The grotesque in art and literature
Recent papers in The grotesque in art and literature
Sarah Lucas is one of the greatest artists I know belonging to the generation that rose during the Clinton Nineties. She has a feeling for her materials that quite simply takes your breath away, a formidable command over sculptural form,... more
In 1513 Quentin Massys, a Flemish Artist, finished a painting appropriately titled: “An Old Woman (The Ugly Duchess).” Little did he know, however, that this painting would spark interest, inspiration, and invoke mystery in the centuries... more
I have a longstanding interest in John Ruskin’s writings about work and craftsmanship, which influenced Gandhi’s philosophy. In recent years I have been intrigued by Ruskin’s seminal work on the “grotesque.” His ideas fed into the modern... more
On pourra définir l'effet grotesque comme ce vertige particulier qui s'empare du récepteur et le déstabilise –au moins provisoirement– par l'intrusion d'éléments (images, codes linguistiques, éléments habituellement antagonistes et... more
Le grotesque est un effet et non un fait. Partant de ce constat, cette étude se présente comme un essai d'interprétation de cette expérience existentielle que serait le grotesque avant d'être une catégorie esthétique. Rémi Astruc propose... more
Maîtrise en Études anciennes, concentration littératures anciennes, Maître ès arts (M.A.) Québec, Canada Sous la direction du professeur Alban Baudou Perse débute son œuvre en rejetant systématiquement toutes les sources inspiratrices... more
ENTRO la cultura figurativa del Quattrocento, che consacra e diffonde l'idea della bellezza, della rappresentazione armonica ed equilibrata delle forme e dei sentimenti, servendosi del canone classico, recupera-to in forma idealizzante e... more
Celem niniejszego artykułu jest eksplikacja trudnych do uchwycenia relacji między pojęciami piękna, brzydoty i groteski oraz związanej z nią kategorii ciała groteskowego w poezji Jana Andrzeja Morsztyna. Studium wskazuje na źródła... more
MASTER THESIS Die Arbeit versteht sich als eine kulturtheoretische und musikanalytische Bestimmung des Phänomens des Grotesken für den Untersuchungsgegenstand des zeitgenössischen Musiktheaters. Das Groteske wird in der aktuellen... more
Throughout its long history, the grotesque has been mostly been discussed for the various, even opposing, types of representation it has been depicted and traced through. As an aesthetic category of art and literature, it has constantly... more
An analysis and discussion of the various sources that served as inspiration for my visual art installation entitled The Disobedient Dollhouse. These sources include the literary fiction of the 19th-century Gothic novelists, gothic horror... more
The study seeks to analyze Jeff Vander Meer’s ‘Borne’ (2017) and ‘Dead Astronauts’ (2019) to describe how the shaping power of monstrosity, weirdness, complexity, and grotesquery in a post-apocalyptic setting can best be appreciated once... more
A review of The Dark Side of G. K. Chesterton by John C. Tibbetts, Gilbert 25:2 (November/December 2021): 32-33. This is a review of a book about Chesterton's depiction of the grotesque and even evil in his fiction. It covers also his... more
Utilizing an analytic philosophy of the history of anarchism and its relation to subsequent artists and thinkers, from the Verists to the Dadaists and beyond, this work critically investigates the first half of the career of firebrand... more
Biographical note of the art historian Nicole Dacos (1938-2014), specialist of Raphael, of the discovery of the grotesques in Rome and of the foreign artists working in Rome in the 16th century.
The review essay discusses Kajetan Mojsak’s book Groteska w polskiej prozie narracyjnej 1945–1968 (Grotesque in Polish fiction 1945–1968, Warsaw: Instytut Badań Literackich, 2014) against a broader background of Polish and world context... more
LA STRETTA correlazione tra le teste grottesche e gli studi anatomici fu sottolineata inizialmente da Léon Lagrange nel 1862 - «Les prétendues charges de Léonard sont, à proprement parler, des études naturalistes» - e poi da Carlo De... more
Il libretto de "Il diavolo nel campanile" è una riscrittura del celebre racconto di Edgar Allan Poe. Adriano Lualdi rielaborò i materiali narrativi dell’autore americano, ispirandosi al teatro simultaneo futurista. L’articolo analizza le... more
The study seeks to analyze Jeff Vander Meer’s ‘Borne’ (2017) and ‘Dead Astronauts’ (2019) to describe how the shaping power of monstrosity, weirdness, complexity, and grotesquery in a post-apocalyptic setting can best be appreciated once... more
A discussion of the aesthetics, context, and cultural and artist significance of mask visors, which were skillfully embossed in steel and form and important but largely unrecognized subgenre of the armorer's art in 16th century Europe.
