Recent papers in Taal
Legenda bij de vertaling van Georges Perecs La Disparition. Het boek La Disparition van Georges Perec is zo rijk van inhoud, zo rijk van symboliek dat ik tijdens de vertaling ervan meermalen uitriep dat ik over al die informatie en al... more
Taal’s Heritage Town in Batangas Province was one of the few symbolic preserved towns of the country that represents the vibrant past of colonization in its progressive contemporary setting. The spur was the heritage conservation dilemma... more
The objectives of the study focuses on the status of the embroidery business in four areas of business management namely; organization, production, marketing, and financial management to identify the related problems and propose measures... more
Despite the hazards, the population within active volcanic areas has been increasing. Urbanization in these areas result to changes in land cover and increase of communities at risk. Thus, an accurate understanding of land cover in... more
At the noon of January 12, 2020, Taal Volcano that has been virtually silent for over forty-three years has once again erupted which started as a phreatic eruption. In a matter of hours, by 18:30 UTC +8, the Philippine Institute of... more
Infographics is one of the recently utilized information, education and communication material in disasters. As there have been an increasing number of sudden volcanic eruptions and their hazardous impacts on people, this research aims to... more
Recensie van een boek over de geschiedenis van het Nederlands met bijzondere aandacht voor de rol van migratie en taalcontact op taalveranderingen.
Ik richt me in dit schrijven expliciet op taal als een middel voor intermenselijke communicatie. Het begrip ‘communicatie’ is al bijna zo breed als het begrip taal zelf, maar wat bedoelen we eigenlijk met communicatie? Komen we dichterbij... more
At the noon of January 12, 2020, Taal Volcano that has been virtually silent for over forty-three years has once again erupted which started as a phreatic eruption. In a matter of hours, by 18:30 UTC +8, the Philippine Institute of... more