Suicide Bombers
Recent papers in Suicide Bombers
Book Review of Anat Berko. The Path to Paradise: The Inner World of Suicide Bombers and Their Dispatchers. Santa Barbara: Prayer Security International, 2007.
Explores suicide bombers in Iraq between 2003 and 2007. It discusses the ideology, mythology, and strategy of martyrdom, including why foreign fighters become suicide terrorists.
What is the relationship between Mizrahi feminism and Israeli ultranationalism? What is the relevance of gender justice activism to the 2014 Gaza War and Israel’s foreign policy? Wrapped in the Flag of Israel Second Edition examines... more
Discusses the symbolism of martyrdom in Palestinian suicide attacks.
Embracing the tactic of suicide bombings first in 2003, the Taliban in Afghanistan quickly emerged as the leading terrorist group in the world that has claimed responsibility for such bombings. Over a period of more than 10 years, the... more
Armed conflicts and violence have always been concomitant with human history but it is undeniable that our perception of them has undergone some disturbing evolution of late. Whereas in the past wars and organized violence were mainly... more
The increasing visibility of armed women in violent conflicts in the modern world has unsettled conventional beliefs of inferiority, weakness, innocence, and the resultant fragility and victimhood of women. Although in theory it is... more
The article focuses on the increased procedural mobility of world citizens in the twenty first century. The rationality of the United States war on terror requires that each travelling individual be seen as a potential threat, pitting the... more
Ariel Merari purports to demonstrate a tendency on the part of suicide bombers to be motivated by depression and suicidal tendencies. However, he misconstrues the present authors’ critique of his work and misinterprets their research.... more
Recent work by Ariel Merari argues that, while certain contextual factors increase the probability of suicide attacks, they do not explain why particular individuals become suicide bombers. Merari seeks to demonstrate that suicide... more
Terror Management Theory (TMT) contends that while self-preservation is common to all species, only humans are aware of their own mortality. This awareness is terrifying, both consciously and unconsciously and needs to be managed.... more
Salafist Jihadists circumvent the Islamic prohibition against self-destruction in order to legitimize suicide attacks around the globe. They do so by departing from their strict constructionist orientation to textual authority, and... more
This paper will analyze the phenomenon of Suicide Bombing by showing the extent of their motivations as perceived by both by the victims and the perpetrators, as well as the use of stereotypes by media and scholars from both sides of the... more
Die Medien berichten regelmäßig über Selbstmordattentate im Irak, in Pakistan und Afghanistan. Eine geringere mediale Aufmerksamkeit erhalten gewaltfreie Formen des Selbstopfers wie die Selbstverbrennung und das Todesfasten. Jenseits von... more
The gender-based violence in recent times has become an integral part of the ongoing Boko Haram Insurgency in NorthEast Nigeria. Since the full-scale declaration of combat between the Nigerian state and the insurgent group, the... more
In this essay the well-known French researcher Olivier Roy points out how terroristic attacks with Islamic background has become a systematic increase. He has laid the focus on France. Especially the Islamic State(IS) deals with a... more
List of publications by Prof. Mohammed M. Hafez, Department of National Security Affairs at the Naval Postgraduate School. Organized by Google Scholar: