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The present contribution describes and discusses the methodology of the corpus phonological research program (Inter-)Fonología del Español Contemporáneo —(I)FEC—, which aims to document both the phonic variation in the Spanish-speaking... more
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      PhoneticsSpanish Phonetics/Phonology
Mexican Spanish is generally recognized as a conservative variety that maintains syllable-final /s/, while Puerto Rican Spanish consistently weakens it. To explore what social properties are indexed by coda /s/ variants and whether these... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSpanishPhoneticsLanguage Variation and Change
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      Curriculum DesignStudent Motivation And EngagementIntonationForeign language teaching and learning
A description and comparison of the phonological systems of Spanish, Catalan and English —both Received Pronunciation and General American— focusing on vowels and consonants.
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      SpanishPhonologyCatalan LanguageEnglish
ENGLISH This first-grade thesis is about the description of phonetic features in the variety of Castilian spoken in Andalusia (south region of Spain). Especially, it focuses on general phenomena and philological changes involved in the... more
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      DialectologySpanish LinguisticsPhonetics and PhonologyFilología Hispánica
During the last few years, experimental phonetics has shed light on the majority of the uncharted areas of the universe of the allophones of the Spanish language. However, the middle and prepalatal point of articulation are still far from... more
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      Experimental PhoneticsPalatalizationFricativesGreek phonetics and phonology
A senior honors thesis for the Department of Spanish and Portuguese which explores historical linguistics, language change, optimality theory, synchrony, diachrony, and the mutual influence between Arabic and Hispano-Romance in the... more
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      Spanish StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsPhonetics
La aparición de realizaciones fónicas fricativas (rehiladas) para el yeísmo se ha asociado tradicionalmente a determinadas áreas dialectales meri-dionales; sin embargo, no es extraño detectar su presencia en el habla de... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeAcoustic PhoneticsPhonetics and PhonologyYeísmo
ES: Desde el punto de vista lingüístico, son conocidas las repercusiones del Trastorno del Espectro Autista (TEA) en la comunicación y el lenguaje, sin embargo, existen pocos estudios específicos para el nivel Fonético-Fonológico. El... more
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      PhoneticsAutism Spectrum DisordersStatistical AnalysisPhonetics and Phonology
This work supposes a new look at the “yeísmo” phenomenon, which usually has been treated from a regional perspective. In this case, a revision on the whole Spanish domain is been done based on the analysis of linguistic atlas data. Such a... more
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      Language Variation and ChangeSpanish PhoneticsYeísmoSpanish Phonetics/Phonology
Despite previous studies on Eastern Andalusian Spanish, interest in this geolect boomed only after the theory of vowel doubling was posited for this variety of Spanish. According to this theory, in Eastern Andalusian Spanish, vowels... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsSpanish LinguisticsAl-Andalus
This study uses a prominent phonetic variable in U.S. Spanish (orthographic <v> as bilabial or labiodental) to investigate heritage Spanish speakers' social perceptions. Based on the results of a matched-guise test in which 75 US-born... more
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      PhoneticsSociolinguisticsSociophoneticsSpanish Linguistics
"En el estudio de la oralidad en sincronía se ha observado que algunos procesos reseñados en obras de corte historicista parecen reproducirse en el habla espontánea actual. Éste podría ser el caso de la consonante nasal ante diptongo... more
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      Nasal consonantsSpanish Phonetics/PhonologyNasal PalatalizationPhonetic Variation In Spanish
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      English Phonetics and PhonologyForeign language teaching and learningLanguage GamesTeaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
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      Curriculum DesignStudent Motivation And EngagementIntonationForeign language teaching and learning
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      Curriculum DesignStudent Motivation And EngagementForeign language teaching and learningLanguage Games
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      A Short History of Clinical Linguistics and PhoneticsHistoriografia LinguísticaSpanish Phonetics/PhonologyHistory of Foreign Language Teaching
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      Curriculum DesignIntonationForeign language teaching and learningTeaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
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      Curriculum DesignIntonationForeign language teaching and learningTeaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
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      SociolinguisticsImmigrationMediterranean StudiesArgentina
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      ArtSociolinguisticsImmigrationMediterranean Studies
The goal of this study is to highlight the importance of taking into account variations in monolingual grammars before discussing majority language influence as a possible source of heritage speakers’ divergent grammars. In this study, we... more
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‘Yeísmo’ in Spanish has rarely been studied from a phonetic perspective and, if it has, the usual approach has been that of articulatory phonetics. In this study, by contrast, the main focus is on the perceptual component of the merger.... more
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      Speech perceptionPhonetics and PhonologySound changeYeísmo
La electropalatografía es una herramienta que permite conocer los puntos en que la lengua hace contacto con el paladar durante el habla. El presente estudio exploratorio utiliza esta herramienta, novedosa en Colombia, con el objetivo de... more
