Steppe In the Bronze and Iron Ages
The new monograph, which continues a series of publications on the study of archaeological sites near Stepnoye village (Plast district of Chelyabinsk region, Russia), introduces materials from both old excavations and the results of... more
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      Stable Isotope AnalysisLate Bronze Age archaeologySintashta
This research aims to contribute to our knowledge of the chronology of the main cultural entities of the Bronze Age in the Southern Urals. The objectives of this work include the verification of earlier conclusions regarding individual... more
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      ArchaeologyGeochemistryRadiocarbonLate Bronze Age archaeology
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      ArchaeologyIranian ArchaeologyVedic SanskritAvestan (Languages And Linguistics)
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      Materials ScienceKnitted FabricsComposite MaterialMetal
This research aims to contribute to our knowledge of the chronology of the main cultural entities of the Bronze Age in the Southern Urals. The objectives of this work include the verification of earlier conclusions regarding individual... more
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      Late Bronze Age archaeologySintashtaRadiocarbon Dating (Archaeology)Andronovo
The article considers the chronology issues of two cultural traditions in the Southern Trans-Ural Bronze Age that poorly provided with radiocarbon dates. Stratigraphy and a set of artifacts (mainly ceramics) made it possible to reveal two... more
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      ArchaeologyBronze AgeRadiocarbon ChronologyBayesian Modeling
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      GeographyBronze Age
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      Ancient HistoryGeographyBronze AgeBronze
The paper is devoted to the study results of kurgan Halvay 5, which is located on the left bank of the Tobol branch of the Karatomar Reservoir (Northern Kazakhstan, Kostanay Region) 7 km to the north-east of Halvay and 500 m to the... more
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      GeographyArchaeologyBronze Age ArchaeologyEnd of the Bronze Age
This paper reports on the recent discovery in western Xinjiang of three Late Bronze Age walled sites located on high hilltops, with a fourth on a terrace above a river bed. The hilltop sites contain very small clusters of residential... more
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European Bronze Age societies are generally characterised by increased mobility and the application of isotopic methods to archaeology has allowed the rate and range of human travels to be quantified. However, little is known about the... more
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      Mobility/MobilitiesBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Mobility (Archaeology)Strontium Isotope Analysis
Статья содержит результаты изучения каменного материала, использованного при строительстве фундаментов трех крупных зданий (№ 300, 294/206 и 144), исследованных в Фанагории на раскопе «Верхний город». В результате анализа и типологизации... more
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      Geochronology & isotope GeologyArchaeological ProspectionAncient Trade & Commerce (Archaeology)Black Sea Region Archaeology
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      GeographyArchaeologyGeochemistryArchaeological Science
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Based on archaeological materials from the Kamennyi Ambar-5 cemetery, we test the hypothesis about the connection between the seasonality of pastoral practices and funerary rites during the Late Bronze Age (early 2nd millennium BC). We... more
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      Funerary ArchaeologyBronze Age ArchaeologySeasonalitySintashta
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    • Clothing
Семененко А.А. Проблема соблюдения стандартов просветительско-образовательной и научно-реконструкторской деятельности учреждениями науки и культуры (на примере заповедника «Аркаим») // Традиционная и инновационная педагогика в современной... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMuseum Studies
Семененко А.А. Псевдонаука и фальсификация под видом просветительско-образовательной деятельности (о фильме «Аркаим. Колесница времени») // Традиционная и инновационная педагогика в современной системе образования и воспитания: материалы... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeological Science
Семененко А.А. Проблема соблюдения стандартов просветительско-образовательной и научно-реконструкторской деятельности учреждениями науки и культуры (на примере заповедника «Аркаим») // Традиционная и инновационная педагогика в современной... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMuseum Studies
Семененко А.А. Псевдонаука и фальсификация под видом просветительско-образовательной деятельности (о фильме «Аркаим. Колесница времени») // Традиционная и инновационная педагогика в современной системе образования и воспитания: материалы... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeological ScienceArchaeological Method & Theory
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      Late Bronze AgeSintashtaRadiocarbon Dating (Archaeology)
Вводятся в научный оборот краниологические материалы эпохи бронзы из Синташтинского комплекса памятников, хранящиеся в Кабинете антропологии Томского госуниверситета. Фрагменты мозговых коробок двух взрослых индивидов происходят из... more
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      Bronze Age (Archaeology)Bronze AgeSintashtaCraniometry
In the vicinity of Site Dobroe on the right bank of the Voronezh River it was discovered an accumulation of the Neolithic monuments, on the three of which the Early Neolithic pottery of the Srednedonskaya culture of the VI millennium BC... more
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