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      Gender StudiesNatural Language ProcessingComputational LinguisticsStylometrics
This article continues a historical review on the emergence and development of stylometrics which was published in the previous volume of “Structural and Applied Linguistics”. Being founded by Wilhelm Dittenberger, stylometrics expanded... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)StatisticsLanguages and LinguisticsPsychometrics
The aim of this study is to perform an evaluation of ninety-nine Spanish Golden Age theatre plays of undisputed authorship using the R package Stylo, the stylometric analysis tool developed by Eder, Rybicki, and Kestemont (2016). In this... more
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      StylometricsAuthorship AttributionSpanish Siglo de Oro DramaMiguel de Cervantes
An advantage of corpus-based language studies is that global descriptions of linguistic texts can be obtained by examining a broad range of linguistic features. However, multivariate statistical techniques are required to analyze the... more
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      Computational LinguisticsStylisticsStylometricsCorpus Linguistics
This article analyses the use of film style in Rashomon (1950) to determine if the different accounts of the rape and murder provided by the bandit, the wife, the husband, and the woodcutter are formally distinct by comparing shot length... more
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      Cultural HistoryPhilosophyFilm StudiesStylometrics
Монография посвящена актуальному направлению изучения проблем стилистики методами математической лингвистики. В книге анализируются роль и место стилеметрии в филологических исследованиях, обсуждаются ее познавательные принципы и задачи,... more
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      Russian LiteratureInterdisciplinarityStylisticsStylometrics
This article proposes a data transformation method to normalize Zipfian distributed data, significantly improving the solution of authorship attribution problems.
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      EconometricsHistorical LinguisticsApplied EconometricsStylometrics
This article (co-authors: David J. Wrisley and Liliane Dulac) attempts to identify the different styles employed by Christine de Pizan in all of her works using empirically based stylometric analysis. The results, at once heuristic but... more
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      Feminist TheoryMedieval French LiteratureStylometricsChristine de Pizan
Il presente Glossario nasce dalla necessità di far chiarezza sui concetti base della linguistica forense, disciplina di intersezione tra i saperi umanistici e le scienze forensi. L’obiettivo principale dell'opera è la conciliazione... more
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      PhilologyForensicsForensic LinguisticsItalian Studies
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      PhilologyBioinformaticsComputer ScienceAlgorithms
This spreadsheet contains the data used for the research described in Tom Deneire, “Filelfo, Cicero and Epistolary Style: A Computational Study”, in Jeroen De Keyser (ed.), Filelfo, Man of Letters (Leiden: Brill, 2018), 239-270. It... more
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      PhilologyLatin LiteratureComputational LinguisticsStylistics
This article presents an event probability versus event frequency notation for the linguistic power law, lifting several imperfections of the commonly used Zipf-Mandelbrot expression. The improved notation fulfills the conditions to... more
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      EconometricsHistorical LinguisticsApplied EconometricsStylometrics
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      Literary CriticismStylisticsLiterary StylisticsStylometrics
We wisten nooit wie de auteur van het Wilhelmus was, maar computeranalyses tonen aan dat dat waarschijnlijk Petrus Datheen is – iemand anders dus dan de meest genoemde kandidaat voor het auteurschap, Philips van Marnix van St. Aldegonde.... more
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Drawing from the most recent developments in the field of Digital Humanities, the article showcases some of the most promising methods as well as some of the most useful tools for computational textual analysis. Textometry, stylometry and... more
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      Digital HumanitiesStylometricsRomanian LiteratureNetwork Analysis
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      Latin LiteratureRoman HistoryStylometricsBiography
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      PhilologyGerman StudiesGerman LiteratureLiterature
Seit der „Rückkehr des Autors“ gewinnen Fragen literarischer und wissenschaftlicher Autorschaft weiter an Bedeutung. Der vorliegende Band bereitet die seitdem erschienene Forschungsliteratur anschaulich auf und erschließt in historischen... more
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Η παρούσα μελέτη ασχολείται με τις υφολογικές εκφάνσεις των μηνυμάτων του Έλληνα Πρωθυπουργού, υπό τη μορφή διαγγελμάτων, κατά τη διάρκεια της καθολικής απαγόρευσης κυκλοφορίας στην ελληνική επικράτεια την περίοδο της πανδημίας του... more
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      Discourse AnalysisStylometricsCorpus LinguisticsPolitical Speech Analysis
Данная работа является первой частью более крупной двухчастной статьи под заявленным названием. В предлагаемой части рассматривается эпоха первичного становления стилеметрии. Рассматривается широкий междисциплинарный контекст,... more
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      Systematics (Taxonomy)EconometricsStatisticsPsychometrics
In 1833, the year prior to his death, Coleridge stated that ‘I never put pen to paper as translator of Faust’, but Burwick and McKusick believe that he did just that.11 The editors’ account of Coleridge's alleged translation of Faust has... more
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      Translation StudiesRomanticismStylometricsAuthorship Attribution
La formazione SILF per l’a.a. 2022 comprenderà 8 seminari tematici, parte integrante dell’offerta formativa della Scuola di Linguistica Forense (dipendente dall’Istituto Nazionale di Linguistica Forense). I seminari saranno certificati... more
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      PhilologyDigital HumanitiesLanguages and LinguisticsForensic Linguistics
Μαθιουδάκης, Ν. (2015). Η γλωσσική ποιητική ταυτότητα του Καβάφη και του Καζαντζάκη: μια συγκριτική μελέτη. Στο Κ. Α. Δημάδης (επιμ.), Πρακτικά του Ε΄ Ευρωπαϊκού Συνεδρίου Νεοελληνικών Σπουδών/ Proceedings of the 5th European Congress of... more
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      StylisticsLiterary StylisticsStylometricsModern Greek literature
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      Comparative LiteratureHumanitiesDigital HumanitiesMedieval Literature
This is a paper done for a graduate seminar at Northern Illinois University. It touches upon some of my early theory in what is developing as what I call Subjective Stylometry. It is a close study of a Hemingway story.
