Rice Cropping System
Recent papers in Rice Cropping System
La evapotranspiración y necesidades de riego del arroz son un tema pendiente. Se ha determinado la evapotranspiración de un arroz tipo indica a partir de técnicas de covarianza de torbellinos. Se propone un método para la determinación... more
Built on deep-rooted political and cultural heritage, ‘rice security’ is the foundation of ‘food security’ in Bangladesh. The country has been in production-surplus of rice in the current decade feeding over 165 million people. This... more
As a consequence of increasing urbanization and shortage of good quality water, wastewater irrigation is a growing phenomenon in many arid and semi-arid countries. A common characteristic of wastewater is high salinity, with cities... more
Extreme weather conditions due to strong wind and high rainfall cause rice lodging. Lodged plants have lower photosynthetic rate and nutrient transport capacity which resulting in lower rice quality.
The study on " Hydro-Physical Characteristics of soils of Jorhat District under Paddy cultivation " was carried out with the objective to generate information on soil water relationships in soils of Jorhat district under paddy... more
. in questo lavoro viene analizzata la bioplastica, ottenuta dall'amido di mais, nei suoi aspetti produttivi e di utilizzazione in agricoltura nella formulazione di films pacciamanti, con evidenti vantaggi ambientali ed aziendali dovuti... more
The present research work was carried out at two distinct locations (Research Field and Farmer's Field) of District Jabalpur, Madhya Pradesh during two cropping season of rice i.e. Kharif of 2015 and 2016. Farmer's Field was less... more
Rice is one of the main dietary foods widely consumed by Kurdish people in the Kurdistan Region. In this research, five different types of rice samples have been studied. The starch content of rice samples was found to be in the range of... more
Evaluation of 400-cropping index implementation on irrigated lowland rice base system using soybean. The planting pattern of irrigated lowland in East Java is rice–rice–rice or rice–rice–“palawija”, in other words having cropping... more
An important foundation for crop improvement is the availability of accurate knowledge of its genetic diversity. Rice, being a major world crop, has attracted great attention in the area of genetic diversity studies. Conventional breeding... more
— The study examined sources of risk and management strategies among farmers in rice post harvest management in Niger State. The research was undertaken in five Local Government Areas of Niger State, namely Katcha, Lavun, Paikoro, Shiroro... more
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is the staple crop in Bangladesh and different factors influence its productivity. Among these factors, desired number of plant spacing per unit area is important for higher yield attainment.Therefore, this study... more
Rice consumption is a source of arsenic (As) exposure, which poses serious health risks. In this study, the accumulation of As in rice was studied. Research shows that As accumulation in rice in Taiwan and Bangladesh is higher than that... more
In order to study mode of gene action in rice for traits related to yield [spikelet per panicle, per cent filled grains, 1000 - grain we ight (g) and yield per plant] and drought tolerance (proline content and stomatal... more
Tulisan ini dimuat sebagai lampiran dalam buku: Krisis Pangan dan "Sesat Pikir": Mengapa Masih Berlanjut? Yunita T. Winarto (peny). Yayasan Pustaka Obor Indonesia, 2016. hlm. 198--201. Paper singkat ini adalah sinopsis beberapa video... more
The study focuses on Production & Productivity of Rice in Andhra Pradesh.
As rice farming is not an overnight wonder, it has evolved while facing challenges imposed by nature in form of drought, flood, cyclone, epidemics etc. Thus, the skills of farming developed include various types of best practices, which... more
One of the major issues facing humankind is global food security. A changing climate, coupled with a heightened consumer awareness of how food is produced and legislative changes governing the usage of agrichemicals for improving plant... more
van Driem, George. 2017. ‘The domestications and the domesticators of Asian rice’, pp. 183-214 in Martine Robbeets and Alexander Savelyev, eds., Language Dispersal Beyond Farming. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.
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This study examines the factors that affect marketing channel selections of rice farmers in Thailand, which are believed to be distinctive compared with those of other agricultural products. One of the possible reasons for the differences... more
Use of inorganic fertilizers constitutes 20% of the rice production cost in Mwea. Azolla fern, which grows in Mwea Irrigation paddies, has the potential to supplement the nitrogen requirement, thus reducing the fertilizer costs. A field... more
Over the last two decades, significant changes in lowland rice cultivation practices have occurred in mainland Southeast Asia. Here, we compare lowland rice farming in six provinces in northeastern Thailand and four districts in... more
Authors Spangenberg, Joachim H., Beaurepaire, Alexis L., Bergmeier, Erwin, Burkhard, Benjamin, Ho Van Chieng, Le Quoc Cuongh, Görg, Christoph, Grescho, Volker, Le Huu Hai, Heong, K.L., Horgan, Finbarr G., Hotes, Stefan, Klotzbücher,... more
The cultivated rice (Oryza Sativa L.) belongs to the tribe, Oryzeae under the sub family Pooideae, in the grass family Gramineae (Poaceae). It is classified into two broad species; the Asian (sativa L.) and African (glabberima Steud)... more
Through this book, specialists from around the world share the latest information on the ecology and management of Golden Apple Snails (now referred to as Invasive Apple Snails) in a single, comprehensive publication. The lessons and... more
Several major cereal groups have been identified as staples used by the pre-urban, urban and post-urban phase populations of the Indus Civilisation (3200–1500 BCE): wheat, barley, a range of small hulled millets and also rice, though... more
International, Open access, Peer reviewed, Free * Call for papers * Dairy cattle management, health and welfare in smallholder farms: An organic farming perspective by Charles Odhong’, Raphael Wahome, Mette Vaarst, Muhammad Kiggundu,... more
Rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a staple food for three billion people and paddy fields contribute greatly to greenhouse gases (GHG) emission and environmental nitrogen losses. Rice paddies need to be managed in a novel and sustainable way to... more
A green house experiment was conducted in the net house of the Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi (U.P.) during kharif, 2013 to find out the effect... more
* A four star open access journal * International, Open Access, Peer reviewed, Free * Impact of the consumer’s environment on the demand for organic food in France, by Élise Maigné, Sylvette Monier-Dilhan & Thomas Poméon. * A high... more
Recent and projected changes in the Tanzanian climate and population suggest that adaptation strategies will be increasingly necessary to meet the crop production and water use requirements of people in the Rufiji River Basin. This... more
The growing seasons usually depends on the seedling transplanting dates. Proper sowing time is good cultural practice to complete growing phase successfully. This research was conducted on the basis of randomized... more