This essay considers the function of the grotesque mode in Rawi Hage’s novels Cockroach (2008) and Carnival (2012). The grotesque is a provocative tool with which Hage draws attention to the predicament of the class of poor and... more
in "Au dedans, au dehors", collana ( n. 13 – maggio 2020), a cura di Daniela Calabrò, Dario Giugliano, Rosalia Peluso, Anna Pia Ruoppo, Luca Scafoglio
Die zur Veröffentlichung überarbeitete Fassung meiner Dissertationsschrift erscheint am 6.12.2021 bei Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht in der Reihe "Historische Semantik". Das Inhaltsverzeichnis des Buches können Sie hier einsehen. The table of... more
Cross-dressing is a pivotal element in John Donne’s “Elegy 16”, specifically his use of the page-disguise motif. This paper explores its nature and significance within the poem and the broader context of early modern English literature.... more
Considering its primordial significance in his novels, this book chapter explores critically the rhetoric and aesthetics of the grotesque in the light of Charles Dickens's representations of medicine, doctors and a vast array of literal... more
Published in: Bates, Catherine, Graham Huggan, Milena Marinkova and Jeffrey Orr, eds. Visions of Canada/Visions du Canada. Canadian Studies in Europe/Études Canadiennes en Europe, 6. Brno (Masaryk Press), 2007. 163-174. In his plays,... more
This paper builds a theoretical bridge between the notions of coloniality and the grotesque. It provides thus an aesthetic interpretative framework for analysing cultural productions in modern contexts from postcolonial approaches. The... more
The master’s thesis “Mythopoetics in the early plays of Jordan Plevneš” comprises interpretations of the plays of the Macedonian writer Jordan Plevneš, which point out to the mytopoetics system formed in his early creative phase. In the... more
Penelitian yang berjudul Pandangan Publik Mengenai Seni Grotesko ini dilatarbelakangi oleh keresahan di masyarakat dimana masih sedikit orang yang paham dan mengerti arti dari seni gortesko sehingga penulis termotivasi untuk melakukan... more
Maîtrise en Études anciennes, concentration littératures anciennes, Maître ès arts (M.A.) Québec, Canada Sous la direction du professeur Alban Baudou Perse débute son œuvre en rejetant systématiquement toutes les sources inspiratrices... more
The aim of this article is to explicate relationships between the concepts of beauty, ugliness and grotesque as well as the category of a grotesque body in the poetry of Jan Andrzej Morsztyn. The author indicates the sources of grotesque... more
Lo grotesco, lo monstruoso, lo siniestro y lo abyecto resultan conceptos imprescindibles en el pensamiento contemporáneo. Representan lo extraño, lo diferente, lo inquietante, lo repulsivo; todo aquello que se escapa de la norma y de lo... more
Physiognomics (namely ‘knowledge of nature’) has received a wealth of scholarly attention over the centuries and has aroused the interest of historians, philosophers, artists, and scientists. Variously acknowledged as an art or questioned... more
NB: Extrait seulement / Extract only : page 1 This paper focuses on the rhetoric of the monstrous in a selection of Francophone African fictional texts related to events of war in contemporary Sub-Saharan Africa. Drawing in particular... more
B.A. thesis in Icelandic on the aesthetics of curiosity, the parallax view and poetics in Sjón's From the Mouth of the Whale. May 2021. Supervised by Birna Bjarnadóttir
The paper analyses the links between the literary grotesque and first-person narration. Except drama, it is the first-person fiction that affords most room for the grotesque. There are several reasons for such a close alliance between the... more