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      StylometricsErnest HemingwayLiterature StylometricsStylometry and Stylistics
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      Medieval StudiesStylometricsPrincipal Component AnalysisBernard of Clairvaux
Caracteres. Estudios culturales y críticos de la esfera digital. Vol. 5 n. 2 correspondiente a noviembre de 2016.
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      Latin American StudiesSpanish LiteratureArt HistoryDigital Humanities
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An experimental study, in which stylometric methods are applied on selected ancient and mediaeval Chinese texts.
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      Computational LinguisticsStylometricsAncient Chinese TextsChinese Language and Linguistics
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      StylometricsOld Church SlavonicPolish LiteratureText Analysis, Computational Lexicography, Digital Libraries, Web Information Retrieval, Semantics, Language Technology
PDF AVAILABLE HERE: https://users.utu.fi/lmputk/ In this dissertation, I study indirect translation. Indirect translation is a translation made from a translation, and it may include compilative and/or collaborative practices, that is,... more
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      Translation StudiesMixed MethodsTextual ScholarshipStylometrics
There is a long history of stylometric approaches to questions of authorship of the Íslendingasögur, most particularly the question of whether Snorri Sturluson wrote Egils saga. Wieselgren (1927) used the frequencies of a series of... more
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      StylisticsLiterary StylisticsStylometricsOld Norse Literature
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      Spanish LiteratureDigital HumanitiesStylometricsBibliotecas Digitales
The aim of this article is to study the complete poetry of Luis de Góngora using a contrastive analysis. To this end, the poems, which do not pose any attribution problem, published in digital format by the Observatoire de la vie... more
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      Digital HumanitiesStylometricsLuis de GóngoraSpanish poetry
This article focuses on some of Robert E. Howard's stylistic tendencies and qualities. It also offers a general introduction to my theory of "Subjective Stylometry"—done by the enlightened "tagging" of a text through close reading and... more
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      StylometricsRobert E. Howard StudiesStylometry and Stylistics
Michael MacPherson and Yoav Tirosh, “A Stylometric Analysis of Ljósvetninga saga”, Gripla 31, pp. 7-41. Ljósvetninga saga is preserved in two primary versions, the A-redaction and C-redaction. These two redactions feature... more
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      PhilologyHumanitiesDigital HumanitiesLanguages and Linguistics
Co-organisation du séminaire du Labex avec Motasem Alrahabi.
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      Digital HumanitiesStylometricsText MiningNetwork Analysis
This is a paper done for a seminar at Northern Illinois University. It includes some of my theory toward the development of what I call Subjective Stylometrics. It is a close study of a famous story by Brett Harte.
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      StylometricsNarratologyBret HarteLiterature Stylometrics
Popular songs can be regarded as a fine representation of modern society and culture. In particular, the lyrics of popular songs are the most important aspect for understanding the sense of values and linguistic sensitivity in a given... more
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      SociologyPopular MusicPopular CultureComputational Linguistics
On the Nominal Style of Pre-Election Statuses The paper forms part of a broader research aimed at the linguistic and communicative specific features of the pre-election social-media communication. By means of orientation upon the... more
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      StylometricsSocial MediaNounsSlovak language
The quantitative analysis of writing style (stylometry) is becoming an increasingly common research instrument in philology. When it comes to medieval texts, such a methodology might be able to help us disentangle the multiple authorial... more
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      StylometricsDiplomatics (Medieval)Diplomatic chancery
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      PsychologyForensic LinguisticsSociolinguisticsStylometrics
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      PhilologyDigital HumanitiesForensic LinguisticsItalian Studies
**NB: This paper is taken from the draft of my article 'Quantitative analysis of sound in a short horror film' above. Audio segmentation comprises a set of techniques for analysing the features of audio signals, including motion picture... more
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      Film StudiesFilm SoundFilm Music And SoundStylometrics
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      Greek LiteratureTranslation StudiesStylometricsTranslation theory
Old English poems are difficult to date, largely anonymous, and written in a formulaic idiom, which makes it difficult to establish the authorship and intertextual relationships among the various poems. This essay employs computational... more
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      Historical LinguisticsStylometricsOld English LiteratureOld Saxon
Cet article a pour objectif de quantifier les spécificités syntaxiques gongorines par rapport à l'usage poétique de son temps, par extraction de séquences grammaticales récurrentes (sgr, ou n-grams de pos-tags) et comparaison avec un... more
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      StylometricsLuis de Góngora
Variation among human translations is usually invisible, little understood, and under-valued. Previous statistical research finds that translations vary most where the source items are most semantically significant or express most... more
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      Translation StudiesVisualizationStylometricsCorpus Linguistics and Translation Studies