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Ergotism was a terrible plague in southern Italy through the second millennia, especially in the regions of Basilicata and Calabria. Yet, there is a severe lack of scholarship on the subject. In the absence of multidisciplinary studies,... more
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      FolkloreHistory of MedicineMagna GraeciaGreek Colonization (Magna Graecia and Sicily)
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      Medieval SerbiaMedieval IconographyMedieval HagiographySt. Vitus
Видовдан као верско-национални празник имао је крајем 19. и почетком 20. века веома важну улогу у афирмисању и хомогенизовању српске националне свести у Далмацији. Прво значајније обележавање почело је на 500-годишњицу Косовске битке, то... more
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      Dalmatian historySt. VitusSerbs In Austro-Hungarian Empire
RESUMO Este texto tem por meta analisar um conjunto documental pouco explorado referente às pesquisas do médico Raimundo Nina Rodrigues sobre fenômenos coletivos registrados entre o final do século XIX e inicio do XX. Pretendemos dar... more
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      HistoryGabriel TardeHuntington's diseaseSocial Contagion
Analysis of various sources from Late Antiquity to the early Middle Ages, with a focus on texts by Church Fathers and conciliar norms intended to regulate the dancing practices, enables examination of the formation of Christian prejudice... more
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      ChristianityMedieval HistoryDance StudiesPlato
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      Cult of SaintsSaints' CultsInsanityMadness