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      Spanish LinguisticsElectropalatographyFonéticaSpanish Phonetics/Phonology
When speaking their heritage language, heritage speakers typically sound much like other "native speakers." However, recent studies have found that heritage speakers (HSs) are highly variable and produce a range of more and less... more
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      Research Methods and MethodologyHeritage language studiesSpanish Phonetics/Phonology
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      Foreign language teaching and learningTeaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageLanguage TransferTeaching culture in foreign languages
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      Laboratory/Experimental PhonologyIntonationForeign language teaching and learningTeaching Spanish as a Foreign Language
This paper is a first approach to flapping in Spanish. This phenomenon has been traditionally associated with /l/, but recent research has revealed that it is also possible with other coronal consonants, namely /n, d, s/. With this data... more
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      Acoustic PhoneticsSpanish Phonetics/PhonologyRhotacismSound variation
In this article, aiming to investigate the effects of language attrition among Brazilian learners (from the city of Porto Alegre) of Spanish (L2), we analyze the production of the word-final unstressed vowel /e/ in both their L1 and L2... more
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      Laboratory/Experimental PhonologyAcoustic PhoneticsLanguage AttritionFirst Language Attrition
Costa Rican Spanish listeners associate intervocalic [z] with specific social attributes in a matched-guise test (Chappell, 2016) but experience difficulty when explicitly asked to produce or even comment on the variant. Given this... more
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      PerceptionPhoneticsSpanish LinguisticsCosta Rica
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      Second Language AcquisitionCatalan StudiesSpanishPhonology
La explicación de los contextos de yod primera propone habitualmente una palatalización de las oclusivas /t/ y /k/ en latín hablado y, a partir de estos segmentos palatales, una africada dentoalveolar medieval (Quilis 2005: 114-119; Ariza... more
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      Diachronic Linguistics (Or Historical Linguistics)Spanish HistorySound changeSpanish Phonetics/Phonology
"La coordinación (o retraso) del comienzo de la sonoridad, o VOT por sus siglas en inglés, se define típicamente como la diferencia en tiempo entre la apertura de la oclusión labial, dental o velar de la consonante (distensión, que marca... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageSecond Language AcquisitionPhonologyPhonetics
Recent studies on linguistic change and specifically, on sound change, have shown that the evolution of a language seems to start with the existence of variation (cf. Bybee 1998, 2001; Lindblom 1990a, 1990b; Ohala 1974, 2005). This is... more
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      PhoneticsDialectologySociophoneticsLanguage Variation
Coda-final consonant deletion has been extensively documented in Eastern Andalusian Spanish; however, its effects on neighbouring segments is still unknown. Scholars working on consonant deletion in Eastern Andalusian Spanish have mainly... more
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Introductory chapter to my new volume, Recent Advances in the Study of Spanish Sociophonetic Perception. More information here: https://benjamins.com/catalog/ihll.21
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      Languages and LinguisticsPhoneticsSociolinguisticsSociophonetics
É apresentada, neste artigo, uma comparação acústica referente à altura, anterioridade/posterioridade e duração vocálica da vogal átona final /e/, entre a variedade do Português Brasileiro (PB) falada em Porto Alegre/RS e a variedade do... more
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      SpanishPhoneticsLaboratory/Experimental PhonologyPhonetics-Phonology Interface
ABSTRACT In this paper we compare the Spanish and Chinese vowel systems as pronounced by native speakers in order to analyze afterwards the peculiarities of the Spanish vowels produced by a group of Chinese students with an intermediate... more
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      Spanish StudiesPhoneticsSpanish LinguisticsSpanish as a Foreign Language
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      HistoryPhonologyPhoneticsSpanish Linguistics
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      DialectologyLinguistic AtlasGeolinguisticsDialectología
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      History of LinguisticsHistoriography of LinguisticsA Short History of Clinical Linguistics and PhoneticsSpanish Phonetics/Phonology
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      Laboratory/Experimental PhonologyEnglish Phonetics and PhonologyLanguage Attritionprosody, acoustic phonetics, pronunciation and prosody training in L2
En andaluz oriental y en murciano el debilitamiento extremo de algunas consonantes finales de palabra, especialmente de -/s/, se suele compensar con la abertura de la vocal adyacente y este rasgo de abertura se puede extender hasta las... more
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      SpanishPhonologyDialectologyLanguage Variation and Change
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      IntonationForeign language teaching and learningTeaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageLanguage Transfer
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      ArtSociolinguisticsImmigrationMediterranean Studies
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      IntonationForeign language teaching and learningTeaching Spanish as a Foreign LanguageLanguage Transfer
This chapter examines acoustic data from six speech communities in the northern Andean region of Ecuador to describe allophonic variation in the Spanish rhotics /r, ɾ/ and approximants /ʎ, j/, as well as their relationship to the Quichua... more
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      SpanishPhoneticsSpanish LinguisticsSpanish in contact with other languages
Coda-final consonant deletion has been extensively documented in Eastern Andalusian Spanish; however, its effects on neighbouring segments is still unknown. Scholars working on consonant deletion in Eastern Andalusian Spanish have mainly... more
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