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Головні компоненти системи сполук Нітрогену – комплекс нітрогеновмісних речовин, які утворюють внутрішньоґрунтовий цикл іммобілізації і мобілізації мінеральних форм за допомогою мікроорганізмів. Участь мікроорганізмів у функціонуванні... more
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      Soil QualitySoil FertilitySoil Nitrogen DynamicsSoil nitrogen
The potential of a stepwise fusion of proximally sensed portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectra and electromagnetic induction (EMI) with remote Sentinel-2 bands and a digital elevation model (DEM) was investigated for predicting soil... more
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      Soil ScienceRemote SensingBenefit Cost AnalysisDigital soil mapping
Urban grasslands are turfgrass dominated landscapes of varying functions and uses that are ubiquitous in areas associated with human population growth and urbanization. While these landscapes are perceived to serve a primarily aesthetic... more
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      BiogeochemistryTurfgrass ScienceSoil Carbon DynamicsSoil Microbiology
The Earth's land surface is dominated by sloping landscapes. Every year, soil erosion laterally distributes on the order of 75 Gt of topsoil (Berhe et al. 2007). The coupled biogeochemical cycles of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) are... more
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      Soil Carbon CycleSoil ErosionSoil Nitrogen Dynamics
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      Soil ScienceEcosystems EcologyBiogeochemistrySoil Erosion
Sugarcane has been widely used as a biofuel crop due to its high biological productivity, ease of conversion to ethanol, and its relatively high potential for greenhouse gas reduction and lower environmental impacts relative to other... more
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      Soil carbon sequestrationHawaiian StudiesBiofuelsSugarcane
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      Soil ScienceNitrogen CycleNitriteSoil Nitrogen Dynamics
Agricultural lands are subject to changes in use for a variety of environmental and economic reasons. Among these changes, shifts between crops and grasslands are particularly common. Understanding the effects of these changes on soil... more
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      Soil Carbon CycleGrassland EcologyNitrogen CycleNitrification
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      Organic agricultureEnvironmental SciencesGreenhouse Gas EmissionsSoil Nitrogen Dynamics
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      Soil Carbon CycleGrassland EcologyPlant DiversityBiological Sciences
Despite increasing interest in the effects of climate change on soil processes, the response of nitrification to elevated CO2 remains unclear. Responses may depend on soil nitrogen (N) status, and inferences may vary depending on the... more
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      Stable isotope ecologyGrassland EcologyGlobal Environmental ChangeNitrogen Cycle
Enhancement of soil nitrogen (N) cycling by grazing has been observed in many grassland ecosystems. However, whether grazing affects the activity only of the key microbial functional groups driving soil N dynamics or also affects the size... more
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      Biodiversity and Ecosystem FunctionMicrobial diversityGrassland EcologyNitrogen Cycle
Abstract The potential of a stepwise fusion of proximally sensed portable X-ray fluorescence (pXRF) spectra and electromagnetic induction (EMI) with remote Sentinel-2 bands and a digital elevation model (DEM) was investigated for... more
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      Environmental ScienceGeologySoil ScienceRemote Sensing
Random reductions in plant diversity can affect ecosystem functioning, but it is still unclear which components of plant diversity (species number – namely richness, presence of particular plant functional groups, or particular... more
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      BiodiversitySoil Microbial EcologyPlant DiversityNitrification
Grazing has traditionally been viewed as detrimental to plant growth, but it has been proposed that under certain conditions, grazing may lead to compensatory or overcompensatory growth. However, comprehensive information on the relative... more
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      Plant-Herbivore InteractionsModellingSavanna EcologyHerbivory
Extensification modify the C and N cycles in grassland ecosystems, but it is not clear whether reduced exploitation increases or decreases soil nitrogen availability, and whether these changes result from a direct effect of the treatment... more
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      Soil Carbon CycleGrassland EcologyPlant DiversityNitrification
Land-use practices aiming at increasing agro-ecosystem sustainability, e.g. no-till systems and use of temporary grasslands, have been developed in cropping areas, but their environmental benefits could be counterbalanced by increased N2O... more
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      Soil ecologyNitrogen CycleGlobal Change BiologySoil Microbial Ecology
Defining response groups within N-related microbial communities is needed to predict land management effect on soil N dynamics, but information on such response groups and associated environmental drivers is scarce. We investigated the... more
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      Grassland EcologyNitrificationDenitrificationAmmonia Oxidizer and Denitrifiers Communities
Rice production is increasingly limited by water scarcity. Covering paddy rice soils with films (so-called ground cover rice production system: GCRPS) can significantly reduce water demand as well as overcome temperature limitations at... more
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      Soil carbon sequestrationSoil Nitrogen DynamicsSystem of Rice IntensificationRice Cropping System
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      Soil Science and Agricultural ChemistrySoil FertilityCastilla y LeónSoil Nitrogen Dynamics
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      GeologyNitrogen CycleMultidisciplinaryGlobal change
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      ResilienceKineticsDisturbance EcologyGrassland Ecology
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      PhycologyGrassland EcologyGlobal Change BiologySoil Microbial Ecology
Nickel mine spoils in New Caledonia represent an extreme environment, rich in nickel and strongly deficient in elementary elements such as carbon and nitrogen. To rehabilitate these sites, revegetation attempts are performed with endemic... more
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      Environmental RemediationMiningContamination and remediationRemediation
Stimulation of nitrification and denitrification by long term (from years to decades) grazing has commonly been reported in different grassland ecosystems. However, grazing generally induces important changes in plant species composition,... more
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      Grassland EcologyPlant DiversityNitrificationDenitrification
Management by combined grazing and mowing events is commonly used in grasslands, which influences the activity and composition of soil bacterial communities. Whether observed effects are mediated by management-induced disturbances, or... more
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      Grassland EcologyNitrogen CycleSoil Microbial EcologyPlant Diversity
This article appeared in a journal published by Elsevier. The attached copy is furnished to the author for internal non-commercial research and education use, including for instruction at the authors institution and sharing with... more
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      ResilienceDisturbance EcologyGrassland EcologySoil Microbial Ecology
Global environmental changes are expected to alter ecosystem carbon and nitrogen cycling, but the interactive effects of multiple simultaneous environmental changes are poorly understood. Effects of these changes on the production of... more
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      Grassland EcologyGlobal Environmental ChangeNitrogen CycleClimate Change Impacts
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      Soil Carbon CycleSoil ErosionSoil Nitrogen Dynamics
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      HistorySoil ScienceAgronomyBiogeochemistry
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      Organic agricultureEnvironmental SciencesGreenhouse Gas EmissionsSoil Nitrogen Dynamics
Згідно з теорією внутрішньоґрунтового циклу Нітрогену, пул органічних сполук N поділяється на активну фазу, яка складається з негуміфікованих рослинних залишків, відмерлої мікробної біомаси і продуктів її деструкції та пасивну фазу –... more
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      Soil ScienceEnvironmental Soil ScienceSoil QualitySoil Fertility
Many studies have assessed the responses of soil microbial functional groups to increases in atmospheric CO2 or N deposition alone and more rarely in combination. However, the effects of elevated CO2 and N on the (de)coupling between... more
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      MicrobiologyCarbon DioxideMicrobial EcologyEcology
Steam disinfestation is an ecologically less harmful alternative to synthetic chemical fumigants such as methyl bromide, which is being phased out of use due to its ozone-depleting properties. Although previous studies have characterized... more
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      ResilienceNitrogen CycleNitrificationSoil Respiration
The influence of switches in grassland management to or from grazing on the dynamics of nitrifier activity, as well as the abundance of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, AOB and ammonia-oxidizing archeae, AOA, was analyzed for two years after... more
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      ResilienceDisturbance EcologyGrassland EcologyNitrogen Cycle
Nitrogen (N) availability in grasslands varies with agricultural land use. Traditional management regimes of mowing for hay and manuring in subalpine meadows maintain plant communities with exploitative functional strategies suited to... more
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      Grassland EcologyFertilizer ManagementPlant DiversityNitrification
• The objective of this study was to better identify the mechanisms by which elevated CO2 (c. 665 µmol mol − 1) alters soil nitrifying and denitrifying enzyme activity (NEA and DEA), and the dynamics of plant and microbial N pools. • We... more
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      Grassland EcologyNitrogen CycleGlobal Change BiologyClimate Change Impacts
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      Soil Carbon CycleSoil ErosionSoil Nitrogen Dynamics
Source materials and manure management may affect compost nutrient availability to plants. A laboratory experiment was conducted to determine the impact of these factors on the N and P release from 23 on-farm and 6 industrial composts.... more
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      CompostingSoil phosphorusSoil Nitrogen DynamicsCompost
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      Soil fertility managementSoil FertilityVolcanic soilsSoil Nitrogen Dynamics
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      Analysis of Soil Samples for ElementsSoil Nitrogen DynamicsAgronomy, Soil Microbiology, Nitrogen FixationSoil carbon and nitrogen